#ifndef VSPRINTF_H #define VSPRINTF_H /** @file * * printf and friends. * * Etherboot's printf() functions understand the following format * specifiers: * * - Hexadecimal integers * - @c %[#]x - 4 bytes int (8 hex digits, lower case) * - @c %[#]X - 4 bytes int (8 hex digits, upper case) * - @c %[#]lx - 8 bytes long (16 hex digits, lower case) * - @c %[#]lX - 8 bytes long (16 hex digits, upper case) * - @c %[#]hx - 2 bytes int (4 hex digits, lower case) * - @c %[#]hX - 2 bytes int (4 hex digits, upper case) * - @c %[#]hhx - 1 byte int (2 hex digits, lower case) * - @c %[#]hhX - 1 byte int (2 hex digits, upper case) * . * If the optional # prefix is specified, the output will * be prefixed with 0x (or 0X). * * - Other integers * - @c %d - decimal int * . * Note that any width specification (e.g. the @c 02 in @c %02x) * will be accepted but ignored. * * - Strings and characters * - @c %c - char * - @c %s - string * - @c %m - error message text (i.e. strerror(errno)) * * - Etherboot-specific specifiers * - @c %@ - IP address in ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd notation * - @c %! - MAC address in xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx notation * * * @note Unfortunately, we cannot use __attribute__ (( format ( * printf, ... ) )) to get automatic type checking on arguments, * because we use non-standard format characters such as @c %! and * @c %@. * */ #include #define PRINTF_NO_LENGTH ( ( size_t ) -1 ) extern int vsnprintf ( char *buf, size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list args ); extern int vprintf ( const char *fmt, va_list args ); extern int __attribute__ (( format ( printf, 3, 4 ) )) snprintf ( char *buf, size_t size, const char *fmt, ... ); extern int __attribute__ (( format ( printf, 1, 2 ) )) printf ( const char *fmt, ... ); /** * Write a formatted string to a buffer * * @v buf Buffer into which to write the string * @v fmt Format string * @v ... Arguments corresponding to the format string * @ret len Length of formatted string */ #define sprintf( buf, fmt, ... ) \ snprintf ( (buf), PRINTF_NO_LENGTH, (fmt), ## __VA_ARGS__ ) /** * Write a formatted string to a buffer * * @v buf Buffer into which to write the string * @v fmt Format string * @v args Arguments corresponding to the format string * @ret len Length of formatted string */ static inline int vsprintf ( char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list args ) { return vsnprintf ( buf, PRINTF_NO_LENGTH, fmt, args ); } #endif /* VSPRINTF_H */