#!/bin/bash # # journal script for keeping # track of what i do and think # # it makes sence you add a bash alias like this to your ~/.bashrc # alias='/path/to/journal.sh /path/to/outputfile.txt' # do that and you can use journal as follows: # usage: journal # journal read # journal edit #set repopath repopath="/home/david/docs" #check if output file is given as first option if [ -z $1 ]; then outputfile=journal.txt else outputfile=$1 fi if [ -z $2 ]; then : else if [ $2 = "read" ]; then less $outputfile exit $? elif [ $2 = "edit" ]; then vim $outputfile exit $? elif [ $2 = "sync" ]; then cd $repopath git add * git commit -am "changes by $HOSTNAME. syncing git repo." git push exit $? fi fi #generating timestamp timestamp=$(date '+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M') #read journal entry from stdin echo "enter oneliner into journal:"; read input #writing to outputfile echo "**** $timestamp ****" >> $outputfile echo $input >> $outputfile echo "" >> $outputfile # **** end of script ****