/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Brown . * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** @file * * Option configuration console * */ #include extern struct nvo_block *ugly_nvo_hack; /* Colour pairs */ #define CPAIR_NORMAL 1 #define CPAIR_SELECT 2 #define CPAIR_EDIT 3 #define CPAIR_ALERT 4 /* Screen layout */ #define TITLE_ROW 1 #define SETTINGS_LIST_ROW 3 #define SETTINGS_LIST_COL 1 #define INFO_ROW 20 #define ALERT_ROW 20 #define INSTRUCTION_ROW 22 #define INSTRUCTION_PAD " " /** Layout of text within a setting widget */ struct setting_row { char start[0]; char pad1[1]; char name[15]; char pad2[1]; char value[60]; char pad3[1]; char nul; } __attribute__ (( packed )); /** A setting widget */ struct setting_widget { /** Configuration context */ struct config_context *context; /** Configuration setting */ struct config_setting *setting; /** Screen row */ unsigned int row; /** Screen column */ unsigned int col; /** Edit box widget used for editing setting */ struct edit_box editbox; /** Editing in progress flag */ int editing; /** Buffer for setting's value */ char value[256]; /* enough size for a DHCP string */ }; /** Registered configuration settings */ static struct config_setting config_settings[0] __table_start ( struct config_setting, config_settings ); static struct config_setting config_settings_end[0] __table_end ( struct config_setting, config_settings ); #define NUM_SETTINGS ( ( unsigned ) ( config_settings_end - config_settings ) ) /** * Load setting widget value from configuration context * * @v widget Setting widget * */ static void load_setting ( struct setting_widget *widget ) { /* Mark as not editing */ widget->editing = 0; /* Read current setting value */ if ( show_setting ( widget->context, widget->setting, widget->value, sizeof ( widget->value ) ) != 0 ) { widget->value[0] = '\0'; } /* Initialise edit box */ init_editbox ( &widget->editbox, widget->value, sizeof ( widget->value ), NULL, widget->row, ( widget->col + offsetof ( struct setting_row, value )), sizeof ( ( ( struct setting_row * ) NULL )->value ) ); } /** * Save setting widget value back to configuration context * * @v widget Setting widget */ static int save_setting ( struct setting_widget *widget ) { return set_setting ( widget->context, widget->setting, widget->value ); } /** * Initialise setting widget * * @v widget Setting widget * @v context Configuration context * @v setting Configuration setting * @v row Screen row * @v col Screen column */ static void init_setting ( struct setting_widget *widget, struct config_context *context, struct config_setting *setting, unsigned int row, unsigned int col ) { /* Initialise widget structure */ memset ( widget, 0, sizeof ( *widget ) ); widget->context = context; widget->setting = setting; widget->row = row; widget->col = col; /* Read current setting value */ load_setting ( widget ); } /** * Draw setting widget * * @v widget Setting widget */ static void draw_setting ( struct setting_widget *widget ) { struct setting_row row; unsigned int len; unsigned int curs_col; char *value; /* Fill row with spaces */ memset ( &row, ' ', sizeof ( row ) ); row.nul = '\0'; /* Construct dot-padded name */ memset ( row.name, '.', sizeof ( row.name ) ); len = strlen ( widget->setting->name ); if ( len > sizeof ( row.name ) ) len = sizeof ( row.name ); memcpy ( row.name, widget->setting->name, len ); /* Construct space-padded value */ value = widget->value; if ( ! *value ) value = ""; len = strlen ( value ); if ( len > sizeof ( row.value ) ) len = sizeof ( row.value ); memcpy ( row.value, value, len ); curs_col = ( widget->col + offsetof ( typeof ( row ), value ) + len ); /* Print row */ mvprintw ( widget->row, widget->col, "%s", row.start ); move ( widget->row, curs_col ); if ( widget->editing ) draw_editbox ( &widget->editbox ); } /** * Edit setting widget * * @v widget Setting widget * @v key Key pressed by user * @ret key Key returned to application, or zero */ static int edit_setting ( struct setting_widget *widget, int key ) { widget->editing = 1; return edit_editbox ( &widget->editbox, key ); } /** * Initialise setting widget by index * * @v widget Setting widget * @v context Configuration context * @v index Index of setting with settings list */ static void init_setting_index ( struct