
179 lines
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#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <AL/al.h>
#include <AL/alc.h>
#include "../include/IAudio.h"
#include "../Include/cVector3.h"
#include "../Headers/cMutex.h"
#include "../include/ILogger.h"
//! Size of each internal buffer for sound (total amount buffered is BUFFER_SIZE * NUM_BUFFERS)
#define BUFFER_SIZE ( 1024 * 64 )
//! Number of internal buffers to cycle through (Note: using only 1 leads to choppy sound or premature ending of sources)
#define NUM_BUFFERS 3
namespace cAudio
class cAudio : public IAudio
cAudio(IAudioDecoder* decoder);
//! Plays the source with the default or last set values
virtual bool play();
//! Plays the source in 2D mode
virtual bool play2d(const bool& toLoop = false);
//! Plays the source in 3D mode
virtual bool play3d(const cVector3& position, const float& soundstr = 1.0 , const bool& toLoop = false);
//! Pauses playback of the sound source
virtual void pause();
//! Stops playback of the sound source
virtual void stop();
//! Controls whether the source should loop or not
virtual void loop(const bool& toLoop);
//! Seeks through the audio stream to a specific spot
/** Note: May not be supported by all codecs
\param seconds: Number of seconds from the start of the audio stream to seek to
\return True on success, False if the codec does not support seeking. */
virtual bool seek(const float& seconds);
//! Normally called every frame by the audio manager to update the internal buffers
//! Note: For internal use only.
virtual bool update();
//! Releases all resources used by the audio source, normally used to clean up before deletion
//! Note: For internal use only.
virtual void release();
//! Returns if the source is ready to be used
virtual const bool isValid() const;
//! Returns if the source is playing
virtual const bool isPlaying() const;
//! Returns if the source is paused
virtual const bool isPaused() const;
//! Returns if the source is stopped
virtual const bool isStopped() const;
//! Returns if the source is looping
virtual const bool isLooping() const;
//! Sets the position of the source in 3D space
virtual void setPosition(const cVector3& position);
//! Sets the current velocity of the source for doppler effects
virtual void setVelocity(const cVector3& velocity);
//! Sets the direction the source is facing
virtual void setDirection(const cVector3& direction);
//! Sets the factor used in attenuating the source over distance
//! Larger values make it attenuate faster, smaller values make the source carry better
//! Range: 0.0f to +inf (Default: 1.0f)
virtual void setRolloffFactor(const float& rolloff);
//! Sets how well the source carries over distance
//! Same as setRolloffFactor(1.0f/soundstrength)
//! Range: 0.0f to +inf (Default: 1.0f)
virtual void setStrength(const float& soundstrength);
//! Sets the distance from the source where attenuation will begin
//! Range: 0.0f to +inf
virtual void setMinDistance(const float& minDistance);
//! Sets the distance from the source where attenuation will stop
//! Range: 0.0f to +inf
virtual void setMaxDistance(const float& maxDistance);
//! Sets the pitch of the source
virtual void setPitch(const float& pitch);
//! Sets the source volume before attenuation and other effects
//! Range: 0.0f to +inf (Default: 1.0f)
virtual void setVolume(const float& volume);
//! Sets the minimum volume that the source can be attenuated to
//! Range: 0.0f to +inf (Default: 0.0f)
virtual void setMinVolume(const float& minVolume);
//! Sets the maximum volume that the source can achieve
//! Range: 0.0f to +inf (Default: 1.0f)
virtual void setMaxVolume(const float& maxVolume);
//! Sets the angle of the inner sound cone of the source
//! Note: This causes the sound to be loudest only if the listener is inside this cone
//! Range: 0.0f to 360.0f (Default: 360.0f)
virtual void setInnerConeAngle(const float& innerAngle);
//! Sets the angle of the outer sound cone of the source
//! Note: If the listener is outside of this cone, the sound cannot be heard. Between the inner cone angle and this angle, the sound volume will fall off
//! Range: 0.0f to 360.0f (Default: 360.0f)
virtual void setOuterConeAngle(const float& outerAngle);
//! Sets how much the volume of the source is scaled in the outer cone
//! Range: 0.0f to +inf (Default: 0.0f)
virtual void setOuterConeVolume(const float& outerVolume);
//! Sets the doppler strength, which enhances or diminishes the doppler effect
//! Range: 0.0f to +inf (Default: 1.0f)
virtual void setDopplerStrength(const float& dstrength);
//! Overrides the doppler velocity vector
virtual void setDopplerVelocity(const cVector3& dvelocity);
//! Convenience function to automatically set the velocity and position for you in a single call
//! Velocity will be set to new position - last position
virtual void move(const cVector3& position);
//!Returns the audio objects position
virtual const cVector3 getPosition() const;
//!Returns the audio objects velocity
virtual const cVector3 getVelocity() const;
//!Returns the audio objects direction
virtual const cVector3 getDirection() const;
//! Returns the factor used in attenuating the source over distance
virtual const float getRolloffFactor() const;
//! Returns the strength of the source
virtual const float getStrength() const;
//! Returns the distance from the source where attenuation will begin
virtual const float getMinDistance() const;
//! Returns the distance from the source where attenuation will stop
virtual const float getMaxDistance() const;
//!Returns the pitch of the source
virtual const float getPitch() const;
//!Returns the source volume before attenuation and other effects
virtual const float getVolume() const;
//! Returns the minimum volume that the source can be attenuated to
virtual const float getMinVolume() const;
//! Returns the maximum volume that the source can achieve
virtual const float getMaxVolume() const;
//! Returns the angle of the inner sound cone of the source
virtual const float getInnerConeAngle() const;
//! Returns the angle of the outer sound cone of the source
virtual const float getOuterConeAngle() const;
//! Returns how much the volume of the source is scaled in the outer cone
virtual const float getOuterConeVolume() const;
//!Returns the doppler strength, which enhances or diminishes the doppler effect
virtual const float getDopplerStrength() const;
//!Returns the override for the doppler velocity vector
virtual const cVector3 getDopplerVelocity() const;
//Mutex for thread syncronization
cAudioMutex Mutex;
//Empties the current working buffer queue
void empty();
//Checks for OpenAL errors and reports them
void checkError();
//Steams audio data from the decoder into a buffer
bool stream(ALuint buffer);
//Internal audio buffers
ALuint Buffers[NUM_BUFFERS];
//OpenAL source
ALuint Source;
//cAudio decoder being used to stream data
IAudioDecoder* Decoder;
//Stores whether the source is to loop the audio stream
bool Loop;