// Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Raynaldo (Wildicv) Rivera, Joshua (Dark_Kilauea) Jones // This file is part of the "cAudio Engine" // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in cAudio.h #ifndef CFILESOURCEFACTORY_H #define CFILESOURCEFACTORY_H #include "../include/IDataSourceFactory.h" #ifdef CAUDIO_COMPILE_WITH_FILE_SOURCE #include "../Headers/cFileSource.h" #include "../Headers/cMemorySource.h" #include "../Headers/cMutex.h" namespace cAudio { class cFileSourceFactory : public IDataSourceFactory { public: cFileSourceFactory() { } virtual ~cFileSourceFactory() { } virtual IDataSource* CreateDataSource(const char* filename, bool streamingRequested) { cAudioMutexBasicLock lock(Mutex); IDataSource* source = new cFileSource(filename); if(!streamingRequested && source && source->isValid()) { //A bit hackish, but if the user doesn't want streaming, make this a memory source int length = source->getSize(); char* tempbuf = new char[length]; if(tempbuf) { source->read(tempbuf, length); IDataSource* memSource = new cMemorySource(tempbuf, length, true); delete[] tempbuf; if(memSource && memSource->isValid()) { source->drop(); return memSource; } if(memSource) memSource->drop(); } } return source; } protected: cAudioMutex Mutex; private: }; }; #endif #endif //! CFILESOURCEFACTORY_H