import argparse import difflib import functools import io import os import pathlib import re import shutil import subprocess import sys from packaging.version import Version from portage import output, colorize __version__ = "0.1" # number of parallel build jobs jobs = "4" # gentoo's fancy terminal output functions out = output.EOutput() out.print = lambda s: print(s) if not out.quiet else None out.hilite = lambda s: colorize("HILITE", str(s)) # disable colorization for pipes and redirects if not sys.stdout.isatty(): output.havecolor = 0 def version (string: str): """Extract the version from a given string.""" return Version("".join(filter( None,"(\d+.\d+.\d+)-gentoo(-\w+\d+)?", string).groups() ))) class Kernel: # kernel source directory src = pathlib.Path("/usr/src") # kernel source symlink linux = src / "linux" # module directory modules = pathlib.Path("/lib/modules") # EFI system partition esp = pathlib.Path("/boot") # EFI bootloader (stub kernel) boot = esp / "EFI/Gentoo/bootx64.efi" def __init__ (self, src): """Construct a Kernel based on a given source path.""" self.src = pathlib.Path(src) if not self.src.exists(): raise ValueError(f"missing source: {src}") try: self.version = version( except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"illegal source: {src}") from e self.config = self.src / ".config" self.bzImage = self.src / "arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage" self.bkp = self.boot.parent / f"gentoo-{self.version.base_version}.efi" self.modules = self.modules / f"{self.version.base_version}-gentoo" def __eq__ (self, other): if not isinstance(other, Kernel): return False return self.src == other.src def __str__ (self): return ( f"{}\n" f"* version = {self.version}\n" f"* src = {self.src}\n" f"* config = {self.config}\n" f"* bzImage = {self.bzImage}\n" f"* modules = {self.modules}\n" f"* bkp = {self.bkp}\n" ) @classmethod def list (cls, descending=True): """Get an descending list of available kernels.""" return list(sorted( (Kernel(src) for src in cls.src.glob("linux-*")), key=lambda k: k.version, reverse=descending )) @classmethod def current (cls): """ Get the currently running kernel. Returns: Kernel: the current kernel, pointed to by ``/usr/src/linux`` """ return cls(Kernel.linux.resolve()) @classmethod def latest (cls): """ Get the latest available kernel. Returns: Kernel: the newest kernel under ``/usr/src`` """ return cls.list()[0] def cli (f): """A top level exception handling decorator for script main functions.""" @functools.wraps(f) def handler (argv=sys.argv[1:]): try: r = f(argv) return 0 if r is None else r except Exception as e: out.eerror(str(e)) sys.exit(1) return handler def efi (f): """Decorator locating and mounting the ESP through efivars.""" @functools.wraps(f) def locator (*args, **kwargs): mounted = False # ensure access to the currently running EFI bootloader / stub kernel if not Kernel.boot.exists(): # find current bootloader mgr = ["efibootmgr"], capture_output=True, check=True ) lines = iter(mgr.stdout.decode().splitlines()) bootnum = "NaN" for l in lines: if l.startswith("BootCurrent"): bootnum = l.split()[1] break for l in lines: if l.startswith(f"Boot{bootnum}"): i = l.find("File") if i < 0: raise RuntimeError(f"error locating bootloader:\n{l}") i += 6 j = l.find(")", i) loader = pathlib.Path(l[i:j].replace("\\", "/")) break # find mountpoint for l in pathlib.Path("/etc/fstab").read_text().splitlines(): if not l.startswith("#"): for p in ["/boot", "/efi"]: if p in l: Kernel.esp = pathlib.Path(p) Kernel.boot = Kernel.esp / loader break else: continue break # mount esp if not Kernel.boot.exists(): try: ["mount", str(Kernel.esp)], capture_output=True, check=True ) mounted = True except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: msg = e.stderr.decode().strip() if f"already mounted on {Kernel.esp}" not in msg: raise RuntimeError(e.stderr.decode().splitlines()[0]) assert Kernel.boot.exists() try: return f(*args, **kwargs) finally: # umount esp if mounted:["umount", str(Kernel.esp)], check=True) return locator @cli def configure (argv): """ Configure a kernel. =================== Runs ``make menuconfig`` in the latest kernel's source directory if it is already configured, the current config missing or no other kernel is installed. Otherwise, configure the latest kernel with ``make oldconfig``, using the current kernel config. Command Line Arguments ---------------------- ``-s `` kernel source directory (default: latest) ``-q`` be quiet Files ----- The following files are created in the new kernel's source directory, storing details about changes in the configuration: ``.newoptions`` Newly added configuration options w.r.t. to the previous config (the output of ``make listnewconfig``). Process Outline --------------- This command is a mere wrapper to:: if [[ ! -f ${old}/.config || $(ls -1dq /usr/src/linux-* | wc -l) == "1"]] then cd ${new} make menuconfig else cp -n ${old}/.config ${new} cd ${new} make listnewconfig > .newoptions make oldconfig || exit fi """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="ekernel-configure", description="Configure a kernel.