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2005-03-08 18:53:11 +00:00

297 lines
8.3 KiB

#undef CODE16
#if defined(PCBIOS)
#define CODE16
#ifdef CODE16
#define BOCHSBP xchgw %bx,%bx
.arch i386
.section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
* Memory map mangling code
.globl e820mangler
/* Macro to calculate offset of labels within code segment in
* installed copy of code.
#define INSTALLED(x) ( (x) - e820mangler )
* Intercept INT 15 memory calls and remove the hidden memory ranges
* from the resulting memory map.
.globl _intercept_int15
/* Preserve registers */
pushw %bp
/* Store %ax for future reference */
pushw %ax
/* Make INT-style call to old INT15 routine */
lcall %cs:*INSTALLED(_intercepted_int15)
/* Preserve flags returned by original E820 routine */
/* Check for valid INT15 routine */
jc intercept_int15_exit
/* Check for a routine we want to intercept */
movw %sp, %bp
cmpw $0xe820, 2(%bp)
je intercept_e820
cmpw $0xe801, 2(%bp)
je intercept_e801
cmpb $0x88, 3(%bp)
je intercept_88
/* Restore registers and return */
popw %bp /* discard original %ax */
popw %bp
lret $2 /* 'iret' - flags already loaded */
.globl _intercepted_int15
_intercepted_int15: .word 0,0
* Exclude an address range from a potentially overlapping address range
* Note: this *can* be called even if the range doesn't overlap; it
* will simply return the range unaltered. It copes with all the
* possible cases of overlap, including total overlap (which will
* modify the range to length zero). If the to-be-excluded range is
* in the middle of the target range, then the larger remaining
* portion will be returned. If %di is nonzero on entry then the
* range will only be truncated from the high end, i.e. the base
* address will never be altered. All this in less than 30
* instructions. :)
* Parameters:
* %eax Base address of memory range
* %ecx Length of memory range
* %ebx Base address of memory range to exclude
* %edx Length of memory range to exclude
* %di 0 => truncate either end, 1 => truncate high end only
* Returns:
* %eax Updated base address of range
* %ecx Updated length of range
* %ebx,%edx Undefined
* All other registers (including %di) preserved
* Note: "ja" is used rather than "jg" because we are comparing
* unsigned ints
/* Convert (start,length) to (start,end) */
addl %eax, %ecx
addl %ebx, %edx
/* Calculate "prefix" length */
subl %eax, %ebx /* %ebx = "prefix" length */
ja 1f
xorl %ebx, %ebx /* Truncate to zero if negative */
1: /* %di == 0 => truncate either end
* %di != 0 => truncate only high end
testw %di, %di
je use_either
cmpl %eax, %edx
jbe 99f /* excl. range is below target range */
use_prefix: /* Use prefix, discard suffix */
addl %eax, %ebx /* %ebx = candidate end address */
cmpl %ecx, %ebx /* %ecx = min ( %ebx, %ecx ) */
ja 1f
movl %ebx, %ecx
1: jmp 99f
/* Calculate "suffix" length */
subl %ecx, %edx /* %edx = -( "suffix" length ) */
jb 1f
xorl %edx, %edx /* Truncate to zero if negative */
1: negl %edx /* %edx = "suffix" length */
/* Use whichever is longest of "prefix" and "suffix" */
cmpl %ebx, %edx
jbe use_prefix
use_suffix: /* Use suffix, discard prefix */
negl %edx
addl %ecx, %edx /* %edx = candidate start address */
cmpl %eax, %edx /* %eax = max ( %eax, %edx ) */
jb 1f
movl %edx, %eax
99: subl %eax, %ecx /* Convert back to (start,length) */
.globl __test_exclude
pushl %ebx
pushl %edi
movl 12(%esp), %eax
movl 16(%esp), %ecx
movl 20(%esp), %ebx
movl 24(%esp), %edx
movl 28(%esp), %edi
call exclude_memory_range
shll $16, %eax
orl %ecx, %eax
popl %edi
popl %ebx
* Exclude Etherboot-reserved address ranges from a potentially
* overlapping address range
* Parameters:
* %eax Base address of memory range
* %ecx Length of memory range
* %di 0 => truncate either end, 1 => truncate high end only
* Returns:
* %eax Updated base address of range
* %ecx Updated length of range
* All other registers (including %di) preserved
pushw %si
pushl %ebx
pushl %edx
movw $INSTALLED(_hide_memory), %si
2: movl %cs:0(%si), %ebx
movl %cs:4(%si), %edx
call exclude_memory_range
addw $8, %si
cmpw $INSTALLED(_hide_memory_end), %si
jl 2b
popl %edx
popl %ebx
popw %si
.globl _hide_memory
.long 0,0 /* Etherboot text (base,length) */
.long 0,0 /* Heap (base,length) */
* Intercept INT 15,E820 calls and remove the hidden memory ranges
* from the resulting memory map.
