import argparse import difflib import functools import io import os import pathlib import platform import re import shutil import subprocess import sys from packaging.version import Version from portage import output, colorize __version__ = "0.1" # number of parallel build jobs jobs = "4" # gentoo's fancy terminal output functions out = output.EOutput() out.print = lambda s: print(s) if not out.quiet else None = lambda s: colorize("green", s if isinstance(s, str) else str(s)) = lambda s: colorize("red", s if isinstance(s, str) else str(s)) out.teal = lambda s: colorize("teal", s if isinstance(s, str) else str(s)) # disable colorization for pipes and redirects if not sys.stdout.isatty(): output.havecolor = 0 def version (string: str): """Extract the version from a given string.""" return Version("".join(filter( None,"(\d+.\d+.\d+)-gentoo(-\w+\d+)?", string).groups() ))) class Kernel: # kernel source directory src = pathlib.Path("/usr/src") # kernel source symlink linux = src / "linux" # module directory modules = pathlib.Path("/lib/modules") def __init__ (self, src): """Construct a Kernel based on a given source path.""" self.src = pathlib.Path(src) if not self.src.exists(): raise ValueError(f"error: missing source {src}") try: self.version = version( except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"error: illegal source {src}") from e self.config = self.src / ".config" self.bzImage = self.src / "arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage" self.bkp = efi.img.parent / f"gentoo-{self.version.base_version}.efi" self.modules = self.modules / f"{self.version.base_version}-gentoo" def __eq__ (self, other): if not isinstance(other, Kernel): return False return self.src == other.src def __str__ (self): return ( f"{}\n" f"* version = {self.version}\n" f"* src = {self.src}\n" f"* config = {self.config}\n" f"* bzImage = {self.bzImage}\n" f"* modules = {self.modules}\n" f"* bkp = {self.bkp}\n" ) def bootable (self): """Return True if boot image and modules exist.""" return self.modules.exists() and self.bkp.exists() @classmethod def list (cls, descending=True): """Get an descending list of available kernels.""" return list(sorted( (Kernel(src) for src in cls.src.glob("linux-*")), key=lambda k: k.version, reverse=descending )) @classmethod def current (cls): """ Get the currently running kernel. Returns: Kernel: the current kernel, pointed to by ``/usr/src/linux`` """ return cls(Kernel.linux.resolve()) @classmethod def latest (cls): """ Get the latest available kernel. Returns: Kernel: the newest kernel under ``/usr/src`` """ return cls.list()[0] def cli (f): """A top level exception handling decorator for script main functions.""" @functools.wraps(f) def handler (argv=sys.argv[1:]): try: r = f(argv) return 0 if r is None else r except Exception as e: out.eerror(str(e)) sys.exit(1) return handler def efi (f): """Decorator locating and mounting ESP through efivars.""" efi.skip = False # boot partition efi.esp = pathlib.Path("/boot") # boot image efi.img = efi.esp / "EFI/Gentoo/bootx64.efi" # backup entry data efi.bkp = {} # analyze boot entries and ensure access to the currently running image @functools.wraps(f) def locator (*args, **kwargs): if efi.skip: return f(*args, **kwargs) efi.skip = True # get boot entries mgr = ["efibootmgr"], capture_output=True, check=True ) lines = mgr.stdout.decode().splitlines() num = "NaN" for l in lines: if l.startswith("BootCurrent"): num = l[13:17] break # find currently running entry/image def loader (line, start=9): i = line.find("File", start) if i < 0: raise RuntimeError(f"error: missing boot image:\n{line}") i += 6 return pathlib.Path(l[i:line.find(")", i)].replace("\\", "/")) for l in lines: if l.startswith(f"Boot{num}"): i = l.find(" ") + 1 j = l.find("\t", i) efi.label = l[i:j] efi.bkp["label"] = f"{efi.label} (fallback)" img = loader(l, j) break # find fallback entry/image for l in lines: if efi.bkp["label"] in l: efi.bkp["num"] = l[4:8] efi.bkp["img"] = loader(l) break # mount esp mounted = False if not efi.img.exists(): # find mountpoint for l in pathlib.Path("/etc/fstab").read_text().splitlines(): if not l.startswith("#"): for p in ["/boot", "/efi"]: if p in l: # update paths efi.esp = pathlib.Path(p) efi.img = efi.esp / img if efi.bkp and "img" in efi.bkp: efi.bkp["img"] = efi.esp / efi.bkp["img"] break