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Michael Brown 329686c026 [romprefix] Remove .xrom prefix
The .xrom prefix provides an experimental mechanism for loading ROM
images greater than 64kB in size by mapping the expansion ROM BAR in
at a hopefully-unused address.  This is unreliable, and potentially
dangerous.  In particular, there is no guarantee that any PCI bridges
between the CPU and the device will respond to accesses for the
"unused" memory region that is chosen, and it is possible that the
process of scanning for the "unused" memory region may end up issuing
reads to other PCI devices.  If this ends up trampling on a register
with read side-effects belonging to an unrelated PCI device, this may
cause undefined behaviour.

Signed-off-by: Michael Brown <mcb30@ipxe.org>
2010-04-19 23:43:48 +01:00

713 lines
16 KiB

/* At entry, the processor is in 16 bit real mode and the code is being
* executed from an address it was not linked to. Code must be pic and
* 32 bit sensitive until things are fixed up.
* Also be very careful as the stack is at the rear end of the interrupt
* table so using a noticeable amount of stack space is a no-no.
#include <config/general.h>
#define PNP_SIGNATURE ( '$' + ( 'P' << 8 ) + ( 'n' << 16 ) + ( 'P' << 24 ) )
#define PMM_SIGNATURE ( '$' + ( 'P' << 8 ) + ( 'M' << 16 ) + ( 'M' << 24 ) )
#define PCI_SIGNATURE ( 'P' + ( 'C' << 8 ) + ( 'I' << 16 ) + ( ' ' << 24 ) )
#define STACK_MAGIC ( 'L' + ( 'R' << 8 ) + ( 'E' << 16 ) + ( 'T' << 24 ) )
#define PNP_GET_BBS_VERSION 0x60
#define PMM_ALLOCATE 0x0000
#define PMM_DEALLOCATE 0x0002
/* ROM banner timeout. Based on the configurable BANNER_TIMEOUT in
* config.h, but converted to a number of (18Hz) timer ticks, and
* doubled to allow for BIOSes that switch video modes immediately
* beforehand, so rendering the message almost invisible to the user.
#define ROM_BANNER_TIMEOUT ( 2 * ( 18 * BANNER_TIMEOUT ) / 10 )
.arch i386
.section ".prefix", "ax", @progbits
.org 0x00
.word 0xAA55 /* BIOS extension signature */
romheader_size: .byte 0 /* Size in 512-byte blocks */
jmp init /* Initialisation vector */
.byte 0
.org 0x16
.word undiheader
.org 0x18
.word pciheader
.org 0x1a
.word pnpheader
.size romheader, . - romheader
.section ".zinfo.fixup", "a", @progbits /* Compressor fixups */
.ascii "ADDB"
.long romheader_size
.long 512
.long 0
.ascii "PCIR" /* Signature */
.word pci_vendor_id /* Vendor identification */
.word pci_device_id /* Device identification */
.word 0x0000 /* Device list pointer */
.word pciheader_len /* PCI data structure length */
.byte 0x03 /* PCI data structure revision */
.byte 0x02, 0x00, 0x00 /* Class code */
.word 0 /* Image length */
.word 0x0001 /* Revision level */
.byte 0x00 /* Code type */
.byte 0x80 /* Last image indicator */
.word 0 /* Maximum run-time image length */
.word 0x0000 /* Configuration utility code header */
.word 0x0000 /* DMTF CLP entry point */
.equ pciheader_len, . - pciheader
.size pciheader, . - pciheader
.section ".zinfo.fixup", "a", @progbits /* Compressor fixups */
.ascii "ADDW"
.long pciheader_image_length
.long 512
.long 0
.ascii "ADDW"
.long pciheader_runtime_length
.long 512
.long 0
.ascii "$PnP" /* Signature */
.byte 0x01 /* Structure revision */
.byte ( pnpheader_len / 16 ) /* Length (in 16 byte increments) */
.word 0x0000 /* Offset of next header */
.byte 0x00 /* Reserved */
.byte 0x00 /* Checksum */
.long 0x00000000 /* Device identifier */
.word mfgstr /* Manufacturer string */
.word prodstr /* Product name */
.byte 0x02 /* Device base type code */
.byte 0x00 /* Device sub-type code */
.byte 0x00 /* Device interface type code */
.byte 0xf4 /* Device indicator */
.word 0x0000 /* Boot connection vector */
.word 0x0000 /* Disconnect vector */
.word bev_entry /* Boot execution vector */
.word 0x0000 /* Reserved */
.word 0x0000 /* Static resource information vector*/
.equ pnpheader_len, . - pnpheader
.size pnpheader, . - pnpheader
/* Manufacturer string */
.asciz "http://ipxe.org"
.size mfgstr, . - mfgstr
/* Product string
* Defaults to PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME. If the ROM image is writable at
* initialisation time, it will be filled in to include the PCI
* bus:dev.fn number of the card as well.
