/************************************************************************** MISC Support Routines **************************************************************************/ #include "etherboot.h" #include "console.h" /************************************************************************** IPCHKSUM - Checksum IP Header **************************************************************************/ uint16_t ipchksum(const void *data, unsigned long length) { unsigned long sum; unsigned long i; const uint8_t *ptr; /* In the most straight forward way possible, * compute an ip style checksum. */ sum = 0; ptr = data; for(i = 0; i < length; i++) { unsigned long value; value = ptr[i]; if (i & 1) { value <<= 8; } /* Add the new value */ sum += value; /* Wrap around the carry */ if (sum > 0xFFFF) { sum = (sum + (sum >> 16)) & 0xFFFF; } } return (~cpu_to_le16(sum)) & 0xFFFF; } uint16_t add_ipchksums(unsigned long offset, uint16_t sum, uint16_t new) { unsigned long checksum; sum = ~sum & 0xFFFF; new = ~new & 0xFFFF; if (offset & 1) { /* byte swap the sum if it came from an odd offset * since the computation is endian independant this * works. */ new = bswap_16(new); } checksum = sum + new; if (checksum > 0xFFFF) { checksum -= 0xFFFF; } return (~checksum) & 0xFFFF; } /************************************************************************** RANDOM - compute a random number between 0 and 2147483647L or 2147483562? **************************************************************************/ int32_t random(void) { static int32_t seed = 0; int32_t q; if (!seed) /* Initialize linear congruential generator */ seed = currticks() + *(int32_t *)&arptable[ARP_CLIENT].node + ((int16_t *)arptable[ARP_CLIENT].node)[2]; /* simplified version of the LCG given in Bruce Schneier's "Applied Cryptography" */ q = seed/53668; if ((seed = 40014*(seed-53668*q) - 12211*q) < 0) seed += 2147483563L; return seed; } /************************************************************************** POLL INTERRUPTIONS **************************************************************************/ void poll_interruptions(void) { int ch; if ( ! as_main_program ) return; /* If an interruption has occured restart etherboot */ if (iskey() && (ch = getchar(), (ch == K_ESC) || (ch == K_EOF) || (ch == K_INTR))) { int state = (ch != K_INTR)? -1 : -3; longjmp(restart_etherboot, state); } } /************************************************************************** SLEEP **************************************************************************/ void sleep(int secs) { unsigned long tmo; for (tmo = currticks()+secs*TICKS_PER_SEC; currticks() < tmo; ) { poll_interruptions(); } } /************************************************************************** INTERRUPTIBLE SLEEP **************************************************************************/ void interruptible_sleep(int secs) { printf("\n"); return sleep(secs); } /************************************************************************** TWIDDLE **************************************************************************/ void twiddle(void) { #ifdef BAR_PROGRESS static int count=0; static const char tiddles[]="-\\|/"; static unsigned long lastticks = 0; unsigned long ticks; #endif if ( ! as_main_program ) return; #ifdef BAR_PROGRESS /* Limit the maximum rate at which characters are printed */ ticks = currticks(); if ((lastticks + (TICKS_PER_SEC/18)) > ticks) return; lastticks = ticks; putchar(tiddles[(count++)&3]); putchar('\b'); #else putchar('.'); #endif /* BAR_PROGRESS */ } /************************************************************************** STRCASECMP (not entirely correct, but this will do for our purposes) **************************************************************************/ int strcasecmp(const char *a, const char *b) { while (*a && *b && (*a & ~0x20) == (*b & ~0x20)) {a++; b++; } return((*a & ~0x20) - (*b & ~0x20)); } /************************************************************************** INET_ATON - Convert an ascii x.x.x.x to binary form **************************************************************************/ int inet_aton ( const char *cp, struct in_addr *inp ) { const char *p = cp; const char *digits_start; unsigned long ip = 0; unsigned long val; int j; for(j = 0; j <= 3; j++) { digits_start = p; val = strtoul(p, ( char ** ) &p, 10); if ((p == digits_start) || (val > 255)) return 0; if ( ( j < 3 ) && ( *(p++) != '.' ) ) return 0; ip = (ip << 8) | val; } if ( *p == '\0' ) { inp->s_addr = htonl(ip); return 1; } return 0; } unsigned long strtoul(const char *p, char **endp, int base) { unsigned long ret = 0; if (base != 10) return 0; while((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) { ret = ret*10 + (*p - '0'); p++; } if (endp) *endp = ( char * ) p; return(ret); } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 8 * End: */