#define SMAP ( 0x534d4150 )
/* Check for valid E820 routine */
cmpl $SMAP, %eax
jne intercept_int15_exit
/* If base address isn't in the low 4GB, return unaltered
* (since we never claim memory above 4GB). WARNING: we cheat
* by assuming that no E820 region will straddle the 4GB
* boundary: if this is not a valid assumption then things
* will probably break.
cmpl $0, %es:4(%di)
jne intercept_int15_exit
/* Preserve registers */
pushl %eax
pushl %ecx
/* Update returned memory range */
movl %es:0(%di), %eax /* Base */
movl %es:8(%di), %ecx /* Length */
pushw %di
xorw %di, %di /* "truncate either end" flag */
call exclude_hidden_memory_ranges
popw %di
movl %eax, %es:0(%di) /* Store updated base */
movl %ecx, %es:8(%di) /* Store updated length */
/* Restore registers and return */
popl %ecx
popl %eax
jmp intercept_int15_exit
* Intercept INT 15,E801 calls and remove the hidden memory ranges
* from the resulting memory map.
/* Adjust return values */
call e801_adjust
xchgw %ax, %cx
xchgw %bx, %dx
call e801_adjust
xchgw %ax, %cx
xchgw %bx, %dx
jmp intercept_int15_exit
/* %ax = #KB from 1MB+, %bx = #64KB from 16MB+
* Return with modified values in %ax, %bx. Preserver other regs.
pushw %di
pushl %ecx
pushl %eax
movw $1, %di /* "truncate only high end" flag */
/* Truncate #64KB from 16MB+ as appropriate */
movw %bx, %cx /* (no need to zero high word) */
shll $16, %ecx /* %ecx = length in bytes */
movl $(1<<24), %eax /* 16MB start address */
call exclude_hidden_memory_ranges
shrl $16, %ecx /* %cx = updated length in 64KB */
movw %cx, %bx /* Return in %bx */
/* Truncate #KB from 1MB+ as appropriate */
popw %cx /* Orig. %ax (high word already 0) */
shll $10, %ecx /* %ecx = length in bytes */
shrl $4, %eax /* 1MB start address */
call exclude_hidden_memory_ranges
shrl $10, %ecx /* %cx = updated length in KB */
pushw %cx /* Will be picked up in %eax */
popl %eax
popl %ecx
popw %di
* Intercept INT 15,88 calls and remove the hidden memory ranges
* from the resulting memory map.
pushw %bx /* E801 adjust, ignore %bx */
call e801_adjust
popw %bx
jmp intercept_int15_exit
.globl e820mangler_end
.globl _e820mangler_size
.equ _e820mangler_size, e820mangler_end - e820mangler
.globl e820mangler_size
.word _e820mangler_size
.globl _e820mangler_size
.equ _e820mangler_size, 0
#endif /* CODE16 */