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2007-01-11 16:04:36 +00:00

416 lines
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#warning "This file is obsolete"
#if 0
#include "memsizes.h"
#include "realmode.h"
#include "gateA20.h"
#include "etherboot.h"
#include "errno.h"
/** @file
* NBI image format.
* The Net Boot Image format is defined by the "Draft Net Boot Image
* Proposal 0.3" by Jamie Honan, Gero Kuhlmann and Ken Yap. It is now
* considered to be a legacy format, but it still included because a
* large amount of software (e.g. nymph, LTSP) makes use of NBI files.
* Etherboot does not implement the INT 78 callback interface
* described by the NBI specification. For a callback interface on
* x86 architecture, use PXE.
* An NBI image header
* Note that the length field uses a peculiar encoding; use the
* NBI_LENGTH() macro to decode the actual header length.
struct imgheader {
unsigned long magic; /**< Magic number (NBI_MAGIC) */
union {
unsigned char length; /**< Nibble-coded header length */
unsigned long flags; /**< Image flags */
segoff_t location; /**< 16-bit seg:off header location */
union {
segoff_t segoff; /**< 16-bit seg:off entry point */
unsigned long linear; /**< 32-bit entry point */
} execaddr;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/** NBI magic number */
#define NBI_MAGIC 0x1B031336UL
/* Interpretation of the "length" fields */
#define NBI_NONVENDOR_LENGTH(len) ( ( (len) & 0x0f ) << 2 )
#define NBI_VENDOR_LENGTH(len) ( ( (len) & 0xf0 ) >> 2 )
/* Interpretation of the "flags" fields */
#define NBI_PROGRAM_RETURNS(flags) ( (flags) & ( 1 << 8 ) )
#define NBI_LINEAR_EXEC_ADDR(flags) ( (flags) & ( 1 << 31 ) )
/** NBI header length */
* An NBI segment header
* Note that the length field uses a peculiar encoding; use the
* NBI_LENGTH() macro to decode the actual header length.
struct segheader {
unsigned char length; /**< Nibble-coded header length */
unsigned char vendortag; /**< Vendor-defined private tag */
unsigned char reserved;
unsigned char flags; /**< Segment flags */
unsigned long loadaddr; /**< Load address */
unsigned long imglength; /**< Segment length in NBI file */
unsigned long memlength; /**< Segment length in memory */
/* Interpretation of the "flags" fields */
#define NBI_LOADADDR_FLAGS(flags) ( (flags) & 0x03 )
#define NBI_LOADADDR_ABS 0x00
#define NBI_LOADADDR_END 0x02
#define NBI_LAST_SEGHEADER(flags) ( (flags) & ( 1 << 2 ) )
/** Info passed to NBI image */
static struct ebinfo loaderinfo = {
* Determine whether or not this is a valid NBI image
* @v start Address of the image
* @v len Length of the image
* @v context NBI image context
* @ret True Image is a valid NBI image
* @ret False Image is not a valid NBI image
* @err ENOEXEC Image is not a valid NBI image
* "context" is filled in with a context pointer suitable for passing to
* nbi_load() and nbi_boot().
