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Michael Brown 8406115834 [build] Rename gPXE to iPXE
Access to the gpxe.org and etherboot.org domains and associated
resources has been revoked by the registrant of the domain.  Work
around this problem by renaming project from gPXE to iPXE, and
updating URLs to match.

Also update README, LOG and COPYRIGHTS to remove obsolete information.

Signed-off-by: Michael Brown <mcb30@ipxe.org>
2010-04-19 23:43:39 +01:00

756 lines
23 KiB

#ifndef CURSES_H
#define CURSES_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
/** @file
* MuCurses header file
#undef ERR
#define ERR (-1)
#undef FALSE
#define FALSE (0)
#undef OK
#define OK (0)
#undef TRUE
#define TRUE (1)
typedef int bool;
typedef uint32_t chtype;
typedef uint32_t attr_t;
/** Curses SCREEN object */
typedef struct _curses_screen {
/** Current cursor position */
unsigned int curs_x, curs_y;
/** Current attribute */
attr_t attrs;
void ( *init ) ( struct _curses_screen *scr );
void ( *exit ) ( struct _curses_screen *scr );
* Move cursor to position specified by x,y coords
* @v scr screen on which to operate
* @v y Y position
* @v x X position
void ( * movetoyx ) ( struct _curses_screen *scr,
unsigned int y, unsigned int x );
* Write character to current cursor position
* @v scr screen on which to operate
* @v c character to be written
void ( * putc ) ( struct _curses_screen *scr, chtype c );
* Pop a character from the keyboard input stream
* @v scr screen on which to operate
* @ret c popped character
int ( * getc ) ( struct _curses_screen *scr );
* Checks to see whether a character is waiting in the input stream
* @v scr screen on which to operate
* @ret TRUE character waiting in stream
* @ret FALSE no character waiting in stream
bool ( *peek ) ( struct _curses_screen *scr );
/** Curses Window struct */
typedef struct _curses_window {
/** screen with which window associates */
SCREEN *scr;
/** window attributes */
attr_t attrs;
/** window origin coordinates */
unsigned int ori_x, ori_y;
/** window cursor position */
unsigned int curs_x, curs_y;
/** window dimensions */
unsigned int width, height;
/** parent window */
struct _curses_window *parent;
/** windows that share the same parent as this one */
//struct list_head siblings;
/** windows der'd or sub'd from this one */
//struct list_head children;
extern WINDOW _stdscr;
extern unsigned short _COLS;
extern unsigned short _LINES;
#define stdscr ( &_stdscr )
#define COLS _COLS
#define LINES _LINES
#define MUCURSES_BITS( mask, shift ) (( mask ) << (shift))
#define CPAIR_SHIFT 8
#define ATTRS_SHIFT 16
#define WA_DEFAULT ( 0x0000 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define WA_ALTCHARSET ( 0x0001 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define WA_BLINK ( 0x0002 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define WA_BOLD ( 0x0004 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define WA_DIM ( 0x0008 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define WA_INVIS ( 0x0010 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define WA_PROTECT ( 0x0020 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define WA_REVERSE ( 0x0040 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define WA_STANDOUT ( 0x0080 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define WA_UNDERLINE ( 0x0100 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define WA_HORIZONTAL ( 0x0200 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define WA_VERTICAL ( 0x0400 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define WA_LEFT ( 0x0800 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define WA_RIGHT ( 0x1000 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define WA_LOW ( 0x2000 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define WA_TOP ( 0x4000 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define A_BOLD WA_BOLD
#define A_DIM WA_DIM
#define A_ATTRIBUTES ( 0xffff << ATTRS_SHIFT )
#define A_CHARTEXT ( 0xff )
#define A_COLOUR ( 0xff << CPAIR_SHIFT )
#define COLOUR_PAIR(n) ( (n) << CPAIR_SHIFT )
#define PAIR_NUMBER(attrs) ( ( (attrs) & A_COLOUR ) >> CPAIR_SHIFT )
#define COLOUR_PAIRS 8 /* Arbitrary limit */
#define ACS_ULCORNER '+'
#define ACS_LLCORNER '+'
#define ACS_URCORNER '+'
#define ACS_LRCORNER '+'
#define ACS_RTEE '+'
#define ACS_LTEE '+'
#define ACS_BTEE '+'