.byte 0
.ascii "(PCI "
.asciz "xx:xx.x)" /* Filled in by init code */
.size prodstr, . - prodstr
.globl undiheader
.weak undiloader
.ascii "UNDI" /* Signature */
.byte undiheader_len /* Length of structure */
.byte 0 /* Checksum */
.byte 0 /* Structure revision */
.byte 0,1,2 /* PXE version: 2.1.0 */
.word undiloader /* Offset to loader routine */
.word _data16_memsz /* Stack segment size */
.word _data16_memsz /* Data segment size */
.word _text16_memsz /* Code segment size */
.ascii "PCIR" /* Bus type */
.equ undiheader_len, . - undiheader
.size undiheader, . - undiheader
/* Initialisation (called once during POST)
* Determine whether or not this is a PnP system via a signature
* check. If it is PnP, return to the PnP BIOS indicating that we are
* a boot-capable device; the BIOS will call our boot execution vector
* if it wants to boot us. If it is not PnP, hook INT 19.
/* Preserve registers, clear direction flag, set %ds=%cs */
pushw %ds
pushw %es
pushw %fs
pushw %gs
pushw %cs
popw %ds
/* Shuffle some registers around. We need %di available for
* the print_xxx functions, and in a register that's
* addressable from %es, so shuffle as follows:
* %di (pointer to PnP structure) => %bx
* %bx (runtime segment address, for PCI 3.0) => %gs
movw %bx, %gs
movw %di, %bx
/* Print message as early as possible */
movw $init_message, %si
xorw %di, %di
call print_message
call print_pci_busdevfn
/* Fill in product name string, if possible */
movw $prodstr_pci_id, %di
call print_pci_busdevfn
movb $( ' ' ), prodstr_separator
/* Print segment address */
movb $( ' ' ), %al
xorw %di, %di
call print_character
movw %cs, %ax
call print_hex_word
/* Check for PCI BIOS version */
pushl %ebx
pushl %edx
pushl %edi
movw $0xb101, %ax
int $0x1a
jc no_pci3
cmpl $PCI_SIGNATURE, %edx
jne no_pci3
testb %ah, %ah
jnz no_pci3
movw $init_message_pci, %si
xorw %di, %di
call print_message
movb %bh, %al
call print_hex_nibble
movb $( '.' ), %al
call print_character
movb %bl, %al
call print_hex_byte
cmpb $3, %bh
jb no_pci3
/* PCI >=3.0: leave %gs as-is if sane */
movw %gs, %ax
cmpw $0xa000, %ax /* Insane if %gs < 0xa000 */
jb pci3_insane
movw %cs, %bx /* Sane if %cs == %gs */
cmpw %bx, %ax
je 1f
movzbw romheader_size, %cx /* Sane if %cs+len <= %gs */
shlw $5, %cx
addw %cx, %bx
cmpw %bx, %ax
jae 1f
movw %cs, %bx /* Sane if %gs+len <= %cs */
addw %cx, %ax
cmpw %bx, %ax
jbe 1f
pci3_insane: /* PCI 3.0 with insane %gs value: print error and ignore %gs */
movb $( '!' ), %al
call print_character
movw %gs, %ax
call print_hex_word
/* PCI <3.0: set %gs (runtime segment) = %cs (init-time segment) */
pushw %cs
popw %gs
1: popl %edi
popl %edx
popl %ebx
/* Check for PnP BIOS. Although %es:di should point to the
* PnP BIOS signature on entry, some BIOSes fail to do this.
