This is the new cAudio 1.7.1 Source Release. This is a bug fix release for cAudio also better packaged.. New: Examples Directory: Tutorial1:2dSound - Shows how to play a basic 2dSound Tutorial2:3dSound - Shows how to play a basic 3dSound Tutorial3:MemoryPlayback - Shows how to playback Audio from memory useful for virtual file system. Bug fix: You no longer have to create a new object each time you want to play a audio file. Source: Cleaned up the source code and fixed the commenting format To compile: Windows: Open up the cAudio codeblocks project and build with your perfered compiler Linux/Unix: Cd to the Source directory and run make. Mac: Good luck..... Belive running make would work not sure though. To compile examples: Windows: Open up codeblocks projects in the Examples directory select perfered compiler. Linux/Unix: Cd to the Examples directory and run ./ Mac: Good luck..... Belive runing ./ would work Compiled examples will be in bin/gcc bin/visual bin/linux depending