// Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Raynaldo (Wildicv) Rivera, Joshua (Dark_Kilauea) Jones // This file is part of the "cAudio Engine" // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in cAudio.h #ifndef IEFFECTPARAMETERS_H #define IEFFECTPARAMETERS_H #include "cVector3.h" #include "cAudioDefines.h" #ifdef CAUDIO_EFX_ENABLED namespace cAudio { struct sEAXReverbParameters { sEAXReverbParameters( float density = 1.0f, float diffusion = 1.0f, float gain = 0.32f, float gainHF = 0.89f, float gainLF = 0.0f, float decayTime = 1.49f, float decayHFRatio = 0.83f, float decayLFRatio = 1.0f, float reflectionsGain = 0.05f, float reflectionsDelay = 0.007f, cVector3 reflectionsPan = cVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), float lateReverbGain = 1.26f, float lateReverbDelay = 0.011f, cVector3 lateReverbPan = cVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), float echoTime = 0.25f, float echoDepth = 0.0f, float modulationTime = 0.25f, float modulationDepth = 0.0f, float airAbsorptionGainHF = 0.994f, float hFReference = 5000.0f, float lFReference = 250.0f, float roomRolloffFactor = 0.0f, bool decayHFLimit = true) : Density(density), Diffusion(diffusion), Gain(gain), GainHF(gainHF), GainLF(gainLF), DecayTime(decayTime), DecayHFRatio(decayHFRatio), DecayLFRatio(decayLFRatio), ReflectionsGain(reflectionsGain), ReflectionsDelay(reflectionsDelay), ReflectionsPan(reflectionsPan), LateReverbGain(lateReverbGain), LateReverbDelay(lateReverbDelay), LateReverbPan(lateReverbPan), EchoTime(echoTime), EchoDepth(echoDepth),ModulationTime(modulationTime), ModulationDepth(modulationDepth), AirAbsorptionGainHF(airAbsorptionGainHF), HFReference(hFReference), LFReference(lFReference), RoomRolloffFactor(roomRolloffFactor), DecayHFLimit(decayHFLimit) { } float Density; float Diffusion; float Gain; float GainHF; float GainLF; float DecayTime; float DecayHFRatio; float DecayLFRatio; float ReflectionsGain; float ReflectionsDelay; cVector3 ReflectionsPan; float LateReverbGain; float LateReverbDelay; cVector3 LateReverbPan; float EchoTime; float EchoDepth; float ModulationTime; float ModulationDepth; float AirAbsorptionGainHF; float HFReference; float LFReference; float RoomRolloffFactor; bool DecayHFLimit; }; struct sReverbParameters { sReverbParameters( float density = 1.0f, float diffusion = 1.0f, float gain = 0.32f, float gainHF = 0.89f, float decayTime = 1.49f, float decayHFRatio = 0.83f, float reflectionsGain = 0.05f, float reflectionsDelay = 0.007f, float lateReverbGain = 1.26f, float lateReverbDelay = 0.011f, float airAbsorptionGainHF = 0.994f, float roomRolloffFactor = 0.0f, bool decayHFLimit = true) : Density(density), Diffusion(diffusion), Gain(gain), GainHF(gainHF), DecayTime(decayTime), DecayHFRatio(decayHFRatio), ReflectionsGain(reflectionsGain), ReflectionsDelay(reflectionsDelay), LateReverbGain(lateReverbGain), LateReverbDelay(lateReverbDelay), AirAbsorptionGainHF(airAbsorptionGainHF), RoomRolloffFactor(roomRolloffFactor), DecayHFLimit(decayHFLimit) { } float Density; float Diffusion; float Gain; float GainHF; float DecayTime; float DecayHFRatio; float ReflectionsGain; float ReflectionsDelay; float LateReverbGain; float LateReverbDelay; float AirAbsorptionGainHF; float RoomRolloffFactor; bool DecayHFLimit; }; struct sChorusParameters { enum ChorusWaveform { ECW_SINUSOID, ECW_TRIANGLE, ECW_COUNT }; sChorusParameters( ChorusWaveform waveform = ECW_TRIANGLE, int phase = 90, float rate = 1.1f, float depth = 0.1f, float feedback = 0.25f, float delay = 0.016f) : Waveform(waveform), Phase(phase), Rate(rate), Depth(depth), Feedback(feedback), Delay(delay) { } ChorusWaveform Waveform; int Phase; float Rate; float Depth; float Feedback; float Delay; }; struct sDistortionParameters { sDistortionParameters( float edge = 0.2f, float gain = 0.05f, float lowpassCutoff = 8000.0f, float eqCenter = 3600.0f, float