#define ACS_TTEE '+'
#define ACS_HLINE '-'
#define ACS_VLINE '|'
#define ACS_PLUS '+'
#define ACS_S1 '-'
#define ACS_S9 '_'
#define ACS_DIAMOND '+'
#define ACS_CKBOARD ':'
#define ACS_DEGREE '\''
#define ACS_PLMINUS '#'
#define ACS_BULLET 'o'
#define ACS_LARROW '<'
#define ACS_RARROW '>'
#define ACS_DARROW 'v'
#define ACS_UARROW '^'
#define ACS_BOARD '#'
#define ACS_LANTERN '#'
#define ACS_BLOCK '#'
#define COLOUR_BLACK 0
#define COLOUR_RED 1
#define COLOUR_GREEN 2
#define COLOUR_BLUE 4
#define COLOUR_CYAN 6
#define COLOUR_WHITE 7
#define COLOURS 7
#define COLOUR_FG 30
#define COLOUR_BG 40
* KEY code constants are define in ipxe/keys.h
#include <ipxe/keys.h>
//extern int addch ( const chtype * );
//extern int addchnstr ( const chtype *, int );
//extern int addchstr ( const chtype * );
//extern int addnstr ( const char *, int );
//extern int addstr ( const char * );
//extern int attroff ( int );
//extern int attron ( int );
//extern int attrset ( int );
//extern int attr_get ( attr_t *, short *, void * );
//extern int attr_off ( attr_t, void * );
//extern int attr_on ( attr_t, void * );
//extern int attr_set ( attr_t, short, void * );
extern int baudrate ( void );
extern int beep ( void );
//extern void bkgdset ( chtype );
/*extern int border ( chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype,
chtype );*/
extern int box ( WINDOW *, chtype, chtype ) __nonnull;
//extern bool can_change_colour ( void );
#define can_change_color() can_change_colour()
extern int cbreak ( void );
//extern int clrtobot ( void );
//extern int clrtoeol ( void );
extern int colour_content ( short, short *, short *, short * ) __nonnull;
#define color_content( c, r, g, b ) colour_content( (c), (r), (g), (b) )
//extern int colour_set ( short, void * );
#define color_set( cpno, opts ) colour_set( (cpno), (opts) )
extern int copywin ( const WINDOW *, WINDOW *, int, int, int,
int, int, int, int );
extern int curs_set ( int );
extern int def_prog_mode ( void );
extern int def_shell_mode ( void );
extern int delay_output ( int );
//extern int delch ( void );
//extern int deleteln ( void );
extern void delscreen ( SCREEN * );
extern int delwin ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
extern WINDOW *derwin ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, int ) __nonnull;
//extern int doupdate ( void );
extern WINDOW *dupwin ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
extern int echo ( void );
extern int echochar ( const chtype );
extern int endwin ( void );
extern char erasechar ( void );
//extern int erase ( void );
extern void filter ( void );
extern int flash ( void );
extern int flushinp ( void );
extern __pure chtype getbkgd ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
//extern int getch ( void );
//extern int getnstr ( char *, int );
//extern int getstr ( char * );
extern int halfdelay ( int );
//extern bool has_colors ( void );
extern bool has_ic ( void );
extern bool has_il ( void );
//extern int hline ( chtype, int );
extern void idcok ( WINDOW *, bool );
extern int idlok ( WINDOW *, bool );
//extern void immedok ( WINDOW *, bool );
//extern chtype inch ( void );
//extern int inchnstr ( chtype *, int );
//extern int inchstr ( chtype * );
extern WINDOW *initscr ( void );
extern int init_colour ( short, short, short, short );
#define init_color ( c, r, g, b ) init_colour ( (c), (r), (g), (b) )
extern int init_pair ( short, short, short );
//extern int innstr ( char *, int );
//extern int insch ( chtype );
//extern int insnstr ( const char *, int );
//extern int insstr ( const char * );
//extern int instr ( char * );
extern int intrflush ( WINDOW *, bool );
extern bool isendwin ( void );
//extern bool is_linetouched ( WINDOW *, int );
//extern bool is_wintouched ( WINDOW * );
extern char *keyname ( int );
extern int keypad ( WINDOW *, bool );
extern char killchar ( void );
extern int leaveok ( WINDOW *, bool );
extern char *longname ( void );
extern int meta ( WINDOW *, bool );
//extern int move ( int, int );
//extern int mvaddch ( int, int, const chtype );
//extern int mvaddchnstr ( int, int, const chtype *, int );
//extern int mvaddchstr ( int, int, const chtype * );
//extern int mvaddnstr ( int, int, const char *, int );
//extern int mvaddstr ( int, int, const char * );
extern int mvcur ( int, int, int, int );
//extern int mvdelch ( int, int );
