//**************************************************************** //cAudio 2.3.0 Tutorial 8 //Custom Manager Event Handler //**************************************************************** ///Include the ISourceHandler.h so we can inherit the interface #include "IManagerEventHandler.h" //Include cAudio.h so we can work with cAudio #include "cAudio.h" class cTestManager : public cAudio::IManagerEventHandler { //In order for this handler to work it must have each of the following functions public: cTestManager(); ~cTestManager(); //functions required to inherit from cAudio::IManagerEventHandler void onInit() {}; void onUpdate(); void onRelease() {}; void onSourceCreate() {}; void onDecoderRegister() {}; void onDataSourceRegister() {}; private: cAudio::IAudioManager* audioMgr; cAudio::IAudioSource* mysound; bool mysoundFading; clock_t fadeClockLastVal; float fadeAccumulator; };