# ekernel - Custom Gentoo EFI Stub Kernel Updater Automate custom gentoo kernel update tasks. The update process can roughly be divided into the usual three steps: 1) **configure** - copy and update the previous `.config` 2) **build** - compile the new kernel and install modules 3) **install** - copy the new EFI stub kernel image to the EFI system partition 4) **commit** - commit the new config with a detailed commit message 5) **clean** - remove unused kernel source directories, modules and boot images This tool aims to minimize the effort by automating the previous steps, while ensuring maximum flexibility w.r.t. configuration changes. ## Tasks The following variables will be used throughout this description: `old` - previous kernel's source directory `new` - new kernel's source directory `esp` - directory containing the live kernel image on the EFI system partition (`/boot/EFI/Gentoo/bootx64.efi`) `jobs` - number of parallel make jobs given by ``-j`` (default: 64) `version` - new kernel's version string ###


Runs `make menuconfig` if the current config file is missing, or no other kernel is installed Otherwise, copy the current config file to the new source directory if it doesn't exist (prevent accidental overwrite). ```sh cp -n ${old}/.config ${new} ``` Get newly added config options and store the result in `${new}/.newoptions`. ```sh cd ${new} make listnewconfig > ${new}/.newoptions ``` If ``-l`` was selected: print newly added config options and exit. ```sh cat ${new}/.newoptions exit ``` Interactively update the previous config and exit if aborted. ```sh cd ${new} make oldconfig || exit ``` ###


Build and install modules, using the given number of jobs. ```sh make -j ${jobs} && make modules_install ``` ###


Update symlink ``/usr/src/linux`` to the new source directory. ```sh eselect kernel set $(basename ${new}) ``` Install the EFI stub kernel image (and a backup copy to revert to in case something breaks after a subsequent kernel update). ```sh mount /boot cp ${new}/arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage ${esp}/bootx64.efi cp ${new}/arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage ${esp}/gentoo-${version}.efi ``` Rebuild external modules. ```sh emerge @module-rebuild ``` ###


Commit the new kernel config with a detailed commit message. ```sh git add -f /usr/src/linux/.config git commit -S -m "${msg}" ``` The message will not only contain the version change, but also details about the newly added or removed options. ###


Remove unused kernel source directories, modules and boot images. ```sh emerge --depclean sys-kernel/gentoo-sources rm -rf $(find /usr/src/ -maxdepth 1 -name "linux-*" | sed -e '/${old}/d' -e '/${new}/d') rm -rf $(ls -1 /lib/modules/ | sed -e '/${old}/d' -e '/${new}/d') rm -rf $(ls -1 ${esp} | sed -e '/${old}/d' -e '/${new}/d' -e '/bootx64/d') ``` The default is to keep the previous kernel version in case something goes horribly wrong. ## Installation TODO: add ebuild `app-admin/ekernel` ## Requirements * [`>=dev-lang/python-3.10`](https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/dev-lang/python) * [`dev-python/packaging`](https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/dev-python/packaging) * [`sys-apps/portage`](https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/sys-apps/portage)