Fork 0

[librm] Transition to protected mode within init_librm()

Long-mode operation will require page tables, which are too large to
sensibly fit in our .data16 segment in base memory.

Add a portion of init_librm() running in 32-bit protected mode to
provide access to high memory.  Use this portion of init_librm() to
initialise the .textdata variables "virt_offset", "text16", and
"data16", eliminating the redundant (re)initialisation currently
performed on every mode transition as part of real_to_prot().

Signed-off-by: Michael Brown <mcb30@ipxe.org>
This commit is contained in:
Michael Brown 2016-02-19 00:56:20 +00:00
parent 31b5c2e753
commit 6eb1c927a3
2 changed files with 127 additions and 107 deletions

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@ -14,10 +14,7 @@ FILE_LICENCE ( GPL2_OR_LATER_OR_UBDL );
#define PHYSICAL_DS 0x20
#define REAL_CS 0x28
#define REAL_DS 0x30
#if 0
#define LONG_CS 0x38
#define LONG_DS 0x40
#define P2R_DS 0x38

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@ -70,14 +70,96 @@ real_cs: /* 16 bit real mode code segment */
.word 0xffff, 0
.byte 0, 0x9b, 0x00, 0
.org gdt + REAL_DS
.org gdt + REAL_DS, 0
real_ds: /* 16 bit real mode data segment */
.word 0xffff, ( REAL_DS << 4 )
.word 0xffff, 0
.byte 0, 0x93, 0x00, 0
.org gdt + P2R_DS, 0
p2r_ds: /* 16 bit real mode data segment for prot_to_real transition */
.word 0xffff, ( P2R_DS << 4 )
.byte 0, 0x93, 0x00, 0
.equ gdt_length, gdt_end - gdt
* Stored real-mode and protected-mode stack pointers
* The real-mode stack pointer is stored here whenever real_to_prot
* is called and restored whenever prot_to_real is called. The
* converse happens for the protected-mode stack pointer.
* Despite initial appearances this scheme is, in fact re-entrant,
* because program flow dictates that we always return via the point
* we left by. For example:
* PXE API call entry
* 1 real => prot
* ...
* Print a text string
* ...
* 2 prot => real
* INT 10
* 3 real => prot
* ...
* ...
* 4 prot => real
* PXE API call exit
* At point 1, the RM mode stack value, say RPXE, is stored in
* rm_ss,sp. We want this value to still be present in rm_ss,sp when
* we reach point 4.
* At point 2, the RM stack value is restored from RPXE. At point 3,
* the RM stack value is again stored in rm_ss,sp. This *does*
* overwrite the RPXE that we have stored there, but it's the same
* value, since the code between points 2 and 3 has managed to return
* to us.
.section ".bss.rm_sp", "aw", @nobits
.globl rm_sp
rm_sp: .word 0
.section ".bss.rm_ss", "aw", @nobits
.globl rm_ss
rm_ss: .word 0
.section ".data.pm_esp", "aw", @progbits
pm_esp: .long _estack
* Virtual address offsets
* These are used by the protected-mode code to map between virtual
* and physical addresses, and to access variables in the .text16 or
* .data16 segments.
.struct 0
VA_VIRT_OFFSET: .space 4
VA_TEXT16: .space 4
VA_DATA16: .space 4
/* Internal copies, used only by librm itself */
.section ".bss16.rm_virt_addrs", "aw", @nobits
rm_virt_addrs: .space VA_SIZE
.equ rm_virt_offset, ( rm_virt_addrs + VA_VIRT_OFFSET )
.equ rm_text16, ( rm_virt_addrs + VA_TEXT16 )
.equ rm_data16, ( rm_virt_addrs + VA_DATA16 )
/* Externally visible variables, used by C code */
.section ".bss.virt_addrs", "aw", @nobits
virt_addrs: .space VA_SIZE
.globl virt_offset
.equ virt_offset, ( virt_addrs + VA_VIRT_OFFSET )
.globl text16
.equ text16, ( virt_addrs + VA_TEXT16 )
.globl data16
.equ data16, ( virt_addrs + VA_DATA16 )
* init_librm (real-mode far call, 16-bit real-mode far return address)
@ -96,45 +178,65 @@ init_librm:
/* Preserve registers */
pushl %eax
pushl %ebx
pushl %edi
/* Store virt_offset and set up virtual_cs and virtual_ds segments */
/* Store rm_virt_offset and set up virtual_cs and virtual_ds segments */
movl %edi, rm_virt_offset
movl %edi, %eax
movw $virtual_cs, %bx
call set_seg_base
movw $virtual_ds, %bx
call set_seg_base
movl %edi, rm_virt_offset
call set_seg_base
/* Negate virt_offset */
negl %edi
/* Store rm_cs and text16, set up real_cs segment */
/* Store rm_cs and rm_text16, set up real_cs segment */
xorl %eax, %eax
movw %cs, %ax
