# Aliases alias zz='source ~/.zshrc' alias vz='vim ~/.zshrc && source ~/.zshrc' alias vp='vim $ZSH/plugins/david.zsh && source ~/.zshrc' alias vt='vim $ZSH/themes/david.zsh && source ~/.zshrc' alias ll="ls -l" alias la="ls -la" alias vi="vim" alias vless="/usr/share/vim/vim73/macros/less.sh" alias publish="python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer" # Functions vncconnect() { if [ -z $1 ]; then echo "usage: vncconnect " exit 1 else hostname=$1 echo "digging ssh tunnel to $hostname"; sleep 1 ssh $hostname -L 8900/localhost/5901 "sleep 05 && exit" & sleep 02 vncviewer localhost:8900 echo "killed ssh tunnel to $hostname and ended vnc session" fi } rdp() { if [ -z $1 ]; then echo -e "server: \c" read server else server=$1 fi echo -e "username [hubertus]: \c" read username if [ -z $username ]; then username="hubertus" fi echo -e "domain [aec.at]: \c" read domain if [ -z $domain ]; then domain="aec.at" fi rdesktop -u $username -p - -d $domain -g 1280x720 $server } updatezshconfig() { cd $ZSH git pull origin master cd - } pushzshconfig() { cd $ZSH git commit -am "pushzshconfig $(date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M")" git push origin master cd - }