# **** kvm-tools sample config file **** # this file should be renamed to kvm-tools.conf and moved to /etc # locations (do not use tailing slashes) repopath="/opt/kvm-tools" # path to the local kvm-tools git repo configpath="/etc/libvirt/qemu" # path to the xml config files imagepath="/path/to/images" # virtual disks location (just for vm creation) backuppath="/path/to/backup" # backup destination # bashlib bashlibpath="/opt/bashlib" # bashlib location # logging loglevel="4" log2stdout="1" log2syslog="1" log2file="1" logfile="/var/log/kvm-tools.log" # server deployment (ubuntu) defaultdomain="aec.at" defaultmirror="http://updater.aec.at/ubuntu" recpackages="ssh bash-completion acpid unattended-upgrades nload htop tshark nmap aptitude ncdu parted vim logrotate apparmor-profiles apparmor-utils" optpackages="screen nano dnsutils locate dialog pwgen git-core iftop mtr lft zsh"