movw %ax, %cs:rm_cs
shll $4, %eax
movw $real_cs, %bx
call set_seg_base
addr32 leal (%eax, %edi), %ebx
movl %ebx, rm_text16
subl %edi, %eax
movl %eax, rm_text16
/* Store rm_ds and data16 */
/* Store rm_ds and rm_data16, set up real_ds segment and GDT base */
xorl %eax, %eax
movw %ds, %ax
movw %ax, %cs:rm_ds
shll $4, %eax
addr32 leal (%eax, %edi), %ebx
movl %ebx, rm_data16
/* Set GDT base */
movw $real_ds, %bx
call set_seg_base
movl %eax, gdt_base
addl $gdt, gdt_base
subl %edi, %eax
movl %eax, rm_data16
/* Switch to protected mode */
virtcall init_librm_pmode
.section ".text.init_librm", "ax", @progbits
/* Store virt_offset, text16, and data16 */
pushw %ds
movw $REAL_DS, %ax
movw %ax, %ds
movl $rm_virt_addrs, %esi
movl $virt_addrs, %edi
movl $( VA_SIZE / 4 ), %ecx
rep movsl
popw %ds
/* Return to real mode */
.section ".text16.init_librm", "ax", @progbits
/* Initialise IDT */
virtcall init_idt
/* Restore registers */
negl %edi
popl %edi
popl %ebx
popl %eax
@ -177,16 +279,10 @@ real_to_prot:
1: jc 1b
/* Make sure we have our data segment available */
movw %cs:rm_ds, %ax
movw %ax, %ds
movw %cs:rm_ds, %ds
/* Add virt_offset, text16 and data16 to stack to be
* copied, and also copy the return address.
pushl rm_virt_offset
pushl rm_text16
pushl rm_data16
addw $16, %cx /* %ecx must be less than 64kB anyway */
/* Add protected-mode return address to length of data to be copied */
addw $4, %cx /* %ecx must be less than 64kB anyway */
/* Real-mode %ss:%sp => %ebp:%edx and virtual address => %esi */
xorl %ebp, %ebp
@ -242,11 +338,6 @@ r2p_pmode:
movl %esp, %edi
rep movsb
/* Publish virt_offset, text16 and data16 for PM code to use */
popl data16
popl text16
popl virt_offset
/* Return to virtual address */
@ -284,7 +375,7 @@ prot_to_real:
/* Add return address to data to be moved to RM stack */
addl $4, %ecx
/* Real-mode %ss:sp => %ebp:edx and virtual address => %edi */
movzwl rm_ss, %ebp
movzwl rm_sp, %edx
@ -293,16 +384,16 @@ prot_to_real:
shll $4, %eax
leal (%eax,%edx), %edi
subl virt_offset, %edi
/* Move data from PM stack to RM stack */
movl %esp, %esi
rep movsb
/* Record protected-mode %esp (after removal of data) */
movl %esi, pm_esp
/* Load real-mode segment limits */
movw $REAL_DS, %ax
movw $P2R_DS, %ax
movw %ax, %ds
movw %ax, %es
movw %ax, %fs
@ -604,71 +695,3 @@ interrupt_wrapper:
/* Restore registers and return */
* Stored real-mode and protected-mode stack pointers
* The real-mode stack pointer is stored here whenever real_to_prot
* is called and restored whenever prot_to_real is called. The
* converse happens for the protected-mode stack pointer.
* Despite initial appearances this scheme is, in fact re-entrant,
* because program flow dictates that we always return via the point
* we left by. For example:
* PXE API call entry
* 1 real => prot
* ...
* Print a text string
* ...
* 2 prot => real
* INT 10
* 3 real => prot
* ...
* ...
* 4 prot => real
* PXE API call exit
* At point 1, the RM mode stack value, say RPXE, is stored in
* rm_ss,sp. We want this value to still be present in rm_ss,sp when
* we reach point 4.
* At point 2, the RM stack value is restored from RPXE. At point 3,
* the RM stack value is again stored in rm_ss,sp. This *does*
* overwrite the RPXE that we have stored there, but it's the same
* value, since the code between points 2 and 3 has managed to return
* to us.
.section ".bss.rm_sp", "aw", @nobits
.globl rm_sp
rm_sp: .word 0
.section ".bss.rm_ss", "aw", @nobits
.globl rm_ss
rm_ss: .word 0
.section ".data.pm_esp", "aw", @progbits
pm_esp: .long _estack
* Virtual address offsets
* These are used by the protected-mode code to map between virtual
* and physical addresses, and to access variables in the .text16 or
* .data16 segments.
/* Internal copies, created by init_librm (which runs in real mode) */
.section ".bss16.rm_virt_offset", "aw", @nobits
rm_virt_offset: .long 0
rm_text16: .long 0
rm_data16: .long 0
/* Externally-visible copies, created by real_to_prot */
.section ".bss.virt_offset", "aw", @nobits
.globl virt_offset
virt_offset: .long 0
.globl text16
text16: .long 0
.globl data16
data16: .long 0