movw $( 0xf000 - 1 ), %bx
incw %bx
jz no_pnp
movw %bx, %es
cmpl $PNP_SIGNATURE, %es:0
jne pnp_scan
xorw %dx, %dx
xorw %si, %si
movzbw %es:5, %cx
1: es lodsb
addb %al, %dl
loop 1b
jnz pnp_scan
/* Is PnP: print PnP message */
movw $init_message_pnp, %si
xorw %di, %di
call print_message
/* Check for BBS */
pushw %es:0x1b /* Real-mode data segment */
pushw %ds /* &(bbs_version) */
pushw $bbs_version
lcall *%es:0xd
addw $8, %sp
testw %ax, %ax
je got_bbs
no_pnp: /* Not PnP-compliant - therefore cannot be BBS-compliant */
no_bbs: /* Not BBS-compliant - must hook INT 19 */
movw $init_message_int19, %si
xorw %di, %di
call print_message
xorw %ax, %ax
movw %ax, %es
pushl %es:( 0x19 * 4 )
popl orig_int19
pushw %gs /* %gs contains runtime %cs */
pushw $int19_entry
popl %es:( 0x19 * 4 )
jmp bbs_done
got_bbs: /* BBS compliant - no need to hook INT 19 */
movw $init_message_bbs, %si
xorw %di, %di
call print_message
/* Check for PMM */
movw $( 0xe000 - 1 ), %bx
incw %bx
jz no_pmm
movw %bx, %es
cmpl $PMM_SIGNATURE, %es:0
jne pmm_scan
xorw %dx, %dx
xorw %si, %si
movzbw %es:5, %cx
1: es lodsb
addb %al, %dl
loop 1b
jnz pmm_scan
/* PMM found: print PMM message */
movw $init_message_pmm, %si
xorw %di, %di
call print_message
/* We have PMM and so a 1kB stack: preserve upper register halves */
/* Calculate required allocation size in %esi */
movzbl romheader_size, %eax
shll $9, %eax
addl $_textdata_memsz, %eax
orw $0xffff, %ax /* Ensure allocation size is at least 64kB */
bsrl %eax, %ecx
subw $15, %cx /* Round up and convert to 64kB count */
movw $1, %si
shlw %cl, %si
/* Try to allocate block via PMM */
pushw $0x0006 /* Aligned, extended memory */
pushl $0xffffffff /* No handle */
movzwl %si, %eax
shll $12, %eax
pushl %eax /* Allocation size in paragraphs */
lcall *%es:7
addw $12, %sp
/* Abort if allocation fails */
testw %dx, %dx /* %ax==0 even on success, since align>=64kB */
jz pmm_fail
/* If block has A20==1, free block and try again with twice
* the allocation size (and hence alignment).
