#ifndef REGISTERS_H #define REGISTERS_H /** @file * * i386 registers. * * This file defines data structures that allow easy access to i386 * register dumps. * */ #include "compiler.h" /* for doxygen */ #include "stdint.h" /** * A 16-bit general register. * * This type encapsulates a 16-bit register such as %ax, %bx, %cx, * %dx, %si, %di, %bp or %sp. * */ typedef union { struct { union { uint8_t l; uint8_t byte; }; uint8_t h; } PACKED; uint16_t word; } PACKED reg16_t; /** * A 32-bit general register. * * This type encapsulates a 32-bit register such as %eax, %ebx, %ecx, * %edx, %esi, %edi, %ebp or %esp. * */ typedef union { struct { union { uint8_t l; uint8_t byte; }; uint8_t h; } PACKED; uint16_t word; uint32_t dword; } PACKED reg32_t; /** * A 32-bit general register dump. * * This is the data structure that is created on the stack by the @c * pushal instruction, and can be read back using the @c popal * instruction. * */ struct i386_regs { union { uint16_t di; uint32_t edi; }; union { uint16_t si; uint32_t esi; }; union { uint16_t bp; uint32_t ebp; }; union { uint16_t sp; uint32_t esp; }; union { struct { uint8_t bl; uint8_t bh; } PACKED; uint16_t bx; uint32_t ebx; }; union { struct { uint8_t dl; uint8_t dh; } PACKED; uint16_t dx; uint32_t edx; }; union { struct { uint8_t cl; uint8_t ch; } PACKED; uint16_t cx; uint32_t ecx; }; union { struct { uint8_t al; uint8_t ah; } PACKED; uint16_t ax; uint32_t eax; }; } PACKED; /** * A segment register dump. * * The i386 has no equivalent of the @c pushal or @c popal * instructions for the segment registers. We adopt the convention of * always using the sequences * * @code * * pushw %gs ; pushw %fs ; pushw %es ; pushw %ds ; pushw %ss ; pushw %cs * * @endcode * * and * * @code * * addw $4, %sp ; popw %ds ; popw %es ; popw %fs ; popw %gs * * @endcode * * This is the data structure that is created and read back by these * instruction sequences. * */ struct i386_seg_regs { uint16_t cs; uint16_t ss; uint16_t ds; uint16_t es; uint16_t fs; uint16_t gs; } PACKED; /** * A full register dump. * * This data structure is created by the instructions * * @code * * pushfl * pushal * pushw %gs ; pushw %fs ; pushw %es ; pushw %ds ; pushw %ss ; pushw %cs * * @endcode * * and can be read back using the instructions * * @code * * addw $4, %sp ; popw %ds ; popw %es ; popw %fs ; popw %gs * popal * popfl * * @endcode * * prot_call() and kir_call() create this data structure on the stack * and pass in a pointer to this structure. * */ struct i386_all_regs { struct i386_seg_regs segs; struct i386_regs regs; uint32_t flags; } PACKED; #endif /* REGISTERS_H */