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Michael Brown 0a8a17e669 [i386] Free allocated base memory on exit, if possible
Code paths that automatically allocate memory from the FBMS at 40:13
should also free it, if possible.

Freeing this memory will not be possible if either

  1. The FBMS has been modified since our allocation, or

  2. We have not been able to unhook one or more BIOS interrupt vectors.
2008-11-18 19:43:13 +00:00

820 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Brown <mbrown@fensystems.co.uk>.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
.arch i386
.section ".prefix.lib", "awx", @progbits
.section ".data16", "aw", @progbits
* High memory temporary load address
* Temporary buffer into which to copy (or decompress) our runtime
* image, prior to calling get_memmap() and relocate(). We don't
* actually leave anything here once install() has returned.
* We use the start of an even megabyte so that we don't have to worry
* about the current state of the A20 line.
* We use 4MB rather than 2MB because some PXE stack / PMM BIOS
* combinations are known to place data required by other UNDI ROMs
* loader around the 2MB mark.
.equ HIGHMEM_LOADPOINT, ( 4 << 20 )
/* Image compression enabled */
#define COMPRESS 1
#define CR0_PE 1
* Utility function: print character (with LF -> LF,CR translation)
* Parameters:
* %al : character to print
* %ds:di : output buffer (or %di=0 to print to console)
* Returns:
* %ds:di : next character in output buffer (if applicable)
.section ".prefix.lib"
.globl print_character
/* Preserve registers */
pushw %ax
pushw %bx
pushw %bp
/* If %di is non-zero, write character to buffer and exit */
testw %di, %di
jz 1f
movb %al, %ds:(%di)
incw %di
jmp 3f
1: /* Print character */
movw $0x0007, %bx /* page 0, attribute 7 (normal) */
movb $0x0e, %ah /* write char, tty mode */
cmpb $0x0a, %al /* '\n'? */
jne 2f
int $0x10
movb $0x0d, %al
2: int $0x10
/* Restore registers and return */
3: popw %bp
popw %bx
popw %ax
.size print_character, . - print_character
* Utility function: print a NUL-terminated string
* Parameters:
* %ds:si : string to print
* %ds:di : output buffer (or %di=0 to print to console)
* Returns:
* %ds:si : character after terminating NUL
* %ds:di : next character in output buffer (if applicable)
.section ".prefix.lib"
.globl print_message
/* Preserve registers */
pushw %ax
/* Print string */
1: lodsb
testb %al, %al
je 2f
call print_character
jmp 1b
2: /* Restore registers and return */
popw %ax
.size print_message, . - print_message
* Utility functions: print hex digit/byte/word/dword
* Parameters:
* %al (low nibble) : digit to print
* %al : byte to print
* %ax : word to print
* %eax : dword to print
* %ds:di : output buffer (or %di=0 to print to console)
* Returns:
* %ds:di : next character in output buffer (if applicable)
.section ".prefix.lib"
.globl print_hex_dword
rorl $16, %eax
call print_hex_word
rorl $16, %eax
/* Fall through */
.size print_hex_dword, . - print_hex_dword
.globl print_hex_word
xchgb %al, %ah
call print_hex_byte
xchgb %al, %ah
/* Fall through */
.size print_hex_word, . - print_hex_word
.globl print_hex_byte
rorb $4, %al
call print_hex_nibble
rorb $4, %al
/* Fall through */
.size print_hex_byte, . - print_hex_byte
.globl print_hex_nibble
/* Preserve registers */
pushw %ax
/* Print digit (technique by Norbert Juffa <norbert.juffa@amd.com> */
andb $0x0f, %al
cmpb $10, %al
sbbb $0x69, %al
call print_character