testw $0x0010, %dx
jz got_pmm
pushw %dx
pushw $0
lcall *%es:7
addw $6, %sp
addw %si, %si
jmp pmm_loop
got_pmm: /* PMM allocation succeeded */
movw %dx, ( image_source + 2 )
movw %dx, %ax
xorw %di, %di
call print_hex_word
movb $( '@' ), %al
call print_character
movw %si, %ax
call print_hex_byte
/* Copy ROM to PMM block */
xorw %ax, %ax
movw %ax, %es
movl image_source, %edi
xorl %esi, %esi
movzbl romheader_size, %ecx
shll $9, %ecx
addr32 rep movsb /* PMM presence implies flat real mode */
movl %edi, decompress_to
/* Shrink ROM */
movb $_prefix_memsz_sect, romheader_size
jmp pmm_done
/* Print marker and copy ourselves to high memory */
movl $HIGHMEM_LOADPOINT, image_source
xorw %di, %di
movb $( '!' ), %al
call print_character
jmp pmm_copy
/* Restore upper register halves */
/* Update checksum */
xorw %bx, %bx
xorw %si, %si
movzbw romheader_size, %cx
shlw $9, %cx
1: lodsb
addb %al, %bl
loop 1b
subb %bl, checksum
/* Copy self to option ROM space. Required for PCI3.0, which
* loads us to a temporary location in low memory. Will be a
* no-op for lower PCI versions.
movb $( ' ' ), %al
xorw %di, %di
call print_character
movw %gs, %ax
call print_hex_word
movzbw romheader_size, %cx
shlw $9, %cx
movw %ax, %es
xorw %si, %si
xorw %di, %di
cs rep movsb
/* Prompt for POST-time shell */
movw $init_message_prompt, %si
xorw %di, %di
call print_message
movw $prodstr, %si
call print_message
movw $init_message_dots, %si
call print_message
/* Wait for Ctrl-B */
movw $0xff02, %bx
call wait_for_key
/* Clear prompt */
xorw %di, %di
call print_kill_line
movw $init_message_done, %si
call print_message
jnz 2f
/* Ctrl-B was pressed: invoke iPXE. The keypress will be
* picked up by the initial shell prompt, and we will drop
* into a shell.
pushw %cs
call exec
/* Restore registers */
popw %gs
popw %fs
popw %es
popw %ds
/* Indicate boot capability to PnP BIOS, if present */
movw $0x20, %ax
.size init, . - init
* Note to hardware vendors:
* If you wish to brand this boot ROM, please do so by defining the
* strings PRODUCT_NAME and PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME in config/general.h.
* While nothing in the GPL prevents you from removing all references
* to iPXE or http://ipxe.org, we prefer you not to do so.
* If you have an OEM-mandated branding requirement that cannot be
* satisfied simply by defining PRODUCT_NAME and PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME,
* please contact us.
* [ Including an ASCII NUL in PRODUCT_NAME is considered to be
* bypassing the spirit of this request! ]
.ascii "\n"
.ascii "\n"
.asciz "iPXE (http://ipxe.org) - "
.size init_message, . - init_message
.asciz " PCI"
.size init_message_pci, . - init_message_pci
.asciz " PnP"
.size init_message_pnp, . - init_message_pnp
.asciz " BBS"
.size init_message_bbs, . - init_message_bbs
.asciz " PMM"
.size init_message_pmm, . - init_message_pmm
.asciz " INT19"
.size init_message_int19, . - init_message_int19
.asciz "\nPress Ctrl-B to configure "
.size init_message_prompt, . - init_message_prompt
.asciz "..."
.size init_message_dots, . - init_message_dots
.asciz "\n\n"
.size init_message_done, . - init_message_done
/* ROM image location
* May be either within option ROM space, or within PMM-allocated block.
.globl image_source
.long 0
.size image_source, . - image_source
/* Temporary decompression area
* May be either at HIGHMEM_LOADPOINT, or within PMM-allocated block.
.globl decompress_to
.size decompress_to, . - decompress_to
/* BBS version
* Filled in by BBS BIOS. We ignore the value.