extern int mvderwin ( WINDOW *, int, int );
//extern int mvgetch ( int, int );
//extern int mvgetnstr ( int, int, char *, int );
//extern int mvgetstr ( int, int, char * );
//extern int mvhline ( int, int, chtype, int );
//extern chtype mvinch ( int, int );
//extern int mvinchnstr ( int, int, chtype *, int );
//extern int mvinchstr ( int, int, chtype * );
//extern int mvinnstr ( int, int, char *, int );
//extern int mvinsch ( int, int, chtype );
//extern int mvinsnstr ( int, int, const char *, int );
//extern int mvinsstr ( int, int, const char * );
//extern int mvinstr ( int, int, char * );
//extern int mvprintw ( int, int, char *, ... );
//extern int mvscanw ( int, int, char *, ... );
//extern int mvvline ( int, int, chtype, int );
//extern int mvwaddch ( WINDOW *, int, int, const chtype );
//extern int mvwaddchnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const chtype *, int );
//extern int mvwaddchstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const chtype * );
//extern int mvwaddnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const char *, int );
//extern int mvwaddstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const char * );
//extern int mvwdelch ( WINDOW *, int, int );
//extern int mvwgetch ( WINDOW *, int, int );
//extern int mvwgetnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, char *, int );
//extern int mvwgetstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, char * );
//extern int mvwhline ( WINDOW *, int, int, chtype, int );
extern int mvwin ( WINDOW *, int, int ) __nonnull;
//extern chtype mvwinch ( WINDOW *, int, int );
//extern int mvwinchnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, chtype *, int );
//extern int mvwinchstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, chtype * );
//extern int mvwinnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, char *, int );
//extern int mvwinsch ( WINDOW *, int, int, chtype );
//extern int mvwinsnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const char *, int );
//extern int mvwinsstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const char * );
//extern int mvwinstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, char * );
//extern int mvwprintw ( WINDOW *, int, int, char *, ... );
//extern int mvwscanw ( WINDOW *, int, int, char *, ... );
//extern int mvwvline ( WINDOW *, int, int, chtype, int );
extern int napms ( int );
//extern WINDOW *newpad ( int, int );
extern WINDOW *newwin ( int, int, int, int );
extern int nl ( void );
extern int nocbreak ( void );
extern int nodelay ( WINDOW *, bool );
extern int noecho ( void );
extern int nonl ( void );
extern void noqiflush ( void );
extern int noraw ( void );
extern int notimeout ( WINDOW *, bool );
extern int overlay ( const WINDOW *, WINDOW * );
extern int overwrite ( const WINDOW *, WINDOW * );
extern int pair_content ( short, short *, short * ) __nonnull;
//extern int pechochar ( WINDOW *, chtype );
//extern int pnoutrefresh ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, int, int, int );
//extern int prefresh ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, int, int, int );
extern int printw ( char *, ... );
extern int putp ( const char * );
extern void qiflush ( void );
extern int raw ( void );
//extern int redrawwin ( WINDOW * );
//extern int refresh ( void );
extern int reset_prog_mode ( void );
extern int reset_shell_mode ( void );
extern int resetty ( void );
extern int ripoffline ( int, int (*) ( WINDOW *, int) );
extern int savetty ( void );
//extern int scanw ( char *, ... );
//extern int scrl ( int );
//extern int scroll ( WINDOW * );
//extern int scrollok ( WINDOW *, bool );
//extern int setscrreg ( int, int );
extern SCREEN *set_term ( SCREEN * );
extern int setupterm ( char *, int, int * );
extern int slk_attr_off ( const attr_t, void * );
extern int slk_attroff ( const chtype );
extern int slk_attr_on ( const attr_t, void * );
extern int slk_attron ( const chtype );
extern int slk_attr_set ( const attr_t, short, void * );
extern int slk_attrset ( const chtype );
extern int slk_clear ( void );
extern int slk_colour ( short );
#define slk_color( c ) slk_colour( (c) )
extern int slk_init ( int );
extern char *slk_label ( int );
extern int slk_noutrefresh ( void );
//extern int slk_refresh ( void );
extern int slk_restore ( void );
