#!/usr/bin/python2 -B """ simple display to show results of disk.py """ import disk def bytes2human(bytes): units = ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E"] counter = 0 while bytes > 1024: bytes = bytes / 1024 counter += 1 return "%.1f%s" %(bytes, units[counter]) def blocks2bytes(blocks, blocksize): bytes = float(blocks) * float(blocksize) return bytes if __name__ == "__main__": diskmoninstance = disk.diskmon() notmounted = "Not mounted partitions:" for partition in diskmoninstance.partitions: if partition.has_key("mountpoint"): totalbytes = blocks2bytes(partition["total blocks"], partition["blocksize"]) #totalhuman = bytes2human(totalbytes) freebytes = blocks2bytes(partition["free blocks"], partition["blocksize"]) #freehuman = bytes2human(freebytes) print "Device:\t\t%s" %(partition["device"]) + \ "\nUUID:\t\t%s" %(partition["uuid"]) + \ "\nMountpoint:\t%s" %(partition["mountpoint"]) + \ "\nFilesystem:\t%s" %(partition["filesystem"]) + \ "\nUsage:\t\t%s/%s" %(bytes2human(freebytes), bytes2human(totalbytes)) + \ "\nFiles:\t\t%s\n" %(partition["files"]) else: notmounted = notmounted + " " + partition["device"] print notmounted #end of file