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2005-03-08 18:53:11 +00:00

377 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Helper program to generate Makefile rules into file Rom from table in
# file NIC
# GPL, Ken Yap 2001, with major contributions by Klaus Espenlaub
# Revised 2002
use strict;
use bytes;
use File::Basename;
use vars qw($familyfile $nic @families $curfam %drivers %pcient %isaent %isalist %buildent $arch @srcs);
sub __gendep ($$$)
my ($file, $deps, $driver_dep) = @_;
foreach my $source (@$deps) {
my $inc;
my @collect_dep = ();
$inc = "arch/$arch/include/$source" unless ! -e "arch/$arch/include/$source";
$inc = "include/$source" unless ! -e "include/$source";
$inc = dirname($file) . "/$source" unless ! -e dirname($file) . "/$source";
unless (defined($inc)) {
print STDERR "$source from $file not found (shouldn't happen)\n";
next if (exists ${$driver_dep}{$inc});
${$driver_dep}{$inc} = $inc;
# Warn about failure to open, then skip, rather than soldiering on with the read
unless (open(INFILE, "$inc")) {
print STDERR "$inc: $! (shouldn't happen)\n";
while (<INFILE>) {
# This code is not very smart: no C comments or CPP conditionals processing is
# done. This may cause unexpected (or incorrect) additional dependencies.
# However, ignoring the CPP conditionals is in some sense correct: we need to
# figure out a superset of all the headers for the driver source.
next unless (s/^\s*#include\s*"([^"]*)".*$/$1/);
# Ignore system includes, like the ones in osdep.h
next if ($_ =~ m:^/:);
# Ignore "special" includes, like .buildserial.h
next if /^\./;
push(@collect_dep, $_);
if (@collect_dep) {
&__gendep($inc, \@collect_dep, $driver_dep);
sub gendep ($) {
my ($driver) = @_;
# Automatically generate the dependencies for the driver sources.
my %driver_dep = ();
__gendep( "", [ $driver ], \%driver_dep);
return sort values %driver_dep
# Make sure that every rom name exists only once.
# make will warn if it finds duplicate rules, but it is better to stop
sub checkduplicate (\%$$) {
my ($anyent, $curfam, $romname) = @_;
foreach my $family (@families) {
if (exists($$anyent{$family})) {
my $aref = $$anyent{$family};
foreach my $entry (@$aref) {
if ($entry->[0] eq $romname) {
print STDERR "\nROM name $romname defined twice. Please correct.\n";
exit 1;
sub genroms($) {
my ($driver) = @_;
# Automatically discover the ROMS this driver can produce.
unless (open(INFILE, "$driver")) {
print STDERR "$driver: %! (shouldn't happen)\n";
while (<INFILE>) {
if ($_ =~ m/^\s*PCI_ROM\(\s*0x([0-9A-Fa-f]*)\s*,\s*0x([0-9A-Fa-f]*)\s*,\s*"([^"]*)"\s*,\s*"([^"]*)"\)/) {
# We store a list of PCI IDs and comments for each PC target
my ($vendor_id, $device_id, $rom, $comment) = (hex($1), hex($2), $3, $4);
my $ids = sprintf("0x%04x,0x%04x", $vendor_id, $device_id);
checkduplicate(%pcient, $curfam, $rom);
push(@{$pcient{$curfam}}, [$rom, $ids, $comment]);
elsif($_ =~ m/^\s*ISA_ROM\(\s*"([^"]*)"\s*,\s*"([^"]*)"\)/) {
my ($rom, $comment) = ($1, $2);
# We store the base driver file for each ISA target
$isalist{$rom} = $curfam;
$buildent{$rom} = 1;
checkduplicate(%isaent, $curfam, $rom);
push(@{$isaent{$curfam}}, [$rom, $comment]);