setting_widget *widget, struct config_context *context, unsigned int index ) { init_setting ( widget, context, &config_settings[index], ( SETTINGS_LIST_ROW + index ), SETTINGS_LIST_COL ); } /** * Print message centred on specified row * * @v row Row * @v fmt printf() format string * @v args printf() argument list */ static void vmsg ( unsigned int row, const char *fmt, va_list args ) { char buf[COLS]; size_t len; len = vsnprintf ( buf, sizeof ( buf ), fmt, args ); mvprintw ( row, ( ( COLS - len ) / 2 ), "%s", buf ); } /** * Print message centred on specified row * * @v row Row * @v fmt printf() format string * @v .. printf() arguments */ static void msg ( unsigned int row, const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list args; va_start ( args, fmt ); vmsg ( row, fmt, args ); va_end ( args ); } /** * Clear message on specified row * * @v row Row */ static void clearmsg ( unsigned int row ) { move ( row, 0 ); clrtoeol(); } /** * Print alert message * * @v fmt printf() format string * @v args printf() argument list */ static void valert ( const char *fmt, va_list args ) { clearmsg ( ALERT_ROW ); color_set ( CPAIR_ALERT, NULL ); vmsg ( ALERT_ROW, fmt, args ); sleep ( 2 ); color_set ( CPAIR_NORMAL, NULL ); clearmsg ( ALERT_ROW ); } /** * Print alert message * * @v fmt printf() format string * @v ... printf() arguments */ static void alert ( const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list args; va_start ( args, fmt ); valert ( fmt, args ); va_end ( args ); } /** * Draw title row */ static void draw_title_row ( void ) { attron ( A_BOLD ); msg ( TITLE_ROW, "gPXE option configuration console" ); attroff ( A_BOLD ); } /** * Draw information row * * @v setting Current configuration setting */ static void draw_info_row ( struct config_setting *setting ) { clearmsg ( INFO_ROW ); attron ( A_BOLD ); msg ( INFO_ROW, "%s (%s) - %s", setting->name, setting->type->description, setting->description ); attroff ( A_BOLD ); } /** * Draw instruction row * * @v editing Editing in progress flag */ static void draw_instruction_row ( int editing ) { clearmsg ( INSTRUCTION_ROW ); if ( editing ) { msg ( INSTRUCTION_ROW, "Enter - accept changes" INSTRUCTION_PAD "Ctrl-C - discard changes" ); } else { msg ( INSTRUCTION_ROW, "Ctrl-S - save configuration" ); } } static int main_loop ( struct config_context *context ) { struct setting_widget widget; unsigned int current = 0; unsigned int next; int i; int key; int rc; /* Print initial screen content */ draw_title_row(); color_set ( CPAIR_NORMAL, NULL ); for ( i = ( NUM_SETTINGS - 1 ) ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) { init_setting_index ( &widget, context, i ); draw_setting ( &widget ); } while ( 1 ) { /* Redraw information and instruction rows */ draw_info_row ( widget.setting ); draw_instruction_row ( widget.editing ); /* Redraw current setting */ color_set ( ( widget.editing ? CPAIR_EDIT : CPAIR_SELECT ), NULL ); draw_setting ( &widget ); color_set ( CPAIR_NORMAL, NULL ); key = getkey(); if ( widget.editing ) { key = edit_setting ( &widget, key ); switch ( key ) { case CR: case LF: if ( ( rc = save_setting ( &widget ) ) != 0 ) { alert ( " Could not set %s: %s ", widget.setting->name, strerror ( rc ) ); } /* Fall through */ case CTRL_C: load_setting ( &widget ); break; default: /* Do nothing */ break; } } else { next = current; switch ( key ) { case KEY_DOWN: if ( next < ( NUM_SETTINGS - 1 ) ) next++; break; case KEY_UP: if ( next > 0 ) next--; break; case CTRL_S: if ( ( rc = nvo_save ( ugly_nvo_hack ) ) != 0){ alert ( " Could not save options: %s ", strerror ( rc ) ); } return rc; default: edit_setting ( &widget, key ); break; } if ( next != current ) { draw_setting ( &widget ); init_setting_index ( &widget, context, next ); current = next; } } } } int settings_ui ( struct config_context *context ) { int rc; initscr(); start_color(); init_pair ( CPAIR_NORMAL, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE ); init_pair ( CPAIR_SELECT, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED ); init_pair ( CPAIR_EDIT, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_CYAN ); init_pair ( CPAIR_ALERT, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED ); color_set ( CPAIR_NORMAL, NULL ); erase(); rc = main_loop ( context ); endwin(); return rc; }