#ifndef CLISTENER_H_INCLUDED #define CLISTENER_H_INCLUDED #include "../include/IListener.h" namespace cAudio { class cListener : public IListener { public: cListener() : Direction(cVector3(0.f, 0.f, -1.f)), UpVector(cVector3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f)), MasterGain(1.f) {} virtual ~cListener() {} //!Sets the position of the listener //!Note that this will automatically set velocity to 0 //!Use move() if you'd like to have cAudio automatically handle velocity for you //!or remember to set it yourself after setPosition virtual void setPosition(const cVector3 pos); //!Sets the direction the listener is facing virtual void setDirection(const cVector3 dir); //!Sets the up vector to use for the listener virtual void setUpVector(const cVector3 up); //!Sets the current velocity of the listener for doppler effects virtual void setVelocity(const cVector3 vel); //!Sets the global volume modifier (will effect all sources) virtual void setMasterVolume(const float volume); //!Convenience function to automatically set the velocity for you on a move //!Velocity will be set to new position - last position virtual void move(const cVector3 pos); //!Returns the current position of the listener virtual cVector3 getPosition(void) const { return Position; } //!Returns the current direction of the listener virtual cVector3 getDirection(void) const { return Direction; } //!Returns the current up vector of the listener virtual cVector3 getUpVector(void) const { return UpVector; } //!Returns the current velocity of the listener virtual cVector3 getVelocity(void) const { return Velocity; } //!Returns the global volume modifier for all sources virtual float getMasterVolume(void) const { return MasterGain; } protected: cVector3 Position; cVector3 Direction; cVector3 UpVector; cVector3 Velocity; float MasterGain; private: }; } #endif //! CLISTENER_H_INCLUDED