// Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Raynaldo (Wildicv) Rivera, Joshua (Dark_Kilauea) Jones // This file is part of the "cAudio Engine" // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in cAudio.h #ifndef ILISTENER_H #define ILISTENER_H #include "cVector3.h" #include "cAudioDefines.h" namespace cAudio { //! Interface for the listener in cAudio. This class provides abilities to move and orient where your camera or user is in the audio world. class IListener { public: IListener() {} virtual ~IListener() {} //! Sets the position of the listener. /** Note that you will still have to set velocity after this call for proper doppler effects. Use move() if you'd like to have cAudio automatically handle velocity for you. */ /** \param pos: New position for the listener. */ virtual void setPosition(const cVector3& pos) = 0; //! Sets the direction the listener is facing /** \param dir: New direction vector for the listener. */ virtual void setDirection(const cVector3& dir) = 0; //! Sets the up vector to use for the listener /** Default up vector is Y+, same as OpenGL. \param up: New up vector for the listener. */ virtual void setUpVector(const cVector3& up) = 0; //! Sets the current velocity of the listener for doppler effects /** \param vel: New velocity for the listener. */ virtual void setVelocity(const cVector3& vel) = 0; //! Sets the global volume modifier (will effect all sources) /** \param volume: Volume to scale all sources by. Range: 0.0 to +inf. */ virtual void setMasterVolume(const float& volume) = 0; //! Convenience function to automatically set the velocity and position for you in a single call /** Velocity will be set to new position - last position \param pos: New position to move the listener to. */ virtual void move(const cVector3& pos) = 0; //! Returns the current position of the listener virtual cVector3 getPosition(void) const = 0; //! Returns the current direction of the listener virtual cVector3 getDirection(void) const = 0; //! Returns the current up vector of the listener virtual cVector3 getUpVector(void) const = 0; //! Returns the current velocity of the listener virtual cVector3 getVelocity(void) const = 0; //! Returns the global volume modifier for all sources virtual float getMasterVolume(void) const = 0; #ifdef CAUDIO_EFX_ENABLED //! Sets the meters per user world unit for use with sound effects /** \param meters: Number of meters per world unit in your simulation. */ virtual void setMetersPerUnit(const float& meters) = 0; //! Returns the meters per user world unit for use with sound effects virtual float getMetersPerUnit(void) const = 0; #endif protected: private: }; } #endif //! ILISTENER_H