#!/bin/bash # # sshsudo: 1.0 # Author: jiwu.liu@gmail.com # # The script executes sudo command on one or more remote computers. # Its arguments are the names to remote sudoers and remote computers. # The script read the password from the standard input, which should # be the same for all sudoer accounts. No password is explicitly shown # in the terminal or logged to files. # If the command is a local shell script, use '-r' to copy it to # the remote computers to execute. A temporary script file will be # automatically created for this purpose. # # # TO DO: It can not execute a command that use the shell special charaters # on the remote computer, such as & ; ! *, because all arguments # are wrapped with ''. That means, all special characters have only # literal meanings. In the case when they are needed, use a script # instead of a command. # # Example:sshsudo foo@bar.net apt-get check # sshsudo -r foo@bar.net myscript.sh usage() { local ProgName=$1; echo "Usage: $ProgName -r -v [-u user] AccountList Command [Arguments]" echo " -u Set the default user unless it is given within remote account list" echo " -r Copy the command(usually the path to local script) to remote computers before execution" echo " -v Verbose output" echo " AccountList: [user1@]computer1,[user2@]computer2,[user3@]computer3,..." echo " or the name to file which contains accounts(user@computer) in separate lines" echo " Command: The Command/Script to be executed" echo " Arguments: All arguments to be passed to command." } pipewrap() { # This function reads in the input from a terminal and output the same. # The only purpose is to insert PASSWORD for "sudo -S" command. # After initially insert the password, it simply copy input from terminal # and send it to ssh command directly echo $1 # which is password local lockFile=$2; while true; do # The function will exit when output pipe is closed, if [ ! -e $lockFile ]; then return 0 fi # i.e., the ssh read -t 1 line if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # successfully read echo $line fi done } runsudo () { # receive its arguments local ACCOUNT=$1; local PASSWORD=$2; local COMMAND=$3; local ARGUMENTS=$4; local DEFAULTUSER=$5; local COPY=$6; local VERBOSE=$7; # Parse account which has the form user@computer.domain local REMOTEUSER=${ACCOUNT%%@*} local REMOTECOMPUTER=${ACCOUNT#*@} local REMOTESCRIPT= local REMOTECOMMAND=$COMMAND if [ $REMOTEUSER = $REMOTECOMPUTER ]; then # There is no @, i.e., only computer name is given REMOTEUSER=$DEFAULTUSER fi echo =========================${REMOTEUSER}@$REMOTECOMPUTER: sudo $COMMAND $ARGUMENTS if [ $COPY -ne 0 ]; then # Make a script + seconds since 1970-01-01 REMOTESCRIPT=/tmp/$COMMAND`date +%s` if [ $VERBOSE -ne 0 ]; then echo $REMOTECOMPUTER: Secure copy \"$COMMAND\" to \"$REMOTESCRIPT\" fi # Copy to remote computer. Quote target name on the remote computer for script name # that contains " " sshpass -p "$PASSWORD" scp "$COMMAND" "$REMOTEUSER@$REMOTECOMPUTER:'$REMOTESCRIPT'" REMOTECOMMAND=$REMOTESCRIPT fi # Assume we are lucky, result is fine. local RES=DONE # Invalidate the sudo timestamp. Simplify the situation. Henceforth sudo always ask for a password sshpass -p "$PASSWORD" ssh "$REMOTEUSER@$REMOTECOMPUTER" "sudo -K" # Use lock file to inform pipewrap function to exit. local lockFile=`mktemp` eval pipewrap '$PASSWORD' '$lockFile' | (sshpass -p "$PASSWORD" ssh "$REMOTEUSER@$REMOTECOMPUTER" "sudo -S '$REMOTECOMMAND' $ARGUMENTS"; rm "$lockFile") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then RES=FAILED fi if [ $COPY -ne 0 ]; then sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh "$REMOTEUSER@$REMOTECOMPUTER" rm \'$REMOTESCRIPT\' if [ $VERBOSE -ne 0 ]; then echo Remove temporary script \"$REMOTESCRIPT\" at [$REMOTECOMPUTER] fi fi echo ----------------------------------${RES}!!---------------------------------------- } #=====================================Main Script======================================== # # Set default values for variables COMMAND= ARGUMENTS= COPY=0 VERBOSE=0 ACCOUNTLIST= DEFAULTUSER=$USER # Parse the command line arguments with '-' while getopts u:hrv o ; do case "$o" in [?]) usage $0 exit 1;; h) usage $0 exit 0;; u) DEFAULTUSER=$OPTARG;; v) VERBOSE=1;; r) COPY=1;; esac done # Read the rest command line arguments if [ $(($#-$OPTIND+1)) -lt 2 ]; then echo Error: Account list and command have to be in the arguments usage $0 exit 4 fi shift $(($OPTIND-1)) ACCOUNTLIST=$1 shift COMMAND=$1 shift for PARAM; do ARGUMENTS=$ARGUMENTS\'$PARAM\'" " done # Check the validity of the script command if remote copy is needed if [ $COPY -ne 0 ]; then if [ ! -e "$COMMAND" ]; then echo \"$COMMAND\" does not exist. exit 3 fi if [ ! -x "$COMMAND" ]; then echo \"$COMMAND\" can not be executed. exit 3 fi fi # Read in the password from the STDIN read -s -p "Please enter your password:" PASSWORD echo # Start running if [ -e $ACCOUNTLIST ]; then # read accounts from a file for ACCOUNT in `cat $ACCOUNTLIST`; do runsudo "$ACCOUNT" "$PASSWORD" "$COMMAND" "$ARGUMENTS" "$DEFAULTUSER" "$COPY" "$VERBOSE"; done else # ACCOUNTLIST is a comma separated list of user@computer strings. # Change the internal separation field. IFS=, for ACCOUNT in $ACCOUNTLIST; do runsudo "$ACCOUNT" "$PASSWORD" "$COMMAND" "$ARGUMENTS" "$DEFAULTUSER" "$COPY" "$VERBOSE"; done fi #EOF