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Michael Brown 8406115834 [build] Rename gPXE to iPXE
Access to the gpxe.org and etherboot.org domains and associated
resources has been revoked by the registrant of the domain.  Work
around this problem by renaming project from gPXE to iPXE, and
updating URLs to match.

Also update README, LOG and COPYRIGHTS to remove obsolete information.

Signed-off-by: Michael Brown <mcb30@ipxe.org>
2010-04-19 23:43:39 +01:00

268 lines
8.7 KiB

#if 0
* pcmcia.c
* PCMCIA support routines for etherboot - generic stuff
* This code has partly be taken from the linux kernel sources, .../drivers/pcmcia/
* Started & put together by
* Anselm Martin Hoffmeister
* Stockholm Projekt Computer-Service
* Sankt Augustin / Bonn, Germany
* Distributed under GPL2
* ******************************
* ******************************
* I'm still fixing it up on every end, so we most probably would interfere
* at some point. If there's anything obvious or better, not-so-obvious,
* please contact me by e-mail: anselm (AT) hoffmeister (DOT) be *THANKS*
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pcmcia.h>
#include <i82365.h>
#define CODE_STATUS "alpha"
#define CODE_VERSION "0.1.3"
#include <pcmcia-opts.h>
#include <console.h>
#include <ipxe/init.h>
int sockets; /* AHTODO: Phase this out! */
u_int pccsocks;
struct pccsock_t pccsock[MAXPCCSOCKS];
int inited = -1;
struct pcc_config_t pccconfig[MAXPCCCONFIGS];
struct driver_interact_t driver[] = {
#ifdef SUPPORT_I82365
{ I82365, i82365_interfacer, "Intel_82365" },
#define NUM_DRIVERS (sizeof(driver)/(sizeof(struct driver_interact_t)))
void sleepticks(int numticks ) {
u_int tmo;
for (tmo = currticks()+numticks; currticks() < tmo; ) {
static void pcmcia_init_all(void) {
u_int i, j, k, l, m, n, ui, configs = 0;
u_int multicard[8];
u_char *uc, upc;
if ( PDEBUG > 0 ) printf("Initializing PCMCIA subsystem (code-status: " CODE_STATUS ", Version " CODE_VERSION ")\n");
if ( PDEBUG > 2 ) {
printf ( "Supporting %d driver(s): ", NUM_DRIVERS );
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_DRIVERS; ++i ) {
printf ( "[%s] ", driver[i].name );
printf ( "\n" );
pccsocks = 0;
sockets = 0;
// Init all drivers in the driver[] array:
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_DRIVERS; ++i ) {
driver[i].f(INIT,0,i,0,0); // init needs no params. It uses pccsocks and pccsock[].
// Only i tells it which driver_id itself is.
for ( i = 0; i < pccsocks; ++i ) {
printf ( "Socket %d: ", i );
if ( pccsock[i].status != HASCARD ) {
printf ( "is %s: skipping\n", pccsock[i].status == EMPTY? "empty":"[status unknown]" );
if ( 0 != driver[pccsock[i].drivernum].f(MAPATTRMEM,pccsock[i].internalid,MAP_ATTRMEM_TO, MAP_ATTRMEM_LEN,0 ) ) {
printf ("PCMCIA controller failed to map attribute memory.\n**** SEVERE ERROR CONDITION. Skipping controller.\n" );
if ( PDEBUG > 2 ) {
printf ( "<press key. THIS CONDITION SHOULD BE REPORTED!>\n" ); getchar();
// parse configuration information
pccsock[i].stringoffset = pccsock[i].configoffset = pccsock[i].stringlength = 0;
pccsock[i].type = 0xff;
for ( l = 0; l < 8; ++l ) multicard[l] = 0;
for ( l = ui = 0; ui < 0x800; ui += uc[(2*ui)+2] + 2 ) {
if ( uc[(2*ui)] == 0xff ) {
// This loop is complete rubbish AFAICS.
// But without it, my test system won't come up.
// It's too bad to develop on broken hardware
// - Anselm
configs = 0;
inited = -1;
for ( l = ui = 0; ui < 0x800; ui += uc[(2*ui)+2] + 2 ) {
if ( uc[(2*ui)] == 0xff ) break;
else if ( uc[2*ui] == 0x15 ) {
for ( k = 2 * ( ui + 2 ); ( uc[k] <= ' ' ) && ( k < ( 2 * ( uc[2*(ui+1)] + ui + 2 ) ) ) ; k += 2 ) { ; }
pccsock[i].stringoffset = k;
pccsock[i].stringlength = ( 2 * ( ui + 2 + uc[(2*ui)+2] ) - k ) / 2;
} else if ( uc[2*ui] == 0x21 ) {
pccsock[i].type = uc[(2*ui)+4];
} else if ( uc[2*ui] == 0x1a ) { // Configuration map
printf ( "\nConfig map 0x1a found [" );
for ( k = 0; k < uc[2*(ui+1)]; ++k ) {
printf ( "%02x ", uc[2*(ui+k+2)] );
printf ( "]\nHighest config available is %d\n", uc[2*(ui+3)] );
m = uc[2*(ui+2)];
pccsock[i].configoffset = 0;
for ( j = 0; j <= (m & 3); ++j ) {
