#include "../Headers/cFileSource.h" #include namespace cAudio { //!Init Takes a string for file name cFileSource::cFileSource(const std::string& filename) : pFile(NULL), Valid(false), Filesize(0) { if(filename.length() != 0) { pFile = fopen(filename.c_str(),"rb"); if(pFile) Valid = true; } if(Valid) { fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END); Filesize = ftell(pFile); fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_SET); } } cFileSource::~cFileSource() { fclose(pFile); } //!Returns true if the FileSource is valid bool cFileSource::isValid() { return Valid; } //!Returns the current position of the file stream. int cFileSource::getCurrentPos() { return ftell(pFile); } //!Returns the file size int cFileSource::getSize() { return Filesize; } //!Read current FileSource Data int cFileSource::read(void* output, int size) { return fread(output, sizeof(char), size, pFile); } //!Seek the file stream bool cFileSource::seek(int amount, bool relative) { if(relative == true) { int oldamount = ftell(pFile); fseek(pFile, amount, SEEK_CUR); //check against the absolute position if(oldamount+amount != ftell(pFile)) return false; } else { fseek(pFile, amount, SEEK_SET); if(amount != ftell(pFile)) return false; } return true; } };