This is the new cAudio 2.0.0 Source Release. This release incorporates major bug fixes, API changes, and new features. Visit our site at for news and information. To get help, report bugs, or talk about cAudio visit our forums at: New: Audio Capturing Logging (File and Console) User Log Recievers Audio Effects and Filters Custom User Audio Decoders Plugin System Event System Custom User Data Sources Threading (and Thread Safety) Raw audio format support New wav decoder EAX Preset plugin MP3 Decoder plugin Updated: Better doxygen documentation. Numerous bug fixes (Too many to list here) ////////////////// // INSTALLATION // ////////////////// To compile: Windows: Open up the cAudio Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 solution (or codeblocks project file for MinGW) and select Build Solution after you set Debug or Release. Linux/Unix: Cd to the Source directory and run make. Mac: Not officially supported, but community members have been able to get it to build with XCode. Libraries will end up in: Windows: lib/win32-visual (MSVC) or lib/win32-gcc (Codeblocks). Linux: lib/linux-x86. Mac: Not officially supported, but should land up in lib/linux-x86. To compile examples: Windows: Automatically built by the MSVC Solution. For codeblocks, open up the projects in the Examples directory select perferred compiler and build configuration. Linux/Unix: Cd to the Examples directory and run ./ Mac: Not officially supported, but community members have been able to get it to build with XCode. Compiled examples will be in: Windows: bin/win32-visual (MSVC) or bin/win32-gcc (Codeblocks). Linux: bin/linux-x86. Mac: Not officially supported, but should land up in bin/linux-x86.