else: continue break else: raise RuntimeError("error: missing mountpoint of ESP") try: ["mount", str(efi.esp)], capture_output=True, check=True ) mounted = True except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: msg = e.stderr.decode().strip() if f"already mounted on {efi.esp}" not in msg: raise RuntimeError(e.stderr.decode().splitlines()[0]) assert efi.img.exists() try: return f(*args, **kwargs) finally: efi.skip = False # umount esp if mounted:["umount", str(efi.esp)], check=True) return locator @cli def configure (argv): """ Configure a kernel. =================== Runs ``make menuconfig`` in the latest kernel's source directory if it is already configured, the current config missing or no other kernel is installed. Otherwise, configure the latest kernel with ``make oldconfig``, using the current kernel config. Command Line Arguments ---------------------- ``-s `` kernel source directory (default: latest) ``-q`` be quiet Files ----- The following files are created in the new kernel's source directory, storing details about changes in the configuration: ``.newoptions`` Newly added configuration options w.r.t. to the previous config (the output of ``make listnewconfig``). Process Outline --------------- This command is a mere wrapper to:: if [[ ! -f ${old}/.config || $(ls -1dq /usr/src/linux-* | wc -l) == "1"]] then cd ${new} make menuconfig else cp -n ${old}/.config ${new} cd ${new} make listnewconfig > .newoptions make oldconfig || exit fi """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="ekernel-configure", description="Configure a kernel.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "-l", dest="list", action="store_true", help="print newly added config options and exit" ) parser.add_argument( "-d", dest="delete", action="store_true", help="delete config (perform a fresh install / reconfigure)" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", metavar="", dest="src", type=pathlib.Path, default=Kernel.latest().src, help="kernel source directory (default: latest)" ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="be quiet" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) kernel = Kernel(args.src) out.quiet = args.quiet newoptions = kernel.src / ".newoptions" # check if current kernel config exists try: oldconfig = Kernel.current().config except FileNotFoundError: oldconfig = efi.esp / "FILENOTFOUND" # change to source directory os.chdir(kernel.src) # delete config - reconfigure if args.delete and kernel.config.exists(): out.einfo(f"deleting {kernel.config}") kernel.config.unlink() # make oldconfig if not kernel.config.exists() and oldconfig.exists(): # copy oldconfig out.einfo(f"copying {out.teal(oldconfig)}") shutil.copy(oldconfig, kernel.config) # store newly added options out.einfo(f"running {out.teal('make listnewconfig')}") make =["make", "listnewconfig"], capture_output=True) newoptions.write_text(make.stdout.decode()) # configure if not args.list: out.einfo(f"running {out.teal('make oldconfig')}")["make", "oldconfig"], check=True) # make menuconfig elif not args.list: out.einfo(f"running {out.teal('make menuconfig')}")["make", "menuconfig"], check=True) # check if we should print new options if args.list: if not newoptions.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"error: missing {newoptions}") for l in newoptions.read_text().splitlines(): opt, val = l.split("=", maxsplit=1) out.print(f" {opt} = {val}") @cli def build (argv): """ Build a kernel. =============== Build the latest kernel found in ``/usr/src`` or any other by supplying a source directory and install it's modules. Command Line Arguments ---------------------- ``-j `` number of parallel make jobs (default: 4) ``-s `` kernel source directory (default: latest) ``-q`` be quiet Process Outline --------------- Changes into the kernel's source directory and builds the image. This command is a mere wrapper to:: cd ${new} make -k ${jobs} && make modules_install """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="ekernel-build", description="Build a kernel.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "-j", metavar="", dest="jobs", type=int, default=int(jobs), help=f"number of parallel make jobs (default: {jobs})" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", metavar="", dest="src", type=pathlib.Path, default=Kernel.latest().src, help="kernel source directory (default: latest)" ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="be quiet" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) kernel = Kernel(args.src) out.quiet = args.quiet # check if config exists if not kernel.config.