static int nbi_probe ( physaddr_t start, off_t len, void **context ) {
static struct imgheader imgheader;
if ( (unsigned)len < sizeof ( imgheader ) ) {
DBG ( "NBI image too small\n" );
errno = ENOEXEC;
return 0;
copy_from_phys ( &imgheader, start, sizeof ( imgheader ) );
if ( imgheader.magic != NBI_MAGIC ) {
errno = ENOEXEC;
return 0;
/* Record image context */
DBG ( "NBI found valid image\n" );
*context = &imgheader;
return 1;
* Prepare a segment for an NBI image
* @v dest Address of segment
* @v imglen Length of initialised-data portion of the segment
* @v memlen Total length of the segment
* @v src Source for initialised data
* @ret True Segment can be used
* @ret False Segment cannot be used
* @err other As returned by prep_segment()
static int nbi_prepare_segment ( physaddr_t dest, off_t imglen, off_t memlen,
physaddr_t src __unused ) {
DBG ( "NBI preparing segment [%x,%x) (imglen %d memlen %d)\n",
dest, dest + memlen, imglen, memlen );
return prep_segment ( dest, dest + imglen, dest + memlen );
* Load a segment for an NBI image
* @v dest Address of segment
* @v imglen Length of initialised-data portion of the segment
* @v memlen Total length of the segment
* @v src Source for initialised data
* @ret True Always
static int nbi_load_segment ( physaddr_t dest, off_t imglen,
off_t memlen __unused, physaddr_t src ) {
DBG ( "NBI loading segment [%x,%x)\n", dest, dest + imglen );
copy_phys_to_phys ( dest, src, imglen );
return 1;
* Process segments of an NBI image
* @v start Address of the image
* @v len Length of the image
* @v imgheader Image header information
* @v process Function to call for each segment
* @ret True All segments were processed successfully
* @ret False An error occurred processing a segment
* @err ENOEXEC Image is not a valid NBI image
* @err other As returned by the "process" function
static int nbi_process_segments ( physaddr_t start, off_t len,
struct imgheader *imgheader,
int ( * process ) ( physaddr_t dest,
off_t imglen,
off_t memlen,
physaddr_t src ) ) {
struct segheader sh;
off_t offset = 0;
off_t sh_off;
physaddr_t dest;
off_t dest_imglen, dest_memlen;
/* Copy header to target location */
dest = ( ( imgheader->location.segment << 4 ) +
imgheader->location.offset );
dest_imglen = dest_memlen = NBI_HEADER_LENGTH;
if ( ! process ( dest, dest_imglen, dest_memlen, start + offset ) )
return 0;
offset += dest_imglen;
/* Process segments in turn */
sh_off = NBI_LENGTH ( imgheader->length );
do {
/* Read segment header */
copy_from_phys ( &sh, start + sh_off, sizeof ( sh ) );
if ( sh.length == 0 ) {
/* Avoid infinite loop? */
DBG ( "NBI invalid segheader length 0\n" );
errno = ENOEXEC;
return 0;
/* Calculate segment load address */
switch ( NBI_LOADADDR_FLAGS ( sh.flags ) ) {
dest = sh.loadaddr;
dest = dest + dest_memlen + sh.loadaddr;
dest = dest - sh.loadaddr;
/* Not correct according to the spec, but
* maintains backwards compatibility with
* previous versions of Etherboot.
dest = ( meminfo.memsize * 1024 + 0x100000UL )
- sh.loadaddr;
/* Cannot be reached */
DBG ( "NBI can't count up to three!\n" );
/* Process this segment */
dest_imglen = sh.imglength;
dest_memlen = sh.memlength;
if ( ! process ( dest, dest_imglen, dest_memlen,
start + offset ) )
return 0;
offset += dest_imglen;
/* Next segheader */
sh_off += NBI_LENGTH ( sh.length );
if ( sh_off >= NBI_HEADER_LENGTH ) {
DBG ( "NBI header overflow\n" );
errno = ENOEXEC;
return 0;
} while ( ! NBI_LAST_SEGHEADER ( sh.flags ) );
if ( offset != len ) {
DBG ( "NBI length mismatch (file %d, metadata %d)\n",
len, offset );
errno = ENOEXEC;
return 0;
return 1;
* Load an NBI image into memory
* @v start Address of image
* @v len Length of image
* @v context NBI context (as returned by nbi_probe())
* @ret True Image loaded into memory
* @ret False Image not loaded into memory
* @err ENOEXEC Image is not a valid NBI image
* @err other As returned by nbi_process_segments()
* @err other As returned by nbi_prepare_segment()
* @err other As returned by nbi_load_segment()
static int nbi_load ( physaddr_t start, off_t len, void *context ) {
struct imgheader *imgheader = context;
/* If we don't have enough data give up */
if ( len < NBI_HEADER_LENGTH ) {
errno = ENOEXEC;
return 0;
DBG ( "NBI placing header at %hx:%hx\n",
imgheader->location.segment, imgheader->location.offset );
/* NBI files can have overlaps between segments; the bss of
* one segment may overlap the initialised data of another. I
* assume this is a design flaw, but there are images out
* there that we need to work with. We therefore do two
* passes: first to initialise the segments, then to copy the
* data. This avoids zeroing out already-copied data.