extern int slk_set ( int, const char *, int ) __nonnull;
extern int slk_touch ( void );
extern int standend ( void );
extern int standout ( void );
//extern int start_colour ( void );
#define start_color() start_colour()
//extern WINDOW *subpad ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, int );
extern WINDOW *subwin ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, int ) __nonnull;
extern int syncok ( WINDOW *, bool );
extern chtype termattrs ( void );
extern attr_t term_attrs ( void );
extern char *termname ( void );
extern int tigetflag ( char * );
extern int tigetnum ( char * );
extern char *tigetstr ( char * );
extern void timeout ( int );
//extern int touchline ( WINDOW *, int, int );
//extern int touchwin ( WINDOW * );
extern char *tparm ( char *, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long,
long );
extern int typeahead ( int );
//extern int ungetch ( int );
//extern int untouchwin ( WINDOW * );
extern void use_env ( bool );
extern int vid_attr ( attr_t, short, void * );
extern int vidattr ( chtype );
extern int vid_puts ( attr_t, short, void *, int ( *) ( int) );
extern int vidputs ( chtype, int ( *) ( int) );
//extern int vline ( chtype, int );
//extern int vwprintw ( WINDOW *, const char *, va_list );
extern int vw_printw ( WINDOW *, const char *, va_list ) __nonnull;
//extern int vwscanw ( WINDOW *, char *, va_list );
//extern int vw_scanw ( WINDOW *, char *, va_list );
extern int waddch ( WINDOW *, const chtype ) __nonnull;
extern int waddchnstr ( WINDOW *, const chtype *, int ) __nonnull;
//extern int waddchstr ( WINDOW *, const chtype * );
extern int waddnstr ( WINDOW *, const char *, int ) __nonnull;
//extern int waddstr ( WINDOW *, const char * );
extern int wattroff ( WINDOW *, int ) __nonnull;
extern int wattron ( WINDOW *, int ) __nonnull;
extern int wattrset ( WINDOW *, int ) __nonnull;
extern int wattr_get ( WINDOW *, attr_t *, short *, void * )
__attribute__ (( nonnull (1, 2, 3)));
extern int wattr_off ( WINDOW *, attr_t, void * )
__attribute__ (( nonnull (1)));
extern int wattr_on ( WINDOW *, attr_t, void * )
__attribute__ (( nonnull (1)));
extern int wattr_set ( WINDOW *, attr_t, short, void * )
__attribute__ (( nonnull (1)));
//extern void wbkgdset ( WINDOW *, chtype );
extern int wborder ( WINDOW *, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype,
chtype, chtype ) __nonnull;
extern int wclrtobot ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
extern int wclrtoeol ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
extern void wcursyncup ( WINDOW * );
extern int wcolour_set ( WINDOW *, short, void * ) __nonnull;
#define wcolor_set(w,s,v) wcolour_set((w),(s),(v))
extern int wdelch ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
extern int wdeleteln ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
extern int wechochar ( WINDOW *, const chtype );
extern int werase ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
extern int wgetch ( WINDOW * );
extern int wgetnstr ( WINDOW *, char *, int );
//extern int wgetstr ( WINDOW *, char * );
extern int whline ( WINDOW *, chtype, int ) __nonnull;
//extern chtype winch ( WINDOW * );
//extern int winchnstr ( WINDOW *, chtype *, int );
//extern int winchstr ( WINDOW *, chtype * );
//extern int winnstr ( WINDOW *, char *, int );
//extern int winsch ( WINDOW *, chtype );
//extern int winsnstr ( WINDOW *, const char *, int );
//extern int winsstr ( WINDOW *, const char * );
//extern int winstr ( WINDOW *, char * );
extern int wmove ( WINDOW *, int, int );
//extern int wnoutrefresh ( WINDOW * );
extern int wprintw ( WINDOW *, const char *, ... ) __nonnull;
//extern int wredrawln ( WINDOW *, int, int );
//extern int wrefresh ( WINDOW * );
//extern int wscanw ( WINDOW *, char *, ... );
//extern int wscrl ( WINDOW *, int );
//extern int wsetscrreg ( WINDOW *, int, int );
//extern int wstandend ( WINDOW * );
//extern int wstandout ( WINDOW * );
extern void wsyncup ( WINDOW * );
extern void wsyncdown ( WINDOW * );
extern void wtimeout ( WINDOW *, int );
//extern int wtouchln ( WINDOW *, int, int, int );
extern int wvline ( WINDOW *, chtype, int ) __nonnull;
* There is frankly a ridiculous amount of redundancy within the
* curses API - ncurses decided to get around this by using #define
* macros, but I've decided to be type-safe and implement them all as
* static inlines instead...
