Joshua Jones 2132eea8bf Added a small spreadsheet with performance information
Changed the 3d tutorial to use the move convenience function in order to have proper doppler effects.
Added relative seek ability to cAudio source.
Updated decoders to have a flag if the data they are working with is valid for their decoder (isValid).
Added reference counting to IAudio, IAudioDecoder, and IDataSource
Added better error checking in cAudio sources and they will do a better job of detecting if they are invalid.
Fixed the spelling on cWavAudioDecoderFactory.h
Ogg decoder support for the isValid check.
Time seek ability added to cRawDecoder
Rewrote cWavDecoder.  It will now read slightly malformed wav files (and conforms to the wav spec), no longer has a bug where 8 bit mono audio samples will play twice as fast as 16 bit mono samples, proper bounds checking to make sure only the audio data is sent to the audio source, and time seeking abilities.  The decoder does not support channels over 2, compressed wavs, wavs with more than 1 data or fmt block, or any other blocks that may be present in a wav file.  All unsupported blocks will be ignored.
2009-12-07 22:25:08 +00:00

203 lines
5.1 KiB

#include "../Headers/cWavDecoder.h"
#include <string.h>
namespace cAudio
cWavDecoder::cWavDecoder(IDataSource* stream) : IAudioDecoder(stream), Valid(false)
const char* RIFFTAG = "RIFF";
const char* WAVETAG = "WAVE";
const char* FORMATTAG = "fmt ";
const char* DATATAG = "data";
char ident[4];
int tempint32 = 0;
short tempint16 = 0;
char tempint8 = 0;
unsigned int startOffset = 0;
//Read the first 4 bytes
Stream->seek(0, false);
Stream->read(ident, 4);
//Check to see if it is a valid RIFF file
if(strncmp(ident, RIFFTAG, 4) == 0)
Stream->read(&tempint32, 4);
//Check to see if the file is big enough to be valid (not completely accurate)
if(tempint32 >= 44)
Stream->read(ident, 4);
//Check that it is a wave file
if(strncmp(ident, WAVETAG, 4) == 0)
//Save our position
startOffset = Stream->getCurrentPos();
//Scan for the first fmt chuck (not necessarily right after)
Stream->read(ident, 4);
while((strncmp(ident, FORMATTAG, 4) != 0) && (Stream->getCurrentPos() < Stream->getSize()));
//Did we find it?
if(Stream->getCurrentPos() < (Stream->getSize() - 16))
//Yes, read it in
Stream->read(&tempint32, 4);
if(tempint32 >= 16)
//Check that it is in PCM format, we don't support compressed wavs
Stream->read(&tempint16, 2);
if(tempint16 == 1)
Stream->read(&tempint16, 2);
Channels = tempint16;
//We only support mono or stereo wavs
if(Channels == 1 || Channels == 2)
Stream->read(&tempint32, 4);
SampleRate = tempint32;
Stream->read(&tempint32, 4);
ByteRate = tempint32;
Stream->read(&tempint16, 2);
BlockAlign = tempint16;
Stream->read(&tempint16, 2);
BitsPerSample = tempint16;
//We only support 8 bit or 16 bit wavs
if(BitsPerSample == 8 || BitsPerSample == 16)
//Reset our pointer to start scanning for the data block
Stream->seek(startOffset, false);
//Scan for the first data chuck (not necessarily right after)
Stream->read(ident, 4);
while((strncmp(ident, DATATAG, 4) != 0) && (Stream->getCurrentPos() < Stream->getSize()));
//Did we find it?
if(Stream->getCurrentPos() < Stream->getSize())
//Get size of data block
Stream->read(&tempint32, 4);
DataSize = tempint32;
DataOffset = Stream->getCurrentPos();
Valid = true;
Channels = 0;
SampleRate = 0;
ByteRate = 0;
BlockAlign = 0;
BitsPerSample = 0;
DataSize = 0;
DataOffset = 0;
Valid = false;
//!Returns wav channel format
AudioFormats cWavDecoder::getFormat()
if(Channels == 1 && BitsPerSample == 8)
return EAF_8BIT_MONO;
else if(Channels == 1 && BitsPerSample == 16)
return EAF_16BIT_MONO;
else if(Channels == 2 && BitsPerSample == 8)
return EAF_16BIT_STEREO;
//!Returns wav data frequency
int cWavDecoder::getFrequency()
return SampleRate;
//!Returns if seeking is supported
bool cWavDecoder::isSeekingSupported()
return true;
bool cWavDecoder::isValid()
return Valid;
//!Reads wav data
int cWavDecoder::readAudioData(void* output, int amount)
int currentPos = Stream->getCurrentPos();
int startPos = DataOffset;
int endPos = DataOffset + DataSize;
int amountToRead = amount;
//Bounds checks (and adjustments if possible)
if(currentPos > endPos)
return 0;
if(currentPos < startPos)
Stream->seek(startPos, false);
currentPos = Stream->getCurrentPos();
if((currentPos + amountToRead) > endPos)
amountToRead = endPos - currentPos;
if(amountToRead < 0)
amountToRead = 0;
return Stream->read(output,amountToRead);
//!Sets data reader position
bool cWavDecoder::setPosition(int position, bool relative)
int currentPos = Stream->getCurrentPos();
int startPos = DataOffset;
int endPos = DataOffset + DataSize;
//Bounds checks (and adjustments if possible)
if(!relative && position < startPos)
position = startPos;
if(!relative && position > endPos)
position = endPos;
if(relative && currentPos + position < startPos)
position = startPos - currentPos;
if(relative && currentPos + position > startPos)
position = endPos - currentPos;
return true;
//!Seeks wav data
bool cWavDecoder::seek(float seconds,bool relative)
int amountToSeek = seconds * (float)SampleRate * (float)Channels * (float)(BitsPerSample/8);
return setPosition(amountToSeek, relative);