Joshua Jones 75ece68dcf Added cross-platform Mutex and Thread classes.
Made cAudio, cAudioCapture, cAudioManager and other classes thread safe.
Made cAudioManager use a seperate update thread by default.
Added cAudioSleep, a cross-platform sleep() function
Moved global defines to cAudioDefines
Added defines to disable thread safety or the internal update thread if the user wishes it
Updated tutorials to reflect the changes made
2009-08-29 11:24:31 +00:00

64 lines
2.0 KiB

//cAudio 1.7.1 Tutorial 2
//Basic 3d Audio. Moving Audio source. Must be mono sound source
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
//Include IAudioManager so we can easily work with cAudio
#include "../../include/IAudioManager.h"
//Include IAudio so we can create cAudio objects
#include "../../include/IAudio.h"
//Include The cAudio vector class
#include "../../include/cVector3.h"
//Include our version of Sleep to free CPU usage
#include "../../include/cAudioSleep.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
//To make visual studio happy
cAudio::IAudio* mysound;
//Some fancy text
cout << "cAudio 1.7.1 Tutorial 2: 3dSound \n";
//Hold audio source x position
float x = 0;
//Grap the cAudioManager
cAudio::IAudioManager* manager = cAudio::getAudioManager();
//Init the cAudio Engine
//Grab the listener object, which allows us to manipulate where "we" are in the world
//It's useful to bind this to a camera if you are using a 3d graphics engine
cAudio::IListener* listener = manager->getListener();
//Create a IAudio object and load a sound from a file
mysound = manager->createFromFile("bling","../../bin/bling.ogg",true);
//Set the IAudio Sound to play3d and loop
//play3d takes 4 arguments play3d(toloop,x,y,z,strength)
if(mysound && listener)
//Playback sound
x+=0.1f * 0.017453293f; //0.1 degrees a frame
float realX = sinf(x)*10.f;
//Sleep for 1 ms to free some CPU
//Delete all IAudio sounds
//Shutdown cAudio
return 0;