#!/bin/bash # name: watch_containers.sh # author: david@socialnerds.org # version: 0.1 # license: GPLv3 # description: Checks if the running container count # matches a number provided as $1 and optionally # reports results to a healthchecks endpoint. # usage: ./watch_containers.sh # **** function definitions **** function usage { echo "usage: ./watch-containers.sh " } function get_container_count { local CNT=$(docker ps --format {{.Names}} | wc -l) if is_int "$CNT"; then echo $CNT fi } function is_int { local INT_EXPR='^[0-9]+$' if [[ $1 =~ $INT_EXPR ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } function is_url { local URL_EXPR='^https?://.+$' if [[ $1 =~ $URL_EXPR ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # **** start **** #exit if no options if [ -z "$1" ]; then usage exit 1 fi #exit if $1 is no intager if ! is_int "$1"; then usage exit 1 fi #set expected running containers NUM=$1 #get running container count CNT=$(get_container_count) #set healthchecks url if not empty URL="" if [ -n "$2" ]; then #exit if $2 is no valid url if ! is_url "$2"; then usage exit 1 fi URL="$2" fi MSG="Running containers: $CNT Expected containers: $NUM" echo "$MSG" #report to healthchecks if [ -n "$URL" ]; then if [ $NUM -eq $CNT ]; then curl -m 10 --retry 5 --data-raw "$MSG" "$URL" else curl -m 10 --retry 5 --data-raw "$MSG" "$URL/fail" fi fi # **** end **** exit 0