pccsock[i].configoffset += uc[2*(ui+4+j)] << (8*j);
pccsock[i].rmask0 = 0;
for ( j = 0; j <= ( ( ( m & 0x3c ) >> 2 ) & 3 ); ++j ) {
pccsock[i].rmask0 += uc[2*(ui+5+(m&3)+j)] << (8*j);
j = pccsock[i].rmask0;
printf ( "Config offset is %x, card has regs: < %s%s%s%s%s>\n", pccsock[i].configoffset,
j & 1 ? "COR ":"", j & 2 ? "CCSR ":"", j & 4 ? "PRR ":"", j & 8 ? "SCR ":"", j & 16? "ESR ":"" );
printf ( "COR + CCSR contents (si/du) %x %x/%x %x\n", uc[pccsock[i].configoffset+0],
uc[pccsock[i].configoffset+2],uc[pccsock[i].configoffset*2],uc[(pccsock[i].configoffset*2)+2] );
printf ( " " );
} else if ( uc[2*ui] == 0x1b ) { // Configuration data entry
//printf ( "Config data 0x1b found [\n" );getchar();
for ( k = 0; k < uc[2*(ui+1)]; ++k ) {
// printf ( "%02x ", uc[2*(ui+k+2)] );
// Parse this tuple into pccconfig[configs]
// printf ( "]\n" );
if ( configs == MAXPCCCONFIGS ) continue;
k = 2*ui+4;
pccconfig[configs].index = uc[k] & 0x3f;
if ( uc[k] & 0x80 ) {
// printf ( "Special config, unsupp. for now\n" );
// printf ( "Features: %2x\n", uc[k] );
if ( uc[k] & 0x7 ) {
// printf ( "Cannot work with Vcc/Timing configs right now\n" );
pccconfig[configs].iowin = pccconfig[configs].iolen = 0;
if ( 0 != ( uc[k] & 0x8 ) ) {
// printf ( "Reading IO config: " );
if ( 0 == ( uc[k] & 0x80 ) ) {
// printf ( "Cannot work with auto/io config\n" );
if ( 0 != ( uc[k] & 0x0f ) ) {
// printf ( "Don't support more than 1 iowin right now\n" );
j = (uc[k] & 0x30) >> 4;
m = (uc[k] & 0xc0) >> 6;
if ( 3 == j ) ++j;
if ( 3 == m ) ++m;
k += 2;
pccconfig[configs].iowin = 0;
pccconfig[configs].iolen = 1;
for ( n = 0; n < j; ++n, k+=2 ) {
pccconfig[configs].iowin += uc[k] << (n*8);
for ( n = 0; n < m; ++n, k+=2 ) {
pccconfig[configs].iolen += uc[k] << (n*8);
// printf ( "io %x len %d (%d)\n", pccconfig[configs].iowin, pccconfig[configs].iolen,configs );
for ( j = 0; j < (uc[k] & 3); ++j ) {
// pccconfig[configs].iowin += (uc[k+(2*j)+2]) << (8*j);
if ( pccsock[i].stringoffset > 0 ) { // If no identifier, it's not a valid CIS (as of documentation...)
printf ( "[" );
for ( k = 0; ( k < pccsock[i].stringlength ) && ( k < 64 ); ++k ) {
j = uc[pccsock[i].stringoffset + 2 * k];
printf ( "%c", (j>=' '? j:' ' ) );
printf ("]\n is type %d (", pccsock[i].type );
switch ( pccsock[i].type ) {
case 0x00:
printf ( "MULTI" ); break;
case 0x01:
printf ( "Memory" ); break;
case 0x02:
printf ( "Serial" ); break;
case 0x03:
printf ( "Parallel" ); break;
case 0x04:
printf ( "Fixed" ); break;
case 0x05:
printf ( "Video" ); break;
case 0x06:
printf ( "Network" ); break;
case 0x07:
printf ( "AIMS" ); break;
case 0x08:
printf ( "SCSI" ); break;
case 0x106: // Special / homebrew to say "Multi/network"
printf ( "MULTI, with Network" ); break; // AHTODO find a card for this
printf ( ") with %d possible configuration(s)\n", configs );
// Now set dependency: If it's Network or multi->network, accept
if ( (inited <= 0 ) && (6 == (0xff & pccsock[i].type) ) && (0 < configs ) ) {
printf ( "activating this device with ioport %x-%x (config #%d)\n",
pccconfig[0].iowin, pccconfig[0].iowin+pccconfig[0].iolen-1, pccconfig[0].index );
inited = i;
// And unmap attrmem ourselves!
printf ( "Activating config..." );
if ( m=driver[pccsock[i].drivernum].f(SELECTCONFIG,pccsock[i].internalid,pccconfig[0].index,0,&pccconfig[0]) ) {
printf ("Failure(%d)!",m); inited = -1;
printf ( "done!\n" );
} else {
printf ( "unsupported - no identifier string found in CIS\n" );
// unmap the PCMCIA device
if ( i != inited ) {
if ( 0 != driver[pccsock[i].drivernum].f(UNMAPATTRMEM,pccsock[i].internalid,0,0,0) ) {
printf ("PCMCIA controller failed to unmap attribute memory.\n**** SEVERE ERROR CONDITION ****\n" );
if ( PDEBUG > 2 ) {
printf ( "<press key. THIS CONDITION SHOULD BE REPORTED!>\n" ); getchar();
if ( PDEBUG > 2 ) {
printf ( "<press key to exit the pcmcia_init_all routine>\n" );
static void pcmcia_shutdown_all(void) {
int i;
//if ( PDEBUG > 2 ) {printf("<press key to continue>\n" ); getchar(); }
for ( i = 0; i < pccsocks; ++i ) {
printf("Shutdown of PCMCIA subsystem completed");