.word 0
.size bbs_version, . - bbs_version
/* Boot Execution Vector entry point
* Called by the PnP BIOS when it wants to boot us.
pushw %cs
call exec
.size bev_entry, . - bev_entry
/* INT19 entry point
* Called via the hooked INT 19 if we detected a non-PnP BIOS. We
* attempt to return via the original INT 19 vector (if we were able
* to store it).
pushw %cs
popw %ds
/* Prompt user to press B to boot */
movw $int19_message_prompt, %si
xorw %di, %di
call print_message
movw $prodstr, %si
call print_message
movw $int19_message_dots, %si
call print_message
movw $0xdf4e, %bx
call wait_for_key
xorw %di, %di
call print_kill_line
movw $int19_message_done, %si
call print_message
jz 1f
/* Leave keypress in buffer and start iPXE. The keypress will
* cause the usual initial Ctrl-B prompt to be skipped.
pushw %cs
call exec
1: /* Try to call original INT 19 vector */
movl %cs:orig_int19, %eax
testl %eax, %eax
je 2f
ljmp *%cs:orig_int19
2: /* No chained vector: issue INT 18 as a last resort */
int $0x18
.size int19_entry, . - int19_entry
.long 0
.size orig_int19, . - orig_int19
.asciz "Press N to skip booting from "
.size int19_message_prompt, . - int19_message_prompt
.asciz "..."
.size int19_message_dots, . - int19_message_dots
.asciz "\n\n"
.size int19_message_done, . - int19_message_done
/* Execute as a boot device
exec: /* Set %ds = %cs */
pushw %cs
popw %ds
/* Print message as soon as possible */
movw $prodstr, %si
xorw %di, %di
call print_message
movw $exec_message, %si
call print_message
/* Store magic word on BIOS stack and remember BIOS %ss:sp */
movw %ss, %dx
movw %sp, %bp
/* Obtain a reasonably-sized temporary stack */
xorw %ax, %ax
movw %ax, %ss
movw $0x7c00, %sp
/* Install iPXE */
movl image_source, %esi
movl decompress_to, %edi
call alloc_basemem
call install_prealloc
/* Set up real-mode stack */
movw %bx, %ss
movw $_estack16, %sp
/* Jump to .text16 segment */
pushw %ax
pushw $1f
.section ".text16", "awx", @progbits
1: /* Call main() */
pushl $main
pushw %cs
call prot_call
popl %ecx /* discard */
/* Uninstall iPXE */
call uninstall
/* Restore BIOS stack */
movw %dx, %ss
movw %bp, %sp
/* Check magic word on BIOS stack */
popl %eax
cmpl $STACK_MAGIC, %eax
jne 1f
/* BIOS stack OK: return to caller */
1: /* BIOS stack corrupt: use INT 18 */
int $0x18
.asciz " starting execution\n"
.size exec_message, . - exec_message
/* Wait for key press specified by %bl (masked by %bh)
* Used by init and INT19 code when prompting user. If the specified
* key is pressed, it is left in the keyboard buffer.
* Returns with ZF set iff specified key is pressed.
/* Preserve registers */
pushw %cx
pushw %ax
1: /* Empty the keyboard buffer before waiting for input */
movb $0x01, %ah
int $0x16
jz 2f
xorw %ax, %ax
int $0x16
jmp 1b
2: /* Wait for a key press */
3: decw %cx
js 99f /* Exit with ZF clear */
/* Wait for timer tick to be updated */
call wait_for_tick
/* Check to see if a key was pressed */
movb $0x01, %ah
int $0x16
jz 3b
/* Check to see if key was the specified key */
andb %bh, %al
cmpb %al, %bl
je 99f /* Exit with ZF set */
/* Not the specified key: remove from buffer and stop waiting */
xorw %ax, %ax
int $0x16
popfw /* Exit with ZF clear */
99: /* Restore registers and return */
popw %ax
popw %cx
.size wait_for_key, . - wait_for_key
/* Wait for timer tick
* Used by wait_for_key
pushl %eax
pushw %fs
movw $0x40, %ax
movw %ax, %fs
movl %fs:(0x6c), %eax
1: pushf
cmpl %fs:(0x6c), %eax
je 1b
popw %fs
popl %eax
.size wait_for_tick, . - wait_for_tick