#!ipxe # embedded ipxe script for netbooting echo Commencing network boot :dhcp dhcp net0 || goto dhcp colour --basic 9 4 colour --basic 6 1 :menu menu Choose your favourite netboot server: item --gap MAC Address: ${net0/mac} item --gap IP Address: ${net0/ip} item --gap Netmask: ${net0/netmask} item --gap Gateway: ${net0/gateway} item --gap DNS: ${net0/dns} item item localboot Boot from local disks item item stargazer Boot from tftp://stargazer.socialnerds.org item aecat Boot from https://boot.aec.at item netbootxyz Boot from https://boot.netboot.xyz item item advanced Advanced iPXE options choose --default stargazer --timeout 10000 target && goto ${target} goto menu :advanced menu Advanced iPXE options: item --gap MAC Address: ${net0/mac} item --gap IP Address: ${net0/ip} item --gap Netmask: ${net0/netmask} item --gap Gateway: ${net0/gateway} item --gap DNS: ${net0/dns} item item reboot Reboot system item exit Exit and continue local boot item dhcp Renew IP address item shell Drop to iPXE shell item settings Open settings dialog choose target && goto ${target} goto advanced :localboot echo Booting from local disks sleep 2 sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x80 || goto menu exit :aecat echo Booting from the Ars Electronica Netboot Server (https://boot.aec.at) sleep 2 set conn_type https chain --autofree https://boot.aec.at/menu.ipxe || echo HTTPS failed... attempting HTTP... set conn_type http chain --autofree http://boot.aec.at/menu.ipxe || goto menu exit :stargazer echo Booting from stargazer.socialnerds.org (tftp://${net0/gateway}/menu.ipxe) sleep 2 chain --autofree tftp://${net0/gateway}/menu.ipxe || goto menu exit :netbootxyz echo Booting from netboot.xyz (https://boot.netboot.xyz) sleep 2 set conn_type https chain --autofree https://boot.netboot.xyz/menu.ipxe || echo HTTPS failed... attempting HTTP... set conn_type http chain --autofree http://boot.netboot.xyz/menu.ipxe || goto menu exit :exit exit :config config || goto menu goto menu :reboot echo Rebooting system sleep 2 reboot :shell shell