#!/bin/bash # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # YouTube Contvertion Tool # # # # Author: david@socialnerds.org # # Version: v0.3 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # help text if [[ $1 == "-h" || $1 == "--help" ]]; then echo " # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # YouTube Contvertion Tool # # # # Author: david@socialnerds.org # # Version: v0.3 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #" echo echo "usage: ./youtube_converter " echo exit 0 fi # checking dependencies (except browser, i use chromium here) if [[ $(aptitude search ffmpeg | grep multimedia | awk '{print $1}') = "i" && $(aptitude search lame | grep frontend | awk '{print $1}') = "i" && $(aptitude search curl | grep "Get a file" | awk '{print $1}') = "i" ]]; then #echo "info: all dependencies found" : else if [ $(whoami) = "root" ]; then echo "info: trying to insall missing dependencies" apt-get install -y ffmpeg curl lame else echo "error: permission denied" echo "info: install dependencies or run this scrip as superuser" exit 1 fi fi # check if entered link or given link option a youtube link while [[ ${link:0:31} != "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" && ${2:0:31} != "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" ]]; do echo "enter youtube link:" read link done if [ -z $link ]; then link=$2 fi # do you want a mp3 or a mpeg if [[ $1 = "mp3" || $1 = "mpeg" ]]; then mediatype=$1 else while [[ $mediatype != "mp3" && $mediatype != "mpeg" ]]; do echo 'Do you want an audio or video file? mp3/mpeg[default is mp3].' read mediatype if [ -z $mediatype ]; then mediatype="mp3" fi done fi # getting flash filename file=$(ls -l /tmp | grep Flash | awk '{print $8}') secondfile=$(echo $file | awk '{print $2}') if [ -z "$file" ]; then echo "info: there is no open youtube window, trying to start browser" chromium-browser $link #firefox $link & sleep 6 file=$(ls -l /tmp | grep Flash | awk '{print $8}') secondfile=$(echo $file | awk '{print $2}') fi # checking if there is a second flash file in /tmp if [ -z $secondfile ]; then i="doitagain" oldsize=$(ls -l /tmp | grep $file | awk '{print $5}') sleep 5 while [ $i = "doitagain" ]; do size=$(ls -l /tmp | grep $file | awk '{print $5}') if [ $size -gt $oldsize ];then echo "info: download not finished yet. waiting 5 seconds.." oldsize=$size sleep 5 else echo "info: download finished." i="goforit" fi done else echo "error: there should just be one open video window" exit 1 fi # parse link for title curl "$link" --output tmp.txt rawtitle=$(cat tmp.txt | w3m -dump -T text/html | sed -n '5p') title=$rawtitle #rawtitle=$(cat tmp.txt | grep 'meta name="title"') rm tmp.txt #count=${#rawtitle} #length=$(($count-36)) #title=${rawtitle:34:$length} # here starts the actual convertion echo "starting convertion of $title @ $link" if [ $mediatype != "mpeg" ]; then ffmpeg -i /tmp/$file -vn temp.wav lame --preset 128 temp.wav "$title.mp3" rm temp.wav title="$title.mp3" else ffmpeg -i /tmp/$file -sameq -ab 192k "$title.mpeg" title="$title.mpeg" fi wd=$(pwd) echo echo "Output file $wd/$title" echo exit 0