#include #include //Include IAudioManager so we can easily work with cAudio #include "../../include/IAudioManager.h" //Include IAudio so we can create cAudio objects #include "../../include/IAudio.h" using namespace std; #define CAPTURE_FREQUENCY 22050 #define CAPTURE_DURATION 10 #define CAPTURE_FORMAT cAudio::EAF_16BIT_MONO int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { //To make visual studio happy cAudio::IAudio* mysound = NULL; //Some fancy text cout << "cAudio 1.7.1 Tutorial 4: Capturing Audio \n \n"; std::string formatName; if(CAPTURE_FORMAT == cAudio::EAF_8BIT_MONO) formatName = "8 Bit Mono"; else if(CAPTURE_FORMAT == cAudio::EAF_8BIT_STEREO) formatName = "8 Bit Stereo"; else if(CAPTURE_FORMAT == cAudio::EAF_16BIT_MONO) formatName = "16 Bit Mono"; else formatName = "16 Bit Stereo"; //Grap the cAudioManager cAudio::IAudioManager* manager = cAudio::getAudioManager(); //Init the cAudio Engine manager->init(argc,argv); //! The capture interface should be grabbed after the manager has been initialized cAudio::IAudioCapture* capture = manager->getAudioCapture(); bool captureReady = false; cout << "Capturing Supported: " << std::boolalpha << capture->isSupported() << "\n"; if(capture->isSupported()) { captureReady = capture->initialize(CAPTURE_FREQUENCY, CAPTURE_FORMAT); cout << "Ready to capture audio: " << std::boolalpha << captureReady << "\n \n"; //Quick math to figure out how large our data should be for the duration of the record time const int targetRecordSize = CAPTURE_FREQUENCY * CAPTURE_DURATION * capture->getSampleSize(); cout << "Capture Frequency: " << CAPTURE_FREQUENCY << "\n"; cout << "Capture Duration: " << CAPTURE_DURATION << "\n"; cout << "Capture Format: " << formatName << "\n"; cout << "Sample Size: " << capture->getSampleSize() << "\n"; cout << "Total size of audio: " << targetRecordSize << "\n"; cout << std::endl; int currentsize = 0; cout << "Starting capture... \n"; if(capture->beginCapture()) { while(currentsize < targetRecordSize) { currentsize = capture->getCurrentCapturedAudioSize(); //Run the main update loop to keep audio data flowing in manager->update(); } } capture->stopCapture(); cout << "Capture stopped... \n \n"; char* buffer = new char[currentsize]; capture->getCapturedAudio(buffer, currentsize); //Create a IAudio object and load a sound from a file mysound = manager->createFromRaw("sound1", buffer, currentsize, CAPTURE_FREQUENCY, CAPTURE_FORMAT); delete buffer; if(mysound) { cout << "Playing back captured audio... \n \n"; mysound->setVolume(1.0); //Set the IAudio Sound to play2d and loop mysound->play2d(false); while(mysound->playing()) { //Playback sound manager->update(); } } } //Delete all IAudio sounds manager->release(); //Shutdown cAudio manager->shutDown(); std::cout << "Press any key to quit \n"; std::cin.get(); return 0; }