/* Restore registers and return */
popw %ax
.size print_hex_nibble, . - print_hex_nibble
* Utility function: print PCI bus:dev.fn
* Parameters:
* %ax : PCI bus:dev.fn to print
* %ds:di : output buffer (or %di=0 to print to console)
* Returns:
* %ds:di : next character in output buffer (if applicable)
.section ".prefix.lib"
.globl print_pci_busdevfn
/* Preserve registers */
pushw %ax
/* Print bus */
xchgb %al, %ah
call print_hex_byte
/* Print ":" */
movb $':', %al
call print_character
/* Print device */
movb %ah, %al
shrb $3, %al
call print_hex_byte
/* Print "." */
movb $'.', %al
call print_character
/* Print function */
movb %ah, %al
andb $0x07, %al
call print_hex_nibble
/* Restore registers and return */
popw %ax
.size print_pci_busdevfn, . - print_pci_busdevfn
* Utility function: clear current line
* Parameters:
* %ds:di : output buffer (or %di=0 to print to console)
* Returns:
* %ds:di : next character in output buffer (if applicable)
.section ".prefix.lib"
.globl print_kill_line
/* Preserve registers */
pushw %ax
pushw %cx
/* Print CR */
movb $'\r', %al
call print_character
/* Print 79 spaces */
movb $' ', %al
movw $79, %cx
1: call print_character
loop 1b
/* Print CR */
movb $'\r', %al
call print_character
/* Restore registers and return */
popw %cx
popw %ax
.size print_kill_line, . - print_kill_line
* pm_call (real-mode near call)
* Call routine in 16-bit protected mode for access to extended memory
* Parameters:
* %ax : address of routine to call in 16-bit protected mode
* Returns:
* none
* Corrupts:
* %ax
* The specified routine is called in 16-bit protected mode, with:
* %cs : 16-bit code segment with base matching real-mode %cs
* %ss : 16-bit data segment with base matching real-mode %ss
* %ds,%es,%fs,%gs : 32-bit data segment with zero base and 4GB limit
#ifndef KEEP_IT_REAL
/* GDT for protected-mode calls */
.section ".prefix.lib"
.align 16
gdt_limit: .word gdt_length - 1
gdt_base: .long 0
.word 0 /* padding */
pm_cs: /* 16-bit protected-mode code segment */
.equ PM_CS, pm_cs - gdt
.word 0xffff, 0
.byte 0, 0x9b, 0x00, 0
pm_ss: /* 16-bit protected-mode stack segment */
.equ PM_SS, pm_ss - gdt
.word 0xffff, 0
.byte 0, 0x93, 0x00, 0
pm_ds: /* 32-bit protected-mode flat data segment */
.equ PM_DS, pm_ds - gdt
.word 0xffff, 0
.byte 0, 0x93, 0xcf, 0
.equ gdt_length, . - gdt
.size gdt, . - gdt
.section ".prefix.lib"
.align 16
.long 0, 0
.size pm_saved_gdt, . - pm_saved_gdt
.equ pm_call_vars_size, . - pm_call_vars
#define PM_CALL_VAR(x) ( -pm_call_vars_size + ( (x) - pm_call_vars ) )
.section ".prefix.lib"
/* Preserve registers, flags, and RM return point */
pushw %bp
movw %sp, %bp
subw $pm_call_vars_size, %sp
andw $0xfff0, %sp
pushw %gs
pushw %fs
pushw %es
pushw %ds
pushw %ss
pushw %cs
pushw $99f
/* Set up local variable block, and preserve GDT */
pushw %cx
pushw %si
pushw %di
pushw %ss
popw %es
movw $pm_call_vars, %si
leaw PM_CALL_VAR(pm_call_vars)(%bp), %di
movw $pm_call_vars_size, %cx
cs rep movsb
popw %di
popw %si
popw %cx
sgdt PM_CALL_VAR(pm_saved_gdt)(%bp)
/* Set up GDT bases */
pushl %eax
pushl %edi
xorl %eax, %eax
movw %ss, %ax
shll $4, %eax
movzwl %bp, %edi
addr32 leal PM_CALL_VAR(gdt)(%eax, %edi), %eax
movl %eax, PM_CALL_VAR(gdt_base)(%bp)
movw %cs, %ax
movw $PM_CALL_VAR(pm_cs), %di
call set_seg_base
movw %ss, %ax
movw $PM_CALL_VAR(pm_ss), %di
call set_seg_base
popl %edi
popl %eax
/* Switch CPU to protected mode and load up segment registers */
pushl %eax
data32 lgdt PM_CALL_VAR(gdt)(%bp)