elsif($_ =~ m/^\s*PCI_ROM/ or $_ =~ m/^\s*ISA_ROM/) {
# Complain since we cannot parse this. Of course it would be nicer if we could parse...
print STDERR "\nFound incomplete PCI_ROM or ISA_ROM macro in file $driver.\n";
print STDERR "ROM macros spanning more than one line are not supported,\n";
print STDERR "please adjust $driver accordingly.\n\n\n";
exit 1;
sub addfam ($) {
my ($family) = @_;
push(@families, $family);
# We store the list of dependencies in the hash for each family
my @deps = &gendep("$family.c");
$drivers{$family} = join(' ', @deps);
$pcient{$family} = [];
sub addrom ($) {
my ($rom, $ids, $comment) = split(' ', $_[0], 3);
# defaults if missing
$ids = '-' unless ($ids);
$comment = $rom unless ($comment);
if ($ids ne '-') {
# We store a list of PCI IDs and comments for each PCI target
checkduplicate(%pcient, $curfam, $rom);
push(@{$pcient{$curfam}}, [$rom, $ids, $comment]);
} else {
# We store the base driver file for each ISA target
$isalist{$rom} = $curfam;
$buildent{$rom} = 1;
checkduplicate(%isaent, $curfam, $rom);
push(@{$isaent{$curfam}}, [$rom, $comment]);
# Return true if this driver is ISA only
sub isaonly ($) {
my $aref = $pcient{$_[0]};
return ($#$aref < 0);
$#ARGV >= 1 or die "Usage: $0 Families bin/NIC arch sources...\n";
$familyfile = shift(@ARGV);
$nic = shift(@ARGV);
$arch = shift(@ARGV);
@srcs = @ARGV;
open FAM, "<$familyfile" or die "Could not open $familyfile: $!\n";
$curfam = '';
while ( <FAM> ) {
next if (/^\s*(#.*)?$/);
my ($keyword) = split(' ', $_ , 2);
if ($keyword eq 'family') {
my ($keyword, $driver) = split(' ', $_, 2);
$curfam = '';
if (! -e "$driver.c") {
print STDERR "Driver file $driver.c not found, skipping...\n";
if ($driver =~ "^arch" && $driver !~ "^arch/$arch") {
# This warning just makes noise for most compilations.
# print STDERR "Driver file $driver.c not for arch $arch, skipping...\n";
&addfam($curfam = $driver);
} else {
# skip until we have a valid family
next if ($curfam eq '');
close FAM;
open(N,">$nic") or die "$nic: $!\n";
print N <<EOF;
# This is an automatically generated file, do not edit
# It does not affect anything in the build, it's only for rom-o-matic
foreach my $family (@families) {
print N "family\t$family\n";
if (exists($pcient{$family})) {
my $aref = $pcient{$family};
foreach my $entry (@$aref) {
my $rom = $entry->[0];
my $ids = $entry->[1];
my $comment = $entry->[2];
print N "$rom\t$ids\t$comment\n";
if (exists($isaent{$family})) {
my $aref = $isaent{$family};
foreach my $entry (@$aref) {
my $rom = $entry->[0];
my $comment = $entry->[1];
print N "$rom\t-\t$comment\n";
print N "\n";
# Generate the normal source dependencies
print "# Core object file dependencies\n";
foreach my $source (@srcs) {
next if ($source !~ '[.][cS]$');
my @deps = &gendep($source);
my $obj = $source;
$obj =~ s/^.*?([^\/]+)\.[cS]/bin\/$1.o/;
foreach my $dep (@deps) {
print "$obj: $dep\n";
# Generate the assignments to DOBJS and BINS
print "# Driver object files and ROM image files\n";
print "DOBJS\t:=\n";
print "PCIOBJS\t:=\n";
print "# Target formats\n";
print "EB_ISOS\t:=\n";
print "EB_LISOS\t:=\n";
print "EB_COMS\t:=\n";
print "EB_EXES\t:=\n";
print "EB_LILOS\t:=\n";
print "EB_ZLILOS\t:=\n";
print "EB_PXES\t:=\n";
print "EB_ZPXES\t:=\n";
print "EB_DSKS\t:=\n";
print "EB_ZDSKS\t:=\n";
print "EB_ELFS\t:=\n";
print "EB_ZELFS\t:=\n";
print "EB_LMELFS\t:=\n";
print "EB_ZLMELFS\t:=\n";
print "EB_ELFDS\t:=\n";
print "EB_ZELFDS\t:=\n";
print "EB_LMELFDS\t:=\n";
print "EB_ZLMELFDS\t:=\n";
foreach my $pci (sort keys %pcient) {
my $img = basename($pci);
print "DOBJS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.o\n";
print "PCIOBJS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.o\n" unless isaonly($pci);
# Output targets
print "EB_LILOS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.lilo \nEB_ZLILOS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.zlilo\n";
print "EB_PXES\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.pxe \nEB_ZPXES\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.zpxe\n";
print "EB_DSKS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.dsk \nEB_ZDSKS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.zdsk\n";
print "EB_ELFS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.elf \nEB_ZELFS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.zelf\n";
