Joshua Jones 30e5b4a99e Added support for all OpenAL Audio Effects. Access can be gotten through the main audio manager using the AudioEffects interface. IEffect provides access to effect parameters and allows for binding to cAudio sources. IFilter provides access to filters that can be attached to sources and effects.
Added conversion functions from our audio format enum to OpenAL's in preparation for supporting more formats.
Reorganized cAudio defines, made it easier to access some compile time parameters.
Fixed a bug where a source could not be played again after it reached the end of its audio stream.
Added better checking for sources.  IsValid() should provide a more useful indication of whether a source is usable.
Added error checking and logging to cAudioCapture.
Prevented initializing of cAudioManager until shutdown() has been called.
Added a tutorial for Audio Effects.
Added a footsteps sound for showing off Audio Effects.
Moved the default compile location for the main library to lib/.  The msvc project will copy the cAudio.dll to bin/win32-visual/
2010-01-11 00:39:08 +00:00

120 lines
5.9 KiB

#include "../include/IAudioCapture.h"
#include <vector>
#include <AL/al.h>
#include <AL/alc.h>
#include "../Headers/cMutex.h"
#include <string>
namespace cAudio
class cAudioCapture : public IAudioCapture
//! Checks to see if capturing audio is supported by OpenAL
bool checkCaptureExtension();
//! Initializes the capture device to the selected settings
/** Note that calling this will cause the capture device to be reinitialized. Calling while in use will clear the internal audio buffer.
\param deviceName: Name of the audio device to capture audio from, pass NULL to specify the default one
\param frequency: Frequency that the captured audio will be at in hz
\param format: Format of the captured audio
\param internalBufferSize: Size of the internal OpenAL buffer used to store the captured audio between calls to getCapturedAudio() in bytes.
\return True on success, False if the capture device failed to initialize.
virtual bool initialize(const char* deviceName = 0x0, unsigned int frequency = 22050, AudioFormats format = EAF_16BIT_MONO, unsigned int internalBufferSize = 8192);
//! Returns true if the current OpenAL implementation supports capturing audio
virtual bool isSupported() { return Supported; }
//! Returns true if the capture device is ready to be used. False may indicate an error with the current settings.
virtual bool isReady() { return Ready; }
//! Grabs samples from the OpenAL buffer into the capture buffer. Should be run once every audio frame.
virtual void updateCaptureBuffer(bool force = false);
//! Shuts down the capture device
virtual void shutdown();
//! Returns the name of an available capturing device.
/** \param index: Specify which name to retrieve ( Range: 0 to getAvailableDeviceCount()-1 ) */
virtual const char* getAvailableDeviceName(unsigned int index);
//! Returns the number of capture devices available for use.
virtual unsigned int getAvailableDeviceCount();
//! Returns the name of the default system capturing device.
virtual const char* getDefaultDeviceName();
//! Returns the name of the audio device being used to capture audio
virtual const char* getDeviceName() { return DeviceName.c_str(); }
//! Returns the frequency that the captured audio will be at
virtual unsigned int getFrequency() { return Frequency; }
//! Returns the format of the captured audio
virtual AudioFormats getFormat() { return Format; }
//! Returns the internal OpenAL buffer size in bytes
virtual unsigned int getInternalBufferSize() { return InternalBufferSize; }
//! Returns the size of a "sample" of audio data. Useful for making sure you grab audio data at sample boundaries
virtual unsigned int getSampleSize() { return SampleSize; }
//! Sets the audio device . Will cause the capture device to be reinitialized. Calling while in use will clear the internal audio buffer.
/** \return True on success, False if the capture device failed to initialize. */
virtual bool setDevice(const char* deviceName);
//! Sets the frequency that the captured audio will be at. Will cause the capture device to be reinitialized. Calling while in use may lead to a loss of audio data.
/** \return True on success, False if the capture device failed to initialize. */
virtual bool setFrequency(unsigned int frequency);
//! Sets the format that the captured audio will be at. Will cause the capture device to be reinitialized. Calling while in use may lead to a loss of audio data.
/** \return True on success, False if the capture device failed to initialize. */
virtual bool setFormat(AudioFormats format);
//! Sets the internal buffer size that OpenAL will use to store captured audio between calls to IAudioManager::update() in bytes. Will cause the capture device to be reinitialized. Calling while in use may lead to a loss of audio data.
/** \return True on success, False if the capture device failed to initialize. */
virtual bool setInternalBufferSize(unsigned int internalBufferSize);
//! Starts capturing audio data to an internal buffer. Will clear any old data in the buffer.
/** \return True if capture was successfully started. */
virtual bool beginCapture();
//! Stops capturing audio data to an internal buffer. Will copy any remaining audio data to the capture buffer.
virtual void stopCapture();
//! Allows access to the audio data in the internal capture buffer
/** Can be called at any time to retrieve recorded audio. It is recommended that you call it every so often to prevent the internal buffer from growing too large.
Once successfully retrieved, the captured audio will be deleted from the internal buffer.
\param outputBuffer: Pointer to an output array to copy audio data to.
\param outputBufferSize: Size of the output array in bytes
virtual unsigned int getCapturedAudio(void* outputBuffer, unsigned int outputBufferSize);
//! Returns the current size of the internal audio buffer in bytes
virtual unsigned int getCurrentCapturedAudioSize();
//! Grabs a list of available devices, as well as the default system one
void getAvailableDevices();
//Mutex for thread syncronization
cAudioMutex Mutex;
bool initOpenALDevice();
void shutdownOpenALDevice();
unsigned int Frequency;
AudioFormats Format;
unsigned int InternalBufferSize;
int SampleSize;
std::vector<char> CaptureBuffer;
std::vector<std::string> AvailableDevices;
std::string DefaultDevice;
bool Supported;
bool Ready;
bool Capturing;
std::string DeviceName;
ALCdevice* CaptureDevice;
//! Check for OpenAL errors
bool checkError();
//Converts our audio format enum to OpenAL's
ALenum convertAudioFormatEnum(AudioFormats format);