movl %cr0, %eax
orb $CR0_PE, %al
movl %eax, %cr0
ljmp $PM_CS, $1f
1: movw $PM_SS, %ax
movw %ax, %ss
movw $PM_DS, %ax
movw %ax, %ds
movw %ax, %es
movw %ax, %fs
movw %ax, %gs
popl %eax
/* Call PM routine */
call *%ax
/* Set real-mode segment limits on %ds, %es, %fs and %gs */
movw %ss, %ax
movw %ax, %ds
movw %ax, %es
movw %ax, %fs
movw %ax, %gs
/* Return CPU to real mode */
movl %cr0, %eax
andb $0!CR0_PE, %al
movl %eax, %cr0
/* Restore registers and flags */
lret /* will ljmp to 99f */
99: popw %ss
popw %ds
popw %es
popw %fs
popw %gs
data32 lgdt PM_CALL_VAR(pm_saved_gdt)(%bp)
movw %bp, %sp
popw %bp
.size pm_call, . - pm_call
rolw $4, %ax
movw %ax, 2(%bp,%di)
andw $0xfff0, 2(%bp,%di)
movb %al, 4(%bp,%di)
andb $0x0f, 4(%bp,%di)
.size set_seg_base, . - set_seg_base
#endif /* KEEP_IT_REAL */
* copy_bytes (real-mode or 16-bit protected-mode near call)
* Copy bytes
* Parameters:
* %ds:esi : source address
* %es:edi : destination address
* %ecx : length
* Returns:
* %ds:esi : next source address
* %es:edi : next destination address
* Corrupts:
* None
.section ".prefix.lib"
pushl %ecx
rep addr32 movsb
popl %ecx
.size copy_bytes, . - copy_bytes
* install_block (real-mode near call)
* Install block to specified address
* Parameters:
* %esi : source physical address (must be a multiple of 16)
* %edi : destination physical address (must be a multiple of 16)
* %ecx : length of (decompressed) data
* %edx : total length of block (including any uninitialised data portion)
* Returns:
* %esi : next source physical address (will be a multiple of 16)
* Corrupts:
* none
.section ".prefix.lib"
/* Preserve registers */
pushw %ds
pushw %es
pushl %ecx
pushl %edi
/* Convert %esi and %edi to segment registers */
shrl $4, %esi
movw %si, %ds
xorw %si, %si
shrl $4, %edi
movw %di, %es
xorw %di, %di
#else /* KEEP_IT_REAL */
/* Call self in protected mode */
pushw %ax
movw $1f, %ax
call pm_call
popw %ax
/* Preserve registers */
pushl %ecx
pushl %edi
#endif /* KEEP_IT_REAL */
/* Decompress source to destination */
call decompress16
/* Copy source to destination */
call copy_bytes
/* Zero .bss portion */
negl %ecx
addl %edx, %ecx
pushw %ax
xorw %ax, %ax
rep addr32 stosb
popw %ax
/* Round up %esi to start of next source block */
addl $0xf, %esi
andl $~0xf, %esi
/* Convert %ds:esi back to a physical address */
movzwl %ds, %cx
shll $4, %ecx
addl %ecx, %esi
/* Restore registers */
popl %edi
popl %ecx
popw %es
popw %ds
#else /* KEEP_IT_REAL */
/* Restore registers */
popl %edi
popl %ecx
.size install_block, . - install_block
* alloc_basemem (real-mode near call)
* Allocate space for .text16 and .data16 from top of base memory.
* Memory is allocated using the BIOS free base memory counter at
* 0x40:13.
* Parameters:
* none
* Returns:
* %ax : .text16 segment address
* %bx : .data16 segment address
* Corrupts:
* none
.section ".prefix.lib"
.globl alloc_basemem
/* Preserve registers */
pushw %fs
/* FBMS => %ax as segment address */
pushw $0x40
popw %fs
movw %fs:0x13, %ax
shlw $6, %ax
/* Calculate .data16 segment address */
subw $_data16_memsz_pgh, %ax
pushw %ax
/* Calculate .text16 segment address */
subw $_text16_memsz_pgh, %ax
pushw %ax
/* Update FBMS */
shrw $6, %ax
movw %ax, %fs:0x13
/* Retrieve .text16 and .data16 segment addresses */
popw %ax
popw %bx
/* Restore registers and return */
popw %fs
.size alloc_basemem, . - alloc_basemem
* free_basemem (real-mode near call)
* Free space allocated with alloc_basemem.
