# dpinger-container Multi-arch Docker image for [dpinger](https://github.com/dennypage/dpinger) with [ntfy.sh](https://ntfy.sh) integration. The image is based off of `alpine:latest`. ## Usage Using this image with `docker run` directly: ``` docker run --rm -it -e NTFY_URL=https://ntfy.sh/test \ git.socialnerds.org/david/dpinger-container:latest \ -i -L 15 -D 80 ``` or with `docker compose`: ``` version: "3.7" services: dpinger-container: image: git.socialnerds.org/david/dpinger-container:latest command: -i -L 15 -D 80 restart: unless-stopped environment: - NTFY_URL=https://ntfy.sh/test ``` For more information check out the documentation of the [dpinger project on Github](https://github.com/dennypage/dpinger).