#include #include #include #include #include #include "mucurses.h" #include "cursor.h" /** @file * * Soft label key functions */ FILE_LICENCE ( GPL2_OR_LATER_OR_UBDL ); #define MIN_SPACE_SIZE 2 #define SLK_MAX_LABEL_LEN 8 #define SLK_MAX_NUM_LABELS 12 #define SLK_MAX_NUM_SPACES 2 struct _softlabel { // label string char label[SLK_MAX_LABEL_LEN]; /* Format of soft label 0: left justify 1: centre justify 2: right justify */ unsigned int fmt; }; struct _softlabelkeys { struct _softlabel fkeys[SLK_MAX_NUM_LABELS]; attr_t attrs; /* Soft label layout format 0: 3-2-3 1: 4-4 2: 4-4-4 3: 4-4-4 with index line */ unsigned int fmt; unsigned int max_label_len; unsigned int maj_space_len; unsigned int num_labels; unsigned int num_spaces; unsigned int spaces[SLK_MAX_NUM_SPACES]; struct cursor_pos saved_cursor; attr_t saved_attrs; short saved_pair; }; static struct _softlabelkeys *slks; /* I either need to break the primitives here, or write a collection of functions specifically for SLKs that directly access the screen functions - since this technically isn't part of stdscr, I think this should be ok... */ static void _enter_slk ( void ) { _store_curs_pos ( stdscr, &slks->saved_cursor ); wattr_get ( stdscr, &slks->saved_attrs, &slks->saved_pair, NULL ); LINES++; wmove ( stdscr, LINES, 0 ); wattrset ( stdscr, slks->attrs ); } static void _leave_slk ( void ) { LINES--; wattr_set ( stdscr, slks->saved_attrs, slks->saved_pair, NULL ); _restore_curs_pos ( stdscr, &slks->saved_cursor ); } static void _print_label ( struct _softlabel sl ) { int space_ch; char str[SLK_MAX_LABEL_LEN + 1]; assert ( slks->max_label_len <= SLK_MAX_LABEL_LEN ); space_ch = ' '; // protect against gaps in the soft label keys array if ( ! sl.label[0] ) { memset( str, space_ch, (size_t)(slks->max_label_len) ); } else { /* we need to pad the label with varying amounts of leading pad depending on the format of the label */ if ( sl.fmt == 1 ) { memset( str, space_ch, (size_t)(slks->max_label_len - strlen(sl.label)) / 2 ); } if ( sl.fmt == 2 ) { memset( str, space_ch, (size_t)(slks->max_label_len - strlen(sl.label)) ); } strcat(str,sl.label); // post-padding memset(str+strlen(str), space_ch, (size_t)(slks->max_label_len - strlen(str)) ); } // print the formatted label _wputstr ( stdscr, str, NOWRAP, slks->max_label_len ); } /** * Return the attribute used for the soft function keys * * @ret attrs the current attributes of the soft function keys */ attr_t slk_attr ( void ) { return ( slks == NULL ? 0 : slks->attrs ); } /** * Turn off soft function key attributes * * @v attrs attribute bit mask * @ret rc return status code */ int slk_attroff ( const chtype attrs ) { if ( slks == NULL ) return ERR; slks->attrs &= ~( attrs & A_ATTRIBUTES ); return OK; } /** * Turn on soft function key attributes * * @v attrs attribute bit mask * @ret rc return status code */ int slk_attron ( const chtype attrs ) { if ( slks == NULL ) return ERR; slks->attrs |= ( attrs & A_ATTRIBUTES ); return OK; } /** * Set soft function key attributes * * @v attrs attribute bit mask * @ret rc return status code */ int slk_attrset ( const chtype attrs ) { if ( slks == NULL ) return ERR; slks->attrs = ( attrs & A_ATTRIBUTES ); return OK; } /** * Turn off soft function key attributes * * @v attrs attribute bit mask * @v *opts undefined (for future implementation) * @ret rc return status code */ int slk_attr_off ( const attr_t attrs, void *opts __unused ) { return slk_attroff( attrs ); } /** * Turn on soft function key attributes * * @v attrs attribute bit mask * @v *opts undefined (for future implementation) * @ret rc return status code */ int slk_attr_on ( attr_t attrs, void *opts __unused ) { return slk_attron( attrs ); } /** * Set soft function key attributes * * @v attrs attribute bit mask * @v colour_pair_number colour pair integer * @v *opts undefined (for future implementation) * @ret rc return status code */ int slk_attr_set ( const attr_t attrs, short colour_pair_number, void *opts __unused ) { if ( slks == NULL ) return ERR; if ( ( unsigned short )colour_pair_number > COLORS ) return ERR; slks->attrs = ( (unsigned short)colour_pair_number << CPAIR_SHIFT ) | ( attrs & A_ATTRIBUTES ); return OK; } /** * Clear the soft function key labels from the screen * * @ret rc return status code */ int slk_clear ( void ) { if ( slks == NULL ) return ERR; _enter_slk(); wclrtoeol ( stdscr ); _leave_slk(); return OK; } /** * Set soft label colour pair */ int slk_colour ( short colour_pair_number ) { if ( slks == NULL ) return ERR; if ( ( unsigned short )colour_pair_number > COLORS ) return ERR; slks->attrs = ( (unsigned short)colour_pair_number << CPAIR_SHIFT ) | ( slks->attrs & A_ATTRIBUTES ); return OK; } /** * Initialise the soft function keys * * @v fmt format of keys * @ret rc return status code */ int slk_init ( int fmt ) { unsigned short nmaj, nmin, nblocks, available_width; if ( (unsigned)fmt > 3 ) { return ERR; } /* There seems to be no API call to free this data structure... */ if ( ! slks ) slks = calloc(1,sizeof(*slks)); if ( ! slks ) return ERR; slks->attrs = A_DEFAULT; slks->fmt = fmt; switch(fmt) { case 0: nblocks = 8; nmaj = 2; nmin = 5; slks->spaces[0] = 2; slks->spaces[1] = 4; break; case 1: nblocks = 8; nmaj = 1; nmin = 6; slks->spaces[0] = 3; break; case 2: // same allocations as format 3 case 3: nblocks = 12; nmaj = 2; nmin = 9; slks->spaces[0] = 3; slks->spaces[1] = 7; break; default: nblocks = 0; nmaj = 0; nmin = 0; break; } // determine maximum label length and major space size available_width = COLS - ( ( MIN_SPACE_SIZE * nmaj ) + nmin ); slks->max_label_len = available_width / nblocks; slks->maj_space_len = MIN_SPACE_SIZE + ( available_width % nblocks ) / nmaj; slks->num_spaces = nmaj; slks->num_labels = nblocks; // strip a line from the screen LINES -= 1; return OK; } /** * Return the label for the specified soft key * * @v labnum soft key identifier * @ret label return label */ char* slk_label ( int labnum ) { if ( slks == NULL ) return NULL; return slks->fkeys[labnum].label; } /** * Restore soft function key labels to the screen * * @ret rc return status code */ int slk_restore ( void ) { unsigned int i, j, pos_x, *next_space, *last_space; chtype space_ch; if ( slks == NULL ) return ERR; pos_x = 0; _enter_slk(); space_ch = (chtype)' ' | slks->attrs; next_space = &(slks->spaces[0]); last_space = &(slks->spaces[slks->num_spaces-1]); for ( i = 0; i < slks->num_labels ; i++ ) { _print_label( slks->fkeys[i] ); pos_x += slks->max_label_len; if ( i == *next_space ) { for ( j = 0; j < slks->maj_space_len; j++, pos_x++ ) _wputch ( stdscr, space_ch, NOWRAP ); if ( next_space < last_space ) next_space++; } else { if ( pos_x < COLS ) _wputch ( stdscr, space_ch, NOWRAP ); pos_x++; } } _leave_slk(); return OK; } /** * Configure specified soft key * * @v labnum soft label position to configure * @v *label string to use as soft key label * @v fmt justification format of label * @ret rc return status code */ int slk_set ( int labnum, const char *label, int fmt ) { if ( slks == NULL ) return ERR; if ( (unsigned short)labnum >= slks->num_labels ) return ERR; if ( (unsigned short)fmt >= 3 ) return ERR; strncpy(slks->fkeys[labnum].label, label, sizeof(slks->fkeys[labnum].label)); slks->fkeys[labnum].fmt = fmt; return OK; }