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"error: missing config {kernel.config}") # build os.chdir(kernel.src) out.einfo(f"building {out.teal(kernel.src)}") margs = ["make", "-j", str(] if args.quiet: margs.append(">/dev/null"), check=True) @cli @efi def install (argv): """ Install a kernel. ================= Install the latest kernel found in ``/usr/src`` or any other by supplying it's source directory. Command Line Arguments ---------------------- ``-b`` create fallback boot entry (default: false) ``-s `` kernel source directory (default: latest) ``-q`` be quiet Process Outline --------------- Update ``/usr/src`` to the given kernel, install it's ``bzImage`` into the EFI system partition as ``bootx64.efi`` and add a backup copy ``gentoo-${version}.efi`` in case something goes horribly wrong. This command is a mere wrapper to:: eselect kernel set $(basename ${src}) mount /boot esp=/boot/EFI/Gentoo cp ${src}/arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage ${esp}/bootx64.efi cp ${src}/arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage ${esp}/gentoo-${version}.efi """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="ekernel-install", description="Install a kernel.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "-b", dest="bkp", action="store_true", help="create fallback boot entry" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", metavar="", dest="src", type=pathlib.Path, default=Kernel.latest().src, help="kernel source directory (default: latest)" ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="be quiet" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) kernel = Kernel(args.src) out.quiet = args.quiet # store running image for latter comparison if args.bkp: boot_bytes = efi.img.read_bytes() # check if bzImage exists if not kernel.bzImage.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"error: missing bzImage {kernel.bzImage}") # update symlink to the new source directory out.einfo( "updating symlink " f"{out.teal(kernel.linux)} → {out.teal(kernel.src)}" ) ["eselect", "kernel", "set",], check=True ) # copy boot image out.einfo(f"creating boot image {out.teal(efi.img)}") shutil.copy(kernel.bzImage, efi.img) # create backup out.einfo(f"creating backup image {out.teal(kernel.bkp)}") shutil.copy(kernel.bzImage, kernel.bkp) # install modules os.chdir(kernel.src) out.einfo(f"installing modules {out.teal(kernel.modules)}") margs = ["make", "modules_install"] if args.quiet: margs.append(">/dev/null"), check=True) # rebuild external modules eargs = ["emerge", "@module-rebuild"] if args.quiet: eargs.insert(1, "-q") out.einfo(f"running {out.teal(' '.join(eargs))}"), check=True) # create fallback boot entry if args.bkp: # path to backup image bkp = None # find the currently running kernel's backup image for f in efi.img.parent.glob("gentoo*.efi"): if f.read_bytes() == boot_bytes: bkp = f break # not found else: name = f"gentoo-{version(platform.release()).base_version}.efi" bkp = efi.img.parent / name shutil.copy(efi.img, bkp) # get ESP disk and partition number dev = ["findmnt", "-rno", "SOURCE", str(efi.esp)], capture_output=True, check=True ) disk, part ="([/a-z]+)(\d+)", dev.stdout.decode()).groups() # remove previous entry if "num" in efi.bkp: out.einfo(f"deleting boot entry {out.teal(efi.bkp['label'])}")[ "efibootmgr", "-q", "-b", efi.bkp["num"], "-B" ], check=True) # create entry out.einfo(f"creating boot entry {out.teal(efi.bkp['label'])}")[ "efibootmgr", "-q", "-c", "-d", disk, "-p", part, "-L", efi.bkp["label"], "-l", str(bkp) ], check=True) efi.bkp["img"] = bkp @cli @efi def clean (argv): """ Remove unused kernel leftovers. =============================== Remove unused kernel source directories, modules and boot images. The default is to keep the ``k`` previous kernel versions in case something goes horribly wrong. Command Line Arguments ---------------------- ``-k `` keep the previous ```` kernels (default: 1) ``-n`` perform a dry run (show what would be removed) ``-q`` be quiet """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="ekernel-clean", description="Remove unused kernel leftovers.