
139 lines
3.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Raynaldo (Wildicv) Rivera, Joshua (Dark_Kilauea) Jones, Murat (wolfmanfx) Sari
// This file is part of the "cAudio Engine"
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in cAudio.h
#pragma once
#include "cAudioDefines.h"
#include "cAudioPlatform.h"
#include "cAudioMemory.h"
#include "cSTLAllocator.h"
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# include <windows.h>
# include <direct.h>
# include <io.h>
namespace cAudio
#if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
# define _CTEXT(x) L ## x
# define cstrcmp wcscmp
# define cAudioChar wchar_t
# define cfopen _wfopen
# define _CTEXT(x) x
# define cstrcmp strcmp
# define cAudioChar char
# define cfopen fopen
typedef std::basic_string< cAudioChar, std::char_traits<cAudioChar>, cSTLAllocator<cAudioChar> > cAudioString;
# if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
typedef std::basic_string<cAudioChar> cAudioString;
# else
typedef std::string cAudioString;
# endif
static const TCHAR* toWINSTR(const char* str)
#if (defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE))
static int id = 0;
static wchar_t buffer[8][1024];
id = ++id & 0x7;
int slen = strlen(str);
int buff_size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, (int)(slen < 1023 ? slen : 1023), buffer[id], 1023);
buffer[id][buff_size] = 0;
buffer[id][1023] = 0;
return buffer[id];
return str;
static const TCHAR* toWINSTR(const wchar_t* str)
#if (defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE))
return str;
static int id = 0;
static char buffer[8][1024];
id = ++id & 0x7;
int slen = wcslen(str);
int buff_size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, str, (int)(slen < 1023 ? slen : 1023), buffer[id], 1023, 0, false);
buffer[id][buff_size] = 0;
buffer[id][1023] = 0;
return buffer[id];
static wchar_t* charToWChar(const char* text)
size_t size = strlen(text) + 1;
wchar_t* wa = new wchar_t[size];
mbstowcs(wa, text, size);
return wa;
static const char* toUTF8(const cAudioString& str)
static int id = 0;
static char buffer[8][1024];
id = ++id & 0x7;
int buff_size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, charToWChar(str.c_str()), (int)(str.size() < 1023 ? str.size() : 1023), buffer[id], 1023, 0, false);
buffer[id][buff_size] = 0;
buffer[id][1023] = 0;
return buffer[id];
static cAudioString fromUTF8(const char* str)
wchar_t* buffer = 0;
int buff_size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, (int)strlen(str), 0, 0);
if (buff_size == 0)
return cAudioString();
buffer = new wchar_t[buff_size + 1];
memset((void*)buffer, 0, sizeof(wchar_t) * (buff_size + 1));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, (int)strlen(str), buffer, buff_size);
char* convert = new char[buff_size+1];
wcstombs(convert, buffer, sizeof(wchar_t) * (buff_size + 1));
cAudioString s(convert);
delete[] buffer;
return s;
static const char* toWINSTR(const char* str)
return str;
static const char* toUTF8(const cAudioString& str)
return str.c_str();
static cAudioString fromUTF8(const char* str)
return cAudioString(str);