eqBandwidth = 3600.0f) : Edge(edge), Gain(gain), LowpassCutoff(lowpassCutoff), EqCenter(eqCenter), EqBandwidth(eqBandwidth) { } float Edge; float Gain; float LowpassCutoff; float EqCenter; float EqBandwidth; }; struct sEchoParameters { sEchoParameters( float delay = 0.1f, float lRDelay = 0.1f, float damping = 0.5f, float feedback = 0.5f, float spread = -1.0f) : Delay(delay), LRDelay(lRDelay), Damping(damping), Feedback(feedback), Spread(spread) { } float Delay; float LRDelay; float Damping; float Feedback; float Spread; }; struct sFlangerParameters { enum FlangerWaveform { EFW_SINUSOID, EFW_TRIANGLE, EFW_COUNT }; sFlangerParameters( FlangerWaveform waveform = EFW_TRIANGLE, int phase = 0, float rate = 0.27f, float depth = 1.0f, float feedback = -0.5f, float delay = 0.002f) : Waveform(waveform), Phase(phase), Rate(rate), Depth(depth), Feedback(feedback), Delay(delay) { } FlangerWaveform Waveform; int Phase; float Rate; float Depth; float Feedback; float Delay; }; struct sFrequencyShiftParameters { enum ShiftDirection { ESD_DOWN, ESD_UP, ESD_OFF, ESD_COUNT }; sFrequencyShiftParameters( float frequency = 0.0f, ShiftDirection left = ESD_DOWN, ShiftDirection right = ESD_DOWN) : Frequency(frequency), Left(left), Right(right) { } float Frequency; ShiftDirection Left; ShiftDirection Right; }; struct sVocalMorpherParameters { enum MorpherPhoneme { EMP_A, EMP_E, EMP_I, EMP_O, EMP_U, EMP_AA, EMP_AE, EMP_AH, EMP_AO, EMP_EH, EMP_ER, EMP_IH, EMP_IY, EMP_UH, EMP_UW, EMP_B, EMP_D, EMP_F, EMP_G, EMP_J, EMP_K, EMP_L, EMP_M, EMP_N, EMP_P, EMP_R, EMP_S, EMP_T, EMP_V, EMP_Z, ESD_COUNT }; enum MorpherWaveform { EMW_SINUSOID, EMW_TRIANGLE, EMW_SAW, EMW_COUNT }; sVocalMorpherParameters( MorpherPhoneme phonemeA = EMP_A, MorpherPhoneme phonemeB = EMP_ER, int phonemeACoarseTune = 0, int phonemeBCoarseTune = 0, MorpherWaveform waveform = EMW_SINUSOID, float rate = 1.41f) : PhonemeA(phonemeA), PhonemeB(phonemeB), PhonemeACoarseTune(phonemeACoarseTune), PhonemeBCoarseTune(phonemeBCoarseTune), Waveform(waveform), Rate(rate) { } MorpherPhoneme PhonemeA; MorpherPhoneme PhonemeB; int PhonemeACoarseTune; int PhonemeBCoarseTune; MorpherWaveform Waveform; float Rate; }; struct sPitchShifterParameters { sPitchShifterParameters( int coarseTune = 12, int fineTune = 0) : CoarseTune(coarseTune), FineTune(fineTune) { } int CoarseTune; int FineTune; }; struct sRingModulatorParameters { enum ModulatorWaveform { EMW_SINUSOID, EMW_SAW, EMW_SQUARE, EMW_COUNT }; sRingModulatorParameters( float frequency = 440.0f, float highPassCutoff = 800.0f, ModulatorWaveform waveform = EMW_SINUSOID) : Frequency(frequency), HighPassCutoff(highPassCutoff), Waveform(waveform) { } float Frequency; float HighPassCutoff; ModulatorWaveform Waveform; }; struct sAutowahParameters { sAutowahParameters( float attackTime = 0.06f, float releaseTime = 0.06f, float resonance = 1000.0f, float peakGain = 11.22f) : AttackTime(attackTime), ReleaseTime(releaseTime), Resonance(resonance), PeakGain(peakGain) { } float AttackTime; float ReleaseTime; float Resonance; float PeakGain; }; struct sCompressorParameters { sCompressorParameters( bool active = true) : Active(active) { } bool Active; }; struct sEqualizerParameters { sEqualizerParameters( float lowGain = 1.0f, float lowCutoff = 200.0f, float mid1Gain = 1.0f, float mid1Center = 500.0f, float mid1Width = 1.0f, float mid2Gain = 1.0f, float mid2Center = 3000.0f, float mid2Width = 1.0f, float highGain = 1.0f, float highCutoff = 6000.0f) : LowGain(lowGain), LowCutoff(lowCutoff), Mid1Gain(mid1Gain), Mid1Center(mid1Center), Mid1Width(mid1Width), Mid2Gain(mid2Gain), Mid2Center(mid2Center), Mid2Width(mid2Width), HighGain(highGain), HighCutoff(highCutoff) { } float LowGain; float LowCutoff; float Mid1Gain; float Mid1Center; float Mid1Width; float Mid2Gain; float Mid2Center; float Mid2Width; float HighGain; float HighCutoff; }; }; #endif #endif //! IEFFECTPARAMETERS_H