%if message: %end

{{ username }}

You are logged in. (logout)

This is your SocialNerds account self-service page.

It is free software and its code is hosted here.

Change password

Enter your old password and your desired password and hit the change button.
Watch typos! I will not watch for you.

Manage aliases

Aliases are additional email addresses which will be forwarded to your account. Besides your primary email address you can use an alias to send your emails.
Available domains: @aundas.org, @socialnerds.org, @phlo.at, @gmur.ml, @socialg.it
Be aware the limit of {{ max_aliases }} active aliases.

%for alias in aliases:


%if len(aliases) < max_aliases:

Forward all emails

Entering an external email address here will forward all incoming mails.
incl. incoming mails on aliases.

%if forward:

Delete account

Entering your password and hitting the delete button will render your SocialNerds account unavailable and remove all data from our servers.
The actual removal will happen within a week.