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "-l", dest="list", action="store_true", help="print newly added config options and exit" ) parser.add_argument( "-d", dest="delete", action="store_true", help="delete config (perform a fresh install / reconfigure)" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", metavar="", dest="src", type=pathlib.Path, default=Kernel.latest().src, help="kernel source directory (default: latest)" ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="be quiet" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) kernel = Kernel(args.src) out.quiet = args.quiet newoptions = kernel.src / ".newoptions" # check if current kernel config exists try: oldconfig = Kernel.current().config except FileNotFoundError: oldconfig = Kernel.esp / "FILENOTFOUND" # change to source directory os.chdir(kernel.src) # delete config - reconfigure if args.delete and kernel.config.exists(): out.einfo(f"deleting {kernel.config}") kernel.config.unlink() # make oldconfig if not kernel.config.exists() and oldconfig.exists(): # copy oldconfig out.einfo(f"copying {out.hilite(oldconfig)}") shutil.copy(oldconfig, kernel.config) # store newly added options out.einfo(f"running {out.hilite('make listnewconfig')}") make =["make", "listnewconfig"], capture_output=True) newoptions.write_text(make.stdout.decode()) # configure if not args.list: out.einfo(f"running {out.hilite('make oldconfig')}")["make", "oldconfig"], check=True) # make menuconfig elif not args.list: out.einfo(f"running {out.hilite('make menuconfig')}")["make", "menuconfig"], check=True) # check if we should print new options if args.list: if not newoptions.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"missing {newoptions}") for l in newoptions.read_text().splitlines(): opt, val = l.split("=", maxsplit=1) out.print(f" {opt} = {val}") @cli def build (argv): """ Build a kernel. =============== Build the latest kernel found in ``/usr/src`` or any other by supplying a source directory and install it's modules. Command Line Arguments ---------------------- ``-j `` number of parallel make jobs (default: 4) ``-s `` kernel source directory (default: latest) ``-q`` be quiet Process Outline --------------- Changes into the kernel's source directory and builds the image. This command is a mere wrapper to:: cd ${new} make -k ${jobs} && make modules_install """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="ekernel-build", description="Build a kernel.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "-j", metavar="", dest="jobs", type=int, default=int(jobs), help=f"number of parallel make jobs (default: {jobs})" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", metavar="", dest="src", type=pathlib.Path, default=Kernel.latest().src, help="kernel source directory (default: latest)" ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="be quiet" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) kernel = Kernel(args.src) out.quiet = args.quiet # check if config exists if not kernel.config.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"missing config: {kernel.config}") # change directory os.chdir(kernel.src) # build and install modules out.einfo(f"building {out.hilite(}")["make", "-j", str(], check=True) out.einfo("installing modules")["make", "modules_install"], check=True) @cli @efi def install (argv): """ Install a kernel. ================= Install the latest kernel found in ``/usr/src`` or any other by supplying it's source directory. Command Line Arguments ---------------------- ``-s `` kernel source directory (default: latest) ``-q`` be quiet Process Outline --------------- Update ``/usr/src`` to the given kernel, install it's ``bzImage`` into the EFI system partition as ``bootx64.efi`` and add a backup copy ``gentoo-${version}.efi`` in case something goes horribly wrong. This command is a mere wrapper to:: eselect kernel set $(basename ${src}) mount /boot esp=/boot/EFI/Gentoo cp ${src}/arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage ${esp}/bootx64.efi cp ${src}/arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage ${esp}/gentoo-${version}.efi """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="ekernel-install", description="Install a kernel.