print "EB_LMELFS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.lmelf \nEB_ZLMELFS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.zlmelf\n";
print "EB_ELFDS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.elfd \nEB_ZELFDS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.zelfd\n";
print "EB_LMELFDS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.lmelfd \nEB_ZLMELFDS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.zlmelfd\n";
print "EB_BIMAGES\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.bImage \nEB_BZIMAGES\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.bzImage\n";
print "EB_ISOS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.iso\n";
print "EB_LISOS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.liso\n";
print "EB_COMS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.com\n";
print "EB_EXES\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.exe\n";
foreach my $img (sort keys %buildent) {
print "DOBJS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.o\n";
# Output targets
print "EB_LILOS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.lilo \nEB_ZLILOS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.zlilo\n";
print "EB_PXES\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.pxe \nEB_ZPXES\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.zpxe\n";
print "EB_DSKS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.dsk \nEB_ZDSKS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.zdsk\n";
print "EB_ELFS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.elf \nEB_ZELFS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.zelf\n";
print "EB_LMELFS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.lmelf \nEB_ZLMELFS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.zlmelf\n";
print "EB_ELFDS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.elfd \nEB_ZELFDS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.zelfd\n";
print "EB_LMELFDS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.lmelfd \nEB_ZLMELFDS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.zlmelfd\n";
print "EB_BIMAGES\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.bImage \nEB_BZIMAGE\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.bzImage\n";
print "EB_ISOS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.iso\n";
print "EB_LISOS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.liso\n";
print "EB_COMS\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.com\n";
print "EB_EXES\t+= \$(BIN)/$img.exe\n";
print "ROMS\t:=\n";
foreach my $family (sort keys %pcient) {
my $aref = $pcient{$family};
foreach my $entry (@$aref) {
my $rom = $entry->[0];
print "ROMS\t+= \$(BIN)/$rom.rom \$(BIN)/$rom.zrom\n";
foreach my $isa (sort keys %isalist) {
print "ROMS\t+= \$(BIN)/$isa.rom \$(BIN)/$isa.zrom\n";
# Generate the *.o rules
print "\n# Rules to build the driver object files\n";
foreach my $pci (sort keys %drivers) {
# For ISA the rule for .o will generated later
next if isaonly($pci);
# PCI drivers are compiled only once for all ROMs
(my $macro = basename($pci)) =~ tr/\-/_/;
my $obj = basename($pci);
my $deps = $drivers{$pci};
print <<EOF;
\$(BIN)/$obj.o: $pci.c \$(MAKEDEPS) $deps
\$(CC) \$(CFLAGS) \$(\U$macro\EFLAGS) -o \$@ -c \$<
\$(BIN)/$obj--%.o: \$(BIN)/%.o \$(BIN)/$obj.o \$(MAKEDEPS)
\$(LD) -r \$(BIN)/$obj.o \$< -o \$@
# Do the ISA entries
foreach my $isa (sort keys %isalist) {
(my $macro = $isa) =~ tr/\-/_/;
my $base = $isalist{$isa};
my $deps = $drivers{$base};
print <<EOF;
\$(BIN)/$isa.o: $base.c \$(MAKEDEPS) $deps
\$(CC) \$(CFLAGS) \$(\U$macro\EFLAGS) -o \$@ -c \$<
\$(BIN)/$isa--%.o: \$(BIN)/%.o \$(BIN)/$isa.o \$(MAKEDEPS)
\$(LD) -r \$(BIN)/$isa.o \$< -o \$@
# Generate the Rom rules
print "# Rules to build the ROM files\n";
foreach my $family (sort keys %pcient) {
next if isaonly($family);
my $img = basename($family);
print <<EOF;
my $aref = $pcient{$family};
foreach my $entry (@$aref) {
my ($rom, $ids, $comment) = @$entry;
next if ($ids eq '-');
print <<EOF;
MAKEROM_ID_$rom = -p $ids
next if($rom eq $img);
print <<EOF;
\$(BIN)/$rom\%rom: \$(BIN)/$img\%rom
cat \$< > \$@
# ISA ROMs are prepared from the matching code images
# Think this can probably be removed, but not sure
foreach my $isa (sort keys %isalist) {
print <<EOF;