if ( ! nbi_process_segments ( start, len, imgheader,
nbi_prepare_segment ) )
return 0;
if ( ! nbi_process_segments ( start, len, imgheader,
nbi_load_segment ) )
return 0;
return 1;
* Boot a 16-bit NBI image
* @v imgheader Image header information
* @ret Never NBI program booted successfully
* @ret False NBI program returned
* @err ECANCELED NBI program returned
static int nbi_boot16 ( struct imgheader *imgheader ) {
uint16_t basemem_bootp;
int discard_D, discard_S, discard_b;
DBG ( "NBI executing 16-bit image at %hx:%hx\n",
imgheader->execaddr.segoff.offset );
basemem_bootp = BASEMEM_PARAMETER_INIT ( bootp_data );
REAL_EXEC ( rm_xstart16,
"pushw %%ds\n\t" /* far pointer to bootp data copy */
"pushw %%bx\n\t"
"pushl %%esi\n\t" /* location */
"pushw %%cs\n\t" /* lcall execaddr */
"call 1f\n\t"
"jmp 2f\n\t"
"pushl %%edi\n\t"
"addw $8,%%sp\n\t", /* pop location and bootp ptr */
OUT_CONSTRAINTS ( "=D" ( discard_D ), "=S" ( discard_S ),
"=b" ( discard_b ) ),
IN_CONSTRAINTS ( "D" ( imgheader->execaddr.segoff ),
"S" ( imgheader->location ),
"b" ( basemem_bootp ) ),
CLOBBER ( "eax", "ecx", "edx", "ebp" ) );
errno = ECANCELED;
return 0;
* Boot a 32-bit NBI image
* @v imgheader Image header information
* @ret False NBI program should not have returned
* @ret other As returned by NBI program
* @err ECANCELED NBI program should not have returned
* To distinguish between the case of an NBI program returning false,
* and an NBI program that should not have returned, check errno.
* errno will be set to ECANCELED only if the NBI program should not
* have returned.
static int nbi_boot32 ( struct imgheader *imgheader ) {
int rc = 0;
DBG ( "NBI executing 32-bit image at %x\n",
imgheader->execaddr.linear );
/* no gateA20_unset for PM call */
errno = ENOERR;
rc = xstart32 ( imgheader->execaddr.linear,
virt_to_phys ( &loaderinfo ),
( ( imgheader->location.segment << 4 ) +
imgheader->location.offset ),
virt_to_phys ( &bootp_data ) );
printf ( "Secondary program returned %d\n", rc );
if ( ! NBI_PROGRAM_RETURNS ( imgheader->flags ) ) {
/* We shouldn't have returned */
errno = ECANCELED;
rc = 0;
return rc;
* Boot a loaded NBI image
* @v context NBI context (as returned by nbi_probe())
* @ret Never NBI program booted successfully
* @ret False NBI program should not have returned
* @ret other As returned by NBI program
* @err ECANCELED NBI program should not have returned
* See also nbi_boot16() and nbi_boot32().
static int nbi_boot ( void *context ) {
struct imgheader *imgheader = context;
if ( NBI_LINEAR_EXEC_ADDR ( imgheader->flags ) ) {
return nbi_boot32 ( imgheader );
} else {
return nbi_boot16 ( imgheader );
/** Declaration of the NBI image format */
struct image nbi_image __image = {
.name = "NBI",
.probe = nbi_probe,
.load = nbi_load,
.boot = nbi_boot,