Joshua Jones 75ece68dcf Added cross-platform Mutex and Thread classes.
Made cAudio, cAudioCapture, cAudioManager and other classes thread safe.
Made cAudioManager use a seperate update thread by default.
Added cAudioSleep, a cross-platform sleep() function
Moved global defines to cAudioDefines
Added defines to disable thread safety or the internal update thread if the user wishes it
Updated tutorials to reflect the changes made
2009-08-29 11:24:31 +00:00

134 lines
3.7 KiB

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "AL/al.h"
#define BUFFER_SIZE ( 1024 * 32 )
#include "../include/IAudio.h"
#include "../Include/cVector3.h"
#include "../Headers/cMutex.h"
namespace cAudio
class cAudio : public IAudio
//! play with defualts / the last set values
bool play();
//!plays the audio file 2d no distance.
void play2d(bool loop = false);
//!plays the audio file and sets it to 3d
void play3d(cVector3 position, float soundstr = 1.0 , bool loop = false);
//!allows us to set the position or reset the position
void setPosition(const cVector3 position);
//!allows you to set the audio objects velocity
void setVelocity(const cVector3 velocity);
//!allows us to set the direction the audio should play in
void setDirection(const cVector3 direction);
//! Sets the audios pitch level
void setPitch(const float pitch);
//!allows us to set and reset the sound strenght
void setStrength(const float soundstrength);
//!Set the volume
void setVolume(const float volume);
//!Set the doppler strength
void setDopplerStrength(const float dstrength);
//!Set doppler velocity
void setDopplerVelocity(const cVector3 dvelocity);
//!Returns the audio objects position
const cVector3& getPosition()const;
//!Returns the audio objects velocity
const cVector3& getVelocity()const;
//!Returns the audio objects direction
const cVector3& getDirection()const;
//!Returns the audio objects doppler strength
const float& getDopplerStrength()const;
//!Returns the audio objects strength
const float& getStrength()const;
//!Returns the volume of the sound object
const float& getVolume()const;
//!Returns the pitch volume
const float& getPitch()const;
//!Returns if the sound object is looping
const bool& isLooping()const;
//!Seek the audio stream
void seek(float secs);
//!release the file handle
void release();
//!pauses the audio file
void pause();
//!controls altering of the looping to make it loop or not to.
void loop(bool loop);
//!stops the audio file from playing
void stop();
//!returns if playing
bool playback();
//!check if source is playing
bool playing();
//!update the stream
bool update();
//!checks to make sure everything is ready to go
bool isvalid();
cAudio(IAudioDecoder* decoder);
//Mutex for thread syncronization
cAudioMutex Mutex;
//!empties the queue
void empty();
//!checks openal error state
void check();
//!reloads a buffer
bool stream(ALuint buffer);
//!stringify an error code
std::string errorString(int code);
//! front and back buffers
ALuint buffers[3];
//! audio source
ALuint source;
//! decoder pointer
IAudioDecoder* Decoder;
//! if the file to be played is going to be streamed
bool streaming;
//!if the file is to loop
bool toloop;
//!if the file should play
bool playaudio;
//!if to pause audio
bool pauseaudio;
//!if audio is paused
bool paused();
//! Stores the position of the audio object
cVector3 position;
//! Stores the velocity of the audio object
cVector3 velocity;
//! Stores the direction of the audio object
cVector3 direction;
//! Stores the doppler velocity
cVector3 dvelocity;
//! Stores the volume
float volume;
//! Stores the pitch
float pitch;
//! Stores doppler strength
float dstrength;
//! Stores the objects sound strength
float strength;