static inline int addch ( const chtype ch ) {
return waddch( stdscr, ch );
static inline int addchnstr ( const chtype *chstr, int n ) {
return waddchnstr ( stdscr, chstr, n );
static inline int addchstr ( const chtype *chstr ) {
return waddchnstr ( stdscr, chstr, -1 );
static inline int addnstr ( const char *str, int n ) {
return waddnstr ( stdscr, str, n );
static inline int addstr ( const char *str ) {
return waddnstr ( stdscr, str, -1 );
static inline int attroff ( int attrs ) {
return wattroff ( stdscr, attrs );
static inline int attron ( int attrs ) {
return wattron ( stdscr, attrs );
static inline int attrset ( int attrs ) {
return wattrset ( stdscr, attrs );
static inline int attr_get ( attr_t *attrs, short *pair, void *opts ) {
return wattr_get ( stdscr, attrs, pair, opts );
static inline int attr_off ( attr_t attrs, void *opts ) {
return wattr_off ( stdscr, attrs, opts );
static inline int attr_on ( attr_t attrs, void *opts ) {
return wattr_on ( stdscr, attrs, opts );
static inline int attr_set ( attr_t attrs, short cpair, void *opts ) {
return wattr_set ( stdscr, attrs, cpair, opts );
static inline void bkgdset ( chtype ch ) {
wattrset ( stdscr, ch );
static inline int border ( chtype ls, chtype rs, chtype ts, chtype bs,
chtype tl, chtype tr, chtype bl, chtype br ) {
return wborder ( stdscr, ls, rs, ts, bs, tl, tr, bl, br );
static inline bool can_change_colour ( void ) {
return FALSE;
static inline int clrtobot ( void ) {
return wclrtobot( stdscr );
static inline int clrtoeol ( void ) {
return wclrtoeol( stdscr );
static inline int colour_set ( short colour_pair_number, void *opts ) {
return wcolour_set ( stdscr, colour_pair_number, opts );
static inline int delch ( void ) {
return wdelch ( stdscr );
static inline int deleteln ( void ) {
return wdeleteln( stdscr );
static inline int erase ( void ) {
return werase ( stdscr );
static inline int getch ( void ) {
return wgetch ( stdscr );
static inline int getnstr ( char *str, int n ) {
return wgetnstr ( stdscr, str, n );
static inline int getstr ( char *str ) {
return wgetnstr ( stdscr, str, -1 );
static inline bool has_colors ( void ) {
return TRUE;
static inline int has_key ( int kc __unused ) {
return TRUE;
static inline int hline ( chtype ch, int n ) {
return whline ( stdscr, ch, n );
static inline int move ( int y, int x ) {
return wmove ( stdscr, y, x );
static inline int mvaddch ( int y, int x, const chtype ch ) {
return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
? waddch( stdscr, ch ) : ERR );
static inline int mvaddchnstr ( int y, int x, const chtype *chstr, int n ) {
return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
? waddchnstr ( stdscr, chstr, n ) : ERR );
static inline int mvaddchstr ( int y, int x, const chtype *chstr ) {
return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
? waddchnstr ( stdscr, chstr, -1 ) : ERR );
static inline int mvaddnstr ( int y, int x, const char *str, int n ) {
return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
? waddnstr ( stdscr, str, n ) : ERR );
static inline int mvaddstr ( int y, int x, const char *str ) {
return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
? waddnstr ( stdscr, str, -1 ) : ERR );
static inline int mvdelch ( int y, int x ) {
return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
? wdelch ( stdscr ) : ERR );
static inline int mvgetch ( int y, int x ) {
return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
? wgetch ( stdscr ) : ERR );
static inline int mvgetnstr ( int y, int x, char *str, int n ) {
return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
? wgetnstr ( stdscr, str, n ) : ERR );
static inline int mvgetstr ( int y, int x, char *str ) {
return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
? wgetnstr ( stdscr, str, -1 ) : ERR );
static inline int mvhline ( int y, int x, chtype ch, int n ) {
return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
? whline ( stdscr, ch, n ) : ERR );
// OK, so maybe a few I did with macros...
