Joshua Jones 3f06749573 Minor API changes to the manager, release is now releaseAllSources, createFromFile is now create.
Added the ability for the user to provide a DataSourceFactory, which cAudio will use to get audio data.  This interface can be overridden to provide cAudio the ability to read from zip archives, TCP streams, potentially any location.  DataSourceFactories can also be prioritized.
Made the existing FileSource a factory and registered it by default with the manager.  If the user wishes to prevent cAudio from reading from disk, unRegister the "FileSystem" data source.
Made tutorials conform with the changes to the API.
2010-02-13 05:48:19 +00:00

152 lines
5.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Raynaldo (Wildicv) Rivera, Joshua (Dark_Kilauea) Jones
// This file is part of the "cAudio Engine"
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in cAudio.h
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "cAudioSource.h"
#include "../include/IAudioDecoderFactory.h"
#include "cListener.h"
#include "../include/IAudioManager.h"
#include "../Headers/cMutex.h"
#include "../Headers/cAudioEffects.h"
#include <AL/al.h>
#include <AL/alc.h>
namespace cAudio
class IAudioSource;
class cAudioManager : public IAudioManager
enum Events{
cAudioManager() : Device(NULL), Context(NULL), EFXSupported(false), Initialized(false) { }
virtual ~cAudioManager() { }
//!Inits the audio manager calling the alut/etc start ups
virtual bool initialize(const char* deviceName = 0x0, int outputFrequency = -1, int eaxEffectSlots = 4);
//!Shuts everything down
virtual void shutDown();
//!Updates the cAudio playback
virtual void update();
//!Gets you the cAudio object you want
virtual IAudioSource* getSoundByName(const char* name);
//!Releases "ALL" cAudio objects
virtual void releaseAllSources();
//!Releases a single cAudio source
virtual void release(IAudioSource* source);
//! Returns the name of an available playback device.
/** \param index: Specify which name to retrieve ( Range: 0 to getAvailableDeviceCount()-1 ) */
virtual const char* getAvailableDeviceName(unsigned int index);
//! Returns the number of playback devices available for use.
virtual unsigned int getAvailableDeviceCount();
//! Returns the name of the default system playback device.
virtual const char* getDefaultDeviceName();
//!Creates the cAudio object
virtual IAudioSource* create(const char* name, const char* filename, bool stream = false);
//!Loads data from memory or virtual file system
virtual IAudioSource* createFromMemory(const char* name, const char* data, size_t length, const char* extension);
//!Loads raw audio from memory.
virtual IAudioSource* createFromRaw(const char* name, const char* data, size_t length, unsigned int frequency, AudioFormats format);
//!Register Audio Codec
virtual bool registerAudioDecoder(IAudioDecoderFactory* factory, const char* extension);
//!Unregister Audio Codec (allows you to prevent an file type from being playable with new sound sources)
//!Note that all current sound sources will still continue to use any currently allocated decoders.
//!Will NOT delete any user added factory instance, you must do that yourself
virtual void unRegisterAudioDecoder(const char* extension);
//!Returns whether an audio decoder is currently registered for this file type
virtual bool isAudioDecoderRegistered(const char* extension);
//!Returns a registered audio decoder factory
virtual IAudioDecoderFactory* getAudioDecoderFactory(const char* extension);
//!Unregisters all Audio Codecs
//!Note that all current sound sources will still continue to use any currently allocated decoders.
//!Will NOT delete any user added factory instance, you must do that yourself
virtual void unRegisterAllAudioDecoders();
virtual bool registerDataSource(IDataSourceFactory* factory, const char* name, int priority);
virtual void unRegisterDataSource(const char* name);
virtual bool isDataSourceRegistered(const char* name);
virtual IDataSourceFactory* getDataSourceFactory(const char* name);
virtual void unRegisterAllDataSources();
//!Registers a new event handler to the manager
virtual void registerEventHandler(IManagerEventHandler* handler);
//!Unregisters specified event handler from manager
virtual void unRegisterEventHandler(IManagerEventHandler* handler) ;
//!Unregisters all event handlers attached to the manager
virtual void unRegisterAllEventHandlers();
//! Grabs a list of available devices, as well as the default system one
void getAvailableDevices();
virtual IListener* getListener() { return &initlistener; }
virtual IAudioEffects* getEffects() { return &initEffects; }
//Mutex for thread syncronization
cAudioMutex Mutex;
//Make a Openal context pointer
ALCcontext* Context;
//Make a openal device pointer
ALCdevice* Device;
//Holds whether EFX is supported
bool EFXSupported;
//Whether the manager is currently initialized and ready to go.
bool Initialized;
//! Holds an index for fast searching of audio sources by name
std::map<std::string, IAudioSource*> audioIndex;
//! Holds all managed audio sources
std::vector<IAudioSource*> audioSources;
//! Decoder map that holds all decoders by file extension
std::map<std::string, IAudioDecoderFactory*> decodermap;
//! Archive map that holds all datasource types
std::map<std::string, IDataSourceFactory*> datasourcemap;
std::vector< std::pair<int, std::string> > dataSourcePriorityList;
//! The listener object
cListener initlistener;
//! Interface for audio effects
cAudioEffects initEffects;
//! Check for OpenAL errors
bool checkError();
std::vector<std::string> AvailableDevices;
std::string DefaultDevice;
//Signals a event to all event handlers
void signalEvent(Events sevent);
//! List of all attached event handlers
std::list<IManagerEventHandler*> eventHandlerList;