* Parameters:
* %ax : .text16 segment address
* %bx : .data16 segment address
* Returns:
* %ax : 0 if successfully freed
* Corrupts:
* none
.section ".text16"
.globl free_basemem
/* Preserve registers */
pushw %fs
/* Check FBMS counter */
pushw %ax
shrw $6, %ax
pushw $0x40
popw %fs
cmpw %ax, %fs:0x13
popw %ax
jne 1f
/* Check hooked interrupt count */
cmpw $0, %cs:hooked_bios_interrupts
jne 1f
/* OK to free memory */
addw $_text16_memsz_pgh, %ax
addw $_data16_memsz_pgh, %ax
shrw $6, %ax
movw %ax, %fs:0x13
xorw %ax, %ax
1: /* Restore registers and return */
popw %fs
.size free_basemem, . - free_basemem
.section ".text16.data"
.globl hooked_bios_interrupts
.word 0
.size hooked_bios_interrupts, . - hooked_bios_interrupts
* install (real-mode near call)
* Install all text and data segments.
* Parameters:
* none
* Returns:
* %ax : .text16 segment address
* %bx : .data16 segment address
* Corrupts:
* none
.section ".prefix.lib"
.globl install
/* Preserve registers */
pushl %esi
pushl %edi
/* Allocate space for .text16 and .data16 */
call alloc_basemem
/* Image source = %cs:0000 */
xorl %esi, %esi
/* Image destination = HIGHMEM_LOADPOINT */
/* Install text and data segments */
call install_prealloc
/* Restore registers and return */
popl %edi
popl %esi
.size install, . - install
* install_prealloc (real-mode near call)
* Install all text and data segments.
* Parameters:
* %ax : .text16 segment address
* %bx : .data16 segment address
* %esi : Image source physical address (or zero for %cs:0000)
* %edi : Decompression temporary area physical address
* Corrupts:
* none
.section ".prefix.lib"
.globl install_prealloc
/* Save registers */
pushw %ds
pushw %es
/* Sanity: clear the direction flag asap */
/* Calculate physical address of payload (i.e. first source) */
testl %esi, %esi
jnz 1f
movw %cs, %si
shll $4, %esi
1: addl $_payload_lma, %esi
/* Install .text16 and .data16 */
pushl %edi
movzwl %ax, %edi
shll $4, %edi
movl $_text16_memsz, %ecx
movl %ecx, %edx
call install_block /* .text16 */
movzwl %bx, %edi
shll $4, %edi
movl $_data16_filesz, %ecx
movl $_data16_memsz, %edx
call install_block /* .data16 */
popl %edi
/* Set up %ds for access to .data16 */
movw %bx, %ds
/* Initialise libkir */
movw %ax, (init_libkir_vector+2)
lcall *init_libkir_vector
/* Install .text and .data to temporary area in high memory,
* prior to reading the E820 memory map and relocating
* properly.
movl $_textdata_filesz, %ecx
movl $_textdata_memsz, %edx
call install_block
/* Initialise librm at current location */
movw %ax, (init_librm_vector+2)
lcall *init_librm_vector
/* Call relocate() to determine target address for relocation.
* relocate() will return with %esi, %edi and %ecx set up
* ready for the copy to the new location.
movw %ax, (prot_call_vector+2)
pushl $relocate
lcall *prot_call_vector
popl %edx /* discard */
/* Copy code to new location */
pushl %edi
pushw %ax
movw $copy_bytes, %ax
call pm_call
popw %ax
popl %edi
/* Initialise librm at new location */
lcall *init_librm_vector
/* Restore registers */
popw %es
popw %ds
.size install_prealloc, . - install_prealloc
/* Vectors for far calls to .text16 functions */
.section ".data16"
.word init_libkir
.word 0
.size init_libkir_vector, . - init_libkir_vector
.word init_librm
.word 0
.size init_librm_vector, . - init_librm_vector
.word prot_call
.word 0
.size prot_call_vector, . - prot_call_vector
* uninstall (real-mode near call)
* Uninstall all text and data segments.
* Parameters:
* %ax : .text16 segment address
* %bx : .data16 segment address
* Returns:
* none
* Corrupts:
* none
.section ".text16"
.globl uninstall
call free_basemem
.size uninstall, . - uninstall
/* File split information for the compressor */
.section ".zinfo", "a", @progbits
.ascii "COPY"
.long _prefix_lma
.long _prefix_filesz
.long _max_align
.ascii "PACK"
.long _text16_lma
.long _text16_filesz
.long _max_align
.ascii "PACK"
.long _data16_lma
.long _data16_filesz
.long _max_align
.ascii "PACK"
.long _textdata_lma
.long _textdata_filesz
.long _max_align
#else /* COMPRESS */
.section ".zinfo", "a", @progbits
.ascii "COPY"
.long _prefix_lma
.long _filesz
.long _max_align
#endif /* COMPRESS */