#define mvprintw( y, x, fmt, ... ) \
( wmove(stdscr,(y),(x)) == OK \
? wprintw( stdscr,(fmt), ## __VA_ARGS__ ) : ERR )
static inline int mvvline ( int y, int x, chtype ch, int n ) {
return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
? wvline ( stdscr, ch, n ) : ERR );
static inline int mvwaddch ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const chtype ch ) {
return ( wmove( win, y, x ) == OK
? waddch ( win, ch ) : ERR );
static inline int mvwaddchnstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const chtype *chstr, int n ) {
return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
? waddchnstr ( win, chstr, n ) : ERR );
static inline int mvwaddchstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const chtype *chstr ) {
return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
? waddchnstr ( win, chstr, -1 ) : ERR );
static inline int mvwaddnstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const char *str, int n ) {
return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
? waddnstr ( win, str, n ) : ERR );
static inline int mvwaddstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const char *str ) {
return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
? waddnstr ( win, str, -1 ) : ERR );
static inline int mvwdelch ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x ) {
return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
? wdelch ( win ) : ERR );
static inline int mvwgetch ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x ) {
return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
? wgetch ( win ) : ERR );
static inline int mvwgetnstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, char *str, int n ) {
return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
? wgetnstr ( win, str, n ) : ERR );
static inline int mvwgetstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, char *str ) {
return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
? wgetnstr ( win, str, -1 ) : ERR );
static inline int mvwhline ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, chtype ch, int n ) {
return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
? whline ( win, ch, n ) : ERR );
#define mvwprintw( win, y, x, fmt, ... ) \
( wmove((win),(y),(x)) == OK \
? wprintw((win),(fmt), ## __VA_ARGS__) : ERR )
static inline int mvwvline ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, chtype ch, int n ) {
return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
? wvline ( win, ch, n ) : ERR );
#define printw( fmt, ... ) wprintw(stdscr,(fmt), ## __VA_ARGS__ )
static inline int slk_refresh ( void ) {
if ( slk_clear() == OK )
return slk_restore();
return ERR;
#define standend() wstandend( stdscr )
#define standout() wstandout( stdscr )
static inline int start_colour ( void ) {
return OK;
static inline int vline ( chtype ch, int n ) {
return wvline ( stdscr, ch, n );
// marked for removal
static inline int vwprintw ( WINDOW *win, const char *fmt, va_list varglist ) {
return vw_printw ( win, fmt, varglist );
static inline int waddchstr ( WINDOW *win, const chtype *chstr ) {
return waddchnstr ( win, chstr, -1 );
static inline int waddstr ( WINDOW *win, const char *str ) {
return waddnstr ( win, str, -1 );
static inline int wbkgdset ( WINDOW *win, chtype ch ) {
return wattrset( win, ch );
static inline int wgetstr ( WINDOW *win, char *str ) {
return wgetnstr ( win, str, -1 );
static inline int wstandend ( WINDOW *win ) {
return wattrset ( win, A_DEFAULT );
static inline int wstandout ( WINDOW *win ) {
return wattrset ( win, A_STANDOUT );
#endif /* CURSES_H */