#include #include #include #include "../Headers/cAudio.h" namespace cAudio { cAudio::cAudio(IAudioDecoder* decoder) : Decoder(decoder) { streaming = false; playaudio = false; pauseaudio = false; toloop = false; //Generates 3 buffers for the ogg file alGenBuffers(3, buffers); //Creates one source to be stored. alGenSources(1, &source); } cAudio::~cAudio() { delete Decoder; } //!Stops all playing sound sources and deletes the sources and buffers void cAudio::release() { //Stops the audio source alSourceStop(source); empty(); //Deletes the source alDeleteSources(1, &source); //deletes the last filled buffer alDeleteBuffers(3, buffers); } //!Plays back sound source bool cAudio::playback() { return playing(); } bool cAudio::paused() { ALenum state = 0; alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); return (state == AL_PAUSED); } //!checks to see if audio source is playing if it is returns true bool cAudio::playing() { ALenum state = 0; alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); return (state == AL_PLAYING); } //!updates the sound source by refilling the buffers with ogg data. bool cAudio::update() { if(!isvalid() || !playing()) return false; int processed = 0; bool active = true; //gets the sound source processed buffers/ alGetSourcei(source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); //while there is more data refill buffers with audio data. while (processed--) { ALuint buffer; alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer); active = stream(buffer); //if more in stream continue playing. if(active) alSourceQueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer); } return active; } //!The streaming function bool cAudio::stream(ALuint buffer) { if(Decoder) { //stores the caculated data into buffer that is passed to output. size_t totalread = 0; char tempbuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; while( totalread < BUFFER_SIZE ) { char tempbuffer2[BUFFER_SIZE]; int actualread = Decoder->readAudioData(tempbuffer2, BUFFER_SIZE-totalread); if(actualread > 0) { memcpy(tempbuffer+totalread,tempbuffer2,actualread); totalread += actualread; } if(actualread < 0) { break; } if(actualread == 0) { if(toloop) { //If we are to loop, set to the beginning and reload from the start Decoder->setPosition(0,false); } else break; } } //Second check, in case looping is not enabled, we will return false for end of stream if(totalread == 0) { return false; } //std::cout << buffer << std::endl; alBufferData(buffer, Decoder->getFormat(), tempbuffer, totalread, Decoder->getFrequency()); return true; } return false; } //!clears the sound sources buffers and makes them free to be used by other sound sources. void cAudio::empty() { int queued = 0; //grabs allt he sources buffers. alGetSourcei(source, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &queued); while (queued--) { ALuint buffer; //unqueues sources buffers to be used for others. alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer); } } //!Checks the given functions void cAudio::check() { int error = alGetError(); if (error != AL_NO_ERROR) { std::cout<< "OpenAL error was Raised."; } } //!checks to see if the given ogg file is valid bool cAudio::isvalid() { return (Decoder != 0); } //!Sets the sound source relativity to follow the listener to give the illusion of stereo 2d sound void cAudio::play2d(bool loop) { alSourcei (source, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, true); toloop = loop; play(); alSourcePlay(source); } //!Plays the given audio file with 3d position void cAudio::play3d(cVector3 position, float soundstr, bool loop) { this->position = position; alSourcei (source, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, false); alSource3f(source, AL_POSITION, position.x, position.y, position.z); alSourcef (source, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, soundstr); toloop = loop; play(); alSourcePlay(source); } //!Used to tell the soundsource to loop or not void cAudio::loop(bool loop) { toloop = loop; } //!Used to move the audio sources position after the initial creation void cAudio::setPosition(cVector3 position) { this->position = position; alSource3f(source, AL_POSITION, position.x, position.y, position.z); } //!Used to set the velocity of the audio source. void cAudio::setVelocity(cVector3 velocity) { this->velocity = velocity; alSource3f(source, AL_VELOCITY, velocity.x, velocity.y, velocity.z); } //!Used to set the direction of the audio source void cAudio::setDirection(cVector3 direction) { this->direction = direction; alSource3f(source, AL_DIRECTION, direction.x, direction.y, direction.z); } //!Used to set the sound strength or roll off factor void cAudio::setStrength(float soundstrength) { alSourcef(source, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, soundstrength); } //!Used to set the pitch of the audio file void cAudio::setPitch(float pitch) { alSourcef (source, AL_PITCH, pitch); } //!Used to set the volume of the audio source void cAudio::setVolume(float volume) { alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, volume); } //!Used to set the doppler strength of the audio sources doppler effect void cAudio::setDopplerStrength(float doop) { alSourcef(source, AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR, doop); } //!Used to set the doppler velocity of the audio source void cAudio::setDopplerVelocity(cVector3 dvelocity) { this->dvelocity = dvelocity; alSource3f(source, AL_DOPPLER_VELOCITY, dvelocity.x, dvelocity.y, dvelocity.z); } //!Allows us to seek through a stream void cAudio::seek(float secs) { if(Decoder->isSeekingSupported()) { Decoder->seek(secs, false); } } //!Used to play the audio source bool cAudio::play() { playaudio = true; if (!paused()) { int queueSize = 0; for(int u = 0; u < 3; u++) { int val = stream(buffers[u]); if(val < 0) { return false; } else if(val > 0) ++queueSize; } //Stores the sources 3 buffers to be used in the queue alSourceQueueBuffers(source, queueSize, buffers); } alSourcePlay(source); return true; } //!Used to stop the audio source void cAudio::stop() { playaudio = false; alSourceStop(source); } //!Used to pause the audio source void cAudio::pause() { playaudio = false; alSourcePause(source); } }