#!/bin/bash # name: switch_desktop.sh # version: 0.1 # author: david@socialnerds.org # description: switch to next, previous, specific desktop. # you can also toggle between first and second desktop. # # usage: ./switch-desktop.sh next|prev||toggle num=$(wmctrl -d | grep "*" | awk '{print $1}') lockfile="/tmp/switch_desktop.lock" if [ ! -f $lockfile ]; then echo "creating lockfile [$lockfile]" touch $lockfile if [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "switching to specific desktop [$1]" wmctrl -s $1 elif [ "$1" == "next" ]; then echo "switching to next desktop [$next]" next=$((num+1)) wmctrl -s $next elif [ "$1" == "prev" ]; then if [ $num -ne 0 ]; then echo "switching to previous desktop [$prev]" prev=$((num-1)) wmctrl -s $prev fi elif [ "$1" == "toggle" ]; then if [ $num -eq 0 ]; then echo "switching to second desktop" wmctrl -s 1 else echo "switching back to first desktop" wmctrl -s 0 fi fi echo "waiting for 0.5 seconds" sleep 0.5 echo "cleaning up lockfile [$lockfile]" rm $lockfile fi