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "-s", metavar="", dest="src", type=pathlib.Path, default=Kernel.latest().src, help="kernel source directory (default: latest)" ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="be quiet" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) kernel = Kernel(args.src) out.quiet = args.quiet # check if bzImage exists if not kernel.bzImage.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"missing bzImage {kernel.bzImage}") # update symlink to the new source directory out.einfo( "updating symlink " f"{out.hilite(kernel.linux)} → {out.hilite(kernel.src)}" ) ["eselect", "kernel", "set",], check=True ) # copy boot image out.einfo(f"creating boot image {out.hilite(kernel.boot)}") shutil.copy(kernel.bzImage, kernel.boot) # create backup out.einfo(f"creating backup image {out.hilite(kernel.bkp)}") shutil.copy(kernel.bzImage, kernel.bkp) # rebuild external modules out.einfo(f"rebuilding external kernel modules")["emerge", "@module-rebuild"], check=True) @cli @efi def clean (argv): """ Remove unused kernel leftovers. =============================== Remove unused kernel source directories, modules and boot images. The default is to keep the ``k`` previous kernel versions in case something goes horribly wrong. Command Line Arguments ---------------------- ``-k `` keep the previous ```` kernels (default: 1) ``-n`` perform a dry run (show what would be removed) ``-q`` be quiet """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="ekernel-clean", description="Remove unused kernel leftovers.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "-k", metavar="", dest="keep", type=int, default=1, help="keep the previous bootable kernels (default: 1)" ) parser.add_argument( "-n", dest="dry", action="store_true", help="perform a dry run (show what would be removed)" ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="be quiet" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) out.quiet = args.quiet if args.keep < 0: raise ValueError("invalid keep value: must be greater equal zero") # kernels to remove kernels = Kernel.list() def obsolete (k): if args.keep and k.bkp.exists() and k.modules.exists(): args.keep -= 1 return False return True leftovers = filter(obsolete, kernels[kernels.index(Kernel.current()) + 1:]) # dry run if args.dry: if leftovers: out.einfo("the following kernels will be removed:") for k in leftovers: print(f" {colorize('BAD', '✗')} {}") else: out.einfo("nothing to see here") return # run depclean["emerge", "-cq", "gentoo-sources"]) # remove leftovers for k in leftovers: out.einfo(f"removing {out.hilite(}") shutil.rmtree(k.src) shutil.rmtree(k.modules, ignore_errors=True) k.bkp.unlink(missing_ok=True) @cli def commit (argv): """ Commit the current kernel config. ================================= Commit the current kernel config with a detailed commit message. This command module is a mere wrapper to:: git add -f /usr/src/linux/.config git commit -m "${msg}" Command Line Arguments ---------------------- ``-m`` additional information for the commit message ``-n`` perform a dry run (show what would be commited) ``-q`` be quiet """ msg = io.StringIO() def git (argv: list[str]): """Run git, capture output and check exit code.""" return["git"] + argv, capture_output=True, check=True) def summarize (diff: list[str]): """Generate the summary of changed options.""" def changes (s): return dict([ x[1:].split("=", maxsplit=1) for x in diff if x.startswith(s + "CONFIG") and "CC_VERSION" not in x ]) additions = changes("+") deletions = changes("-") changes = { k: (deletions[k], additions[k]) for k in additions.keys() & deletions.keys() } additions = {k: v for k, v in additions.items() if k not in changes} deletions = {k: v for k, v in deletions.items() if k not in changes} if additions: msg.write("\nenabled:\n") for opt, val in additions.items(): msg.write(f"* {opt} = {val}\n") if changes: msg.write("\nchanged:\n") for opt, (old, new) in changes.items(): msg.write(f"* {opt} = {old} → {new}\n") if deletions: msg.write("\nremoved:\n") for opt, val in deletions.items(): msg.write(f"* {opt}\n") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="ekernel-commit", description="Commit the current kernel config.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "-m", metavar="", dest="msg", type=str, default="", help="additional information for the commit message" ) parser.add_argument( "-n", dest="dry", action="store_true", help="perform a dry run (show what would be commited)" ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="be quiet" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) out.quiet = args.quiet # get the kernel under /usr/src/linux kernel = Kernel.current() # ensure that a config exists if not kernel.config.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"missing config: {kernel.config}") # change to source directory os.chdir(kernel.src) # ensure that we're in a git repository try: git(["status", "-s"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise RuntimeError(e.stderr.decode().strip()) # ensure that nothing is staged try: git(["diff", "--cached", "--exit-code", "--quiet"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise RuntimeError("please commit or stash staged changes") # get git root directory gitroot = pathlib.Path( git(["rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"]).stdout.decode().strip() ) # add unstaged config removals removals = [ gitroot / (l.rsplit(maxsplit=1)[1]) for l in git(["-P", "diff", "--name-status"]).stdout.decode().splitlines() if l.startswith("D") and "usr/src/linux" in l and ".config" in l ] for r in removals: git(["rm", r]) config_changed = True # check if current config is tracked already try: git(["ls-files", "--error-unmatch", kernel.config]) # config is tracked: check for changes try: git(["-P", "diff", "--exit-code", "--quiet", kernel.config]) # config hasn't changed: only removals remain config_changed = False if removals: msg.write("removed old kernel leftovers") if args.msg: msg.write(f"\n\n{args.msg}") # config changed except subprocess.CalledProcessError: git(["add", "-f", kernel.config]) msg.write("updated kernel config\n") if args.msg: msg.write(f"\n{args.msg}\n") summarize( git(["diff", kernel.config]).stdout.decode().splitlines() ) # config isn't tracked: kernel has been updated except subprocess.CalledProcessError: git(["add", "-f", kernel.config]) # /usr/src/linux/.config.old (previous config stored by make oldconfig) oldconfig = kernel.src / ".config.old" # start header msg.write("kernel ") # check if .config.old exists if oldconfig.exists(): # get previous version from .config.old, which starts as follows: # # Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT. # Linux/x86 X.Y.Z-gentoo Kernel Configuration # with as f: f.readline() f.readline() oldversion = version(f.readline()) if oldversion.minor != kernel.version.minor: msg.write("upgrade") else: msg.write("update") msg.write(f": {oldversion} → {kernel.version.base_version}\n") # append user's message if args.msg: msg.write(f"\n{args.msg}\n") # append newly added options (stored in .newoptions) newoptions = kernel.src / ".newoptions" if newoptions.exists(): msg.write("\nnew:\n") with as f: for opt in f.readlines(): msg.write(f"* {opt.replace('=', ' = ')}") # append summary summarize(list(difflib.unified_diff( oldconfig.read_text().splitlines(), kernel.config.read_text().splitlines() ))) else: msg.write(f"{kernel.version}") if args.msg: msg.write(f"\n\n{args.msg}") # print changes if removals or config_changed: out.einfo("changes to be committed:") for l in removals: out.print(f" {colorize('QAWARN', '-')} {out.hilite(l)}") if config_changed: out.print(f" {colorize('INFO', '+')} {out.hilite(kernel.config)}") # print message if msg: out.einfo("commit message:") for l in msg.getvalue().splitlines(): out.print(f" {l}" if l else "") # dry run: revert staged changes if args.dry: git(["restore", "--staged", kernel.config]) return # commit try: out.ebegin("committing") git(["commit", "-m", msg.getvalue()]) out.eend(0) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: out.eend(1) raise RuntimeError(e.stderr.decode()) @cli @efi def update (argv): """Custom Gentoo EFI stub kernel updater.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="ekernel", description="Custom Gentoo EFI stub kernel updater.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "-j", metavar="", dest="jobs", type=int, help=f"number of parallel make jobs (default: {jobs})" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", metavar="", dest="src", type=pathlib.Path, help="kernel source directory (default: latest)" ) parser.add_argument( "-k", metavar="", dest="keep", type=int, help="keep the previous bootable kernels (default: 1)" ) parser.add_argument( "-m", metavar="", dest="msg", type=str, help="additional information for the commit message" ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="be quiet" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) = ["-j", str(] if else [] args.src = ["-s", str(args.src)] if args.src else [] args.keep = ["-k", str(args.keep)] if args.keep is not None else [] args.msg = ["-m", args.msg] if args.msg else [] args.quiet = ["-q"] if args.quiet else [] configure(args.quiet + args.src) build(args.quiet + + args.src) install(args.quiet + args.src) clean(args.quiet + args.keep) commit(args.quiet + args.msg)