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "-k", metavar="", dest="keep", type=int, default=2, help="keep the newest bootable kernels (default: 2)" ) parser.add_argument( "-n", dest="dry", action="store_true", help="perform a dry run (show what would be removed)" ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="be quiet" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) out.quiet = args.quiet if args.keep < 1: raise ValueError("error: at least one bootable kernel must be kept") # retained kernels keep = {"kernels": []} for k in Kernel.list(): if args.keep and k.bootable(): args.keep -= 1 keep["kernels"].append(k) # collect sources keep["sources"] = {k.src for k in keep["kernels"]} rm = {"sources": [ d for d in Kernel.src.glob("linux-*") if d not in keep["sources"] ]} # collect modules keep["modules"] = {k.modules for k in keep["kernels"]} rm["modules"] = [ d for d in Kernel.modules.glob("*-gentoo") if d not in keep["modules"] ] # collect boot images keep["images"] = {k.bkp for k in keep["kernels"]} rm["images"] = [ f for f in efi.img.parent.glob("gentoo-*") if f not in keep["images"] ] # run depclean if not args.dry: eargs = ["emerge", "-c", "gentoo-sources"] if args.quiet: eargs.insert(1, "-q") out.einfo(f"running {out.teal(' '.join(eargs))}"), check=True) # remove files for k, v in rm.items(): if v: out.einfo(f"deleting {k}:") for p in v: out.print(f" {'✗')} {out.teal(p)}") if args.dry: continue if p.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(p) else: p.unlink() # remove defunct fallback boot entry if efi.bkp and "img" in efi.bkp: bkp = efi.bkp["img"] if not bkp.exists() or bkp in rm["images"]: out.einfo(f"deleting boot entry {out.teal(efi.bkp['label'])}") if not args.dry:[ "efibootmgr", "-q", "-b", efi.bkp["num"], "-B" ], check=True) @cli def commit (argv): """ Commit the current kernel config. ================================= Commit the current kernel config with a detailed commit message. This command module is a mere wrapper to:: git add -f /usr/src/linux/.config git commit -m "${msg}" Command Line Arguments ---------------------- ``-m`` additional information for the commit message ``-n`` perform a dry run (show what would be commited) ``-q`` be quiet """ msg = io.StringIO() def git (argv: list[str]): """Run git, capture output and check exit code.""" return["git"] + argv, capture_output=True, check=True) def summarize (diff: list[str]): """Generate the summary of changed options.""" def startswith (ch): return dict([ x[1:].split("=", maxsplit=1) for x in diff if x.startswith(ch + "CONFIG") and "CC_VERSION" not in x ]) additions = startswith("+") deletions = startswith("-") changes = { k: (deletions[k], additions[k]) for k in additions.keys() & deletions.keys() } additions = {k: v for k, v in additions.items() if k not in changes} deletions = {k: v for k, v in deletions.items() if k not in changes} if additions: msg.write("\nenabled:\n") for opt, val in additions.items(): msg.write(f"* {opt} = {val}\n") if changes: msg.write("\nchanged:\n") for opt, (old, new) in changes.items(): msg.write(f"* {opt} = {old} → {new}\n") if deletions: msg.write("\nremoved:\n") for opt, val in deletions.items(): msg.write(f"* {opt}\n") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="ekernel-commit", description="Commit the current kernel config.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "-m", metavar="", dest="msg", type=str, default="", help="additional information for the commit message" ) parser.add_argument( "-n", dest="dry", action="store_true", help="perform a dry run (show what would be commited)" ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="be quiet" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) out.quiet = args.quiet # get the kernel under /usr/src/linux kernel = Kernel.current() # ensure that a config exists if not kernel.config.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"error: missing config {kernel.config}") # change to source directory os.chdir(kernel.src) # ensure that we're in a git repository try: git(["status", "-s"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise RuntimeError(e.stderr.decode().strip()) # ensure that nothing is staged try: git(["diff", "--cached", "--exit-code", "--quiet"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise RuntimeError("please commit or stash staged changes") # get git root directory gitroot = pathlib.Path( git(["rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"]).stdout.decode().strip() ) # add unstaged config removals removals = [ gitroot / (l.rsplit(maxsplit=1)[1]) for l in git(["-P", "diff", "--name-status"]).stdout.decode().splitlines() if l.startswith("D") and "usr/src/linux" in l and ".config" in l ] for r in removals: git(["rm", r]) config_changed = True # check if current config is tracked already try: git(["ls-files", "--error-unmatch", kernel.config]) # config is tracked: check for changes try: git(["-P", "diff", "--exit-code", "--quiet", kernel.config]) # config hasn't changed: only removals remain config_changed = False if removals: msg.write("removed old kernel leftovers") if args.msg: msg.write(f"\n\n{args.msg}") # config changed except subprocess.CalledProcessError: git(["add", "-f", kernel.config]) msg.write("updated kernel config\n") if args.msg: msg.write(f"\n{args.msg}\n") summarize( git(["diff", kernel.config]).stdout.decode().splitlines() ) # config isn't tracked: kernel has been updated except subprocess.CalledProcessError: git(["add", "-f", kernel.config]) # /usr/src/linux/.config.old (previous config stored by make oldconfig) oldconfig = kernel.src / ".config.old" # start header msg.write("kernel ") # check if .config.old exists if oldconfig.exists(): # get previous version from .config.old, which starts as follows: # # Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT. # Linux/x86 X.Y.Z-gentoo Kernel Configuration # with as f: f.readline() f.readline() oldversion = version(f.readline()) if oldversion.minor != kernel.version.minor: msg.write("upgrade") else: msg.write("update") msg.write(f": {oldversion} → {kernel.version.base_version}\n") # append user's message if args.msg: msg.write(f"\n{args.msg}\n") # append newly added options (stored in .newoptions) newoptions = kernel.src / ".newoptions" if newoptions.exists(): msg.write("\nnew:\n") with as f: for opt in f.readlines(): msg.write(f"* {opt.replace('=', ' = ')}") # append summary summarize(list(difflib.unified_diff( oldconfig.read_text().splitlines(), kernel.config.read_text().splitlines() ))) else: msg.write(f"{kernel.version}") if args.msg: msg.write(f"\n\n{args.msg}") # print changes if removals or config_changed: out.einfo("changes to be committed:") for l in removals: out.print(f" {'✗')} {out.teal(l)}") if config_changed: out.print(f" {'✓')} {out.teal(kernel.config)}") # print message if msg.getvalue(): out.einfo("commit message:") for l in msg.getvalue().splitlines(): out.print(f" {out.teal(l)}" if l else "") # dry run: revert staged changes if args.dry: git(["restore", "--staged", kernel.config]) return # commit try: out.ebegin("committing") ret = git(["commit", "-m", msg.getvalue()]) out.eend(0) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: out.eend(1) raise RuntimeError(e.stderr.decode()) @cli def update (argv): """Custom Gentoo EFI stub kernel updater.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="ekernel", description="Custom Gentoo EFI stub kernel updater.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "-j", metavar="", dest="jobs", type=int, help=f"number of parallel make jobs (default: {jobs})" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", metavar="", dest="src", type=pathlib.Path, help="kernel source directory (default: latest)" ) parser.add_argument( "-b", dest="bkp", action="store_true", help="create fallback boot entry" ) parser.add_argument( "-k", metavar="", dest="keep", type=int, help="keep the previous bootable kernels (default: 1)" ) parser.add_argument( "-m", metavar="", dest="msg", type=str, help="additional information for the commit message" ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="be quiet" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) = ["-j", str(] if else [] args.src = ["-s", str(args.src)] if args.src else [] args.bkp = ["-b"] if args.bkp else [] args.keep = ["-k", str(args.keep)] if args.keep is not None else [] args.msg = ["-m", args.msg] if args.msg else [] args.quiet = ["-q"] if args.quiet else [] configure(args.quiet + args.src) build(args.quiet + + args.src) install(args.quiet + args.bkp + args.src) clean(args.quiet